


#后垃圾摇滚 #流行摇滚 #另类摇滚
United States of America 美国



外 文 名 Hoobastank

主    唱 Douglas Robb

吉 他 手 Daniel Estrin

贝 斯 手 Markku Lappalainen (已退出)

鼓    手 Chris Hesse

类    型 乐队组合

国    籍 美国

代表作品 Just One、Crawling in the dark


Hoobastank,一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的后Grunge乐队,成立于1995年,首张同名专辑没有让他们红起来,直到《The Reason》的推出,该专辑发行四个半月后就位居排行榜三甲,他的知名度从此飞速上扬。说真的现在已经很少像这样类型的团体冲到排行榜,毕竟现在已不是摇滚乐流行的年代,普遍充斥的饶舌和R&B占据所有人的视听,那一直不停碎碎念的歌真像魔音穿脑哩!


Hoobastank,一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的后Grunge乐队,成立于1995年,首张同名专辑没有让他们红起来,直到《The Reason》的推出,该专辑发行四个半月后就位居排行榜三甲,他的知名度从此飞速上扬。说真的现在已经很少像这样类型的团体冲到排行榜,毕竟现在已不是摇滚乐流行的年代,普遍充斥的饶舌和R&B占据所有人的视听,那一直不停碎碎念的歌真像魔音穿脑哩!当饶舌摇滚乐如火如荼发酵时,Hoobastank 不为所动的走自己的路,这样的独特差异果然吸引众多乐迷,更轰动整个美国西岸俱乐部。98年该团自掏腰包发行首张专辑《they sure don't make basketball short like they used to》,不论是在演出后贩卖或当地零售店里都很畅销,透过网络的无国界效应,喜欢他们的乐迷甚至远及英国、以色列、俄罗斯、或巴西,才短短几个月唱片已卖个精光!与主流名厂ISLAND签约推出首张同名专辑《Hoobastank》,由 jim wirt〈incubus/重击合唱团、fiona apple/费欧娜艾波〉制作,jay baumgardner 混音,让已厌倦千篇一律饶舌摇滚乐的人重享美好的旋律共鸣。

乐队早在1994年成立于洛杉矶附近的 Agoura Hill 郊区,当时 Douglas Robb 与 Dan Estrin 分别效力于两支不同的乐队,一场比赛把他们紧密地联系在一起,可谓不打不相识,从此两人惺惺相吸尝试合作,随后索性离开原来的乐队另起炉灶。贝斯手 Markku Lappalainen 与鼓手 Chris Hesse 加入后,急速催化了他们闯荡乐坛的伟大构想,从此意味着 Hoobastank 正式上路。当四个成员还在读高中时,就已经灵感喷涌了。在成名的过程中,他们变得严谨。细心的Estrin和Robb窝在家里的录音室里,一遍遍的调整小样,努力使专辑The Reason中的歌同时具有硬朗的摇滚震撼力和唯美精致的旋律。Robb补充道:“重的更重,柔的更柔。如果首张专辑采取中间路线,那么The Reason则亦柔亦刚。”

Estrin开玩笑说:“有些歌起初当我创作时也许很烂,然后Doug拿走他们并使他们变得……更烂。”撇开这个玩笑不谈,The Reason得益于制作人Howard Benson (P.O.D,),他强调整体。“Howard注重歌词、旋律和结构,而不是独立的部分。”Robb解释道。专辑的第一支单曲“Out of Control”显示了四个小伙子更大的野心和勇气。这首歌是乐队为这张唱片录制的最后一首,是在乐队认为他们已经完成了整张专辑之后写成的,涉及到了这张专辑的主题。“有几首歌是关于宗教和我对宗教的缺乏兴趣,”Robb说,“许多首歌向人们耳闻目睹的事提出疑问,并不是完全关于宗教的。‘Out of Control’便基于此,它讲述了在因为献身于某事而被蒙蔽后看清真相的过程。比如说,一个人全心全意致力于工作,却以迷茫困惑告终,或者说,失去控制(Out of Control)。”The Reason不缺正宗的摇滚作品,有着疾驰激烈的吉他和高钩音的‘Just One’、冲击力十足的‘Same Direction’和近乎宏伟的‘Disappear’,可以摇滚的内容很多。也有柔情些的作品,像深情的‘The Reason’,这首歌最明显的特征是循环反复的琶音和Robb挥之不去萦绕于心的声线,是首致歉爱人的情歌,他们现在已很少写这种歌了。他们还重新诠释了Rod Stewart的‘Do Ya Think I'm Sexy’,但没有多大突破。原先这首歌要被收入影片《杜斯-比格洛》(又译《哈啦猛男秀》)的原声带中,但我们想给它找个更好的归宿,也许会收入续集——《舞男杜斯》的原声带中。

很多听众是从《The Reason》开始认识Hoobastank的,殊不知这已经是他们的第二张专辑了。乐队早在1994年成立于洛杉矶附近的Agoura Hill郊区,当时Douglas Robb与Dan Estrin分别效力于两支不同的乐队,一场比赛把他们紧密地联系在一起,可谓不打不相识,从此两人惺惺相吸并开始尝试合作,随后索性离开原来的乐队另起炉灶。贝斯手Markku Lappalainen与鼓手Chris Hesse加入后,急速催化了他们闯荡乐坛的伟大构想,从此意味着Hoobastank正式上路。

“在我的生命中音乐扮演着重要的角色,远比其他别的东西更加有吸引力,我也不清楚为什么会这样”,Douglas缓慢地吐露着自己的心声,“当我遇到Dan的时候终于清楚地意识到自己想要做些什么,或者说我能够做些什么,我从14岁开始弹吉他,然后还弹过一段贝斯,我总在追逐更好的东西,也许是一种更好的生存状态吧!” Hoobastank的那些歌仿佛有种无形的力量,看不见摸不着可又让人觉得很塌实。

吉他手Dan是位不折不扣的乐迷,他出生在洛杉矶附近一个名叫Calabasas的小镇,用他自己的话说那里什么都没有,最廉价的娱乐方式就是和朋友们聊音乐打发时间。“在我成长的过程中听了很多70、80年代的老歌,当然这些都得益于我的父母,我有大量的唱片收藏(不是CD或磁带,而是真正的黑胶唱片),我总是习惯一个人在屋子里听音乐”。当他12岁左右的时候买了第一张专辑,枪炮玫瑰的《appetite for destruction》,从此一生就这样被改写了,打那以后他开始弹吉他,然后弹贝斯、打鼓。“在学校那会儿开始和周围的朋友一起玩音乐,乐队里有些比较年轻的,当然也有些相对成熟的,他们介绍我听fugazi、red hot chili pepper什么的,大约在我14岁的时候开始了演出生涯,想起来当年台下大概有400、500人左右吧,也许当时我还有点儿恐惧,不过由始至终对我来说,唯一想做的事儿就是音乐”。


They Sure Don't Make Basketball Shorts Like They Used To(1998)


The Reason(2003)


If I Were You(2006)

Every Man For Himself(2006)


Is This the Day(Acoustic Best)(2010)

Hoobastank: Live From The Wiltern(2012)

Fight or Flight(2012)

乐队在2016年9月3日将在俄亥俄州Chillicothe的Hillbilly HotRodz活动上演出。10月将赴厄瓜多尔Quito的Nova Sonic Festival演出。

Hoobastank (often stylized as h∞bastank) is an American rock band, formed in 1994 in Agoura Hills, California with lead singer Doug Robb, guitarist Dan Estrin, drummer Chris Hesse, and original bassist Markku Lappalainen. They were signed to Island Records from 2001 to 2012 and have released five albums and one extended play to date. Their sixth studio album, ‘Fight or Flight,’ was released on September 11, 2012. They have sold 10 million albums worldwide. The band is best known for their singles "Crawling in the Dark", "Running Away", and "The Reason".

Vocalist Doug Robb had known guitarist Dan Estrin for some time before competing against him in a high school battle of the bands competition and subsequently, they decided to form a band.They then recruited Markku Lappalainen and Chris Hesse to form Hoobastank.

Hoobastank started playing gigs at the local venue Cobalt Cafe along with Incubus and others. They recorded their first full-length self-released album in 1998 called ‘They Sure Don't Make Basketball Shorts Like They Used To’. It featured an unusual saxophone section headed by Jeremy Wasser, who executive produced the album and recorded the Summer Romance saxophone solo on Incubus' ‘S.C.I.E.N.C.E’. album. The Incubus connections continued with Fourth Street Recording's music producer Jim Wirt and logos and visual design by Brett Spivey.

By this stage, Hoobastank had developed a strong reputation in Southern California. This attracted interest from Island Records, who subsequently signed the band in 2000. At the time of signing, the band had completed a second full-length album, titled ‘Forward’, also featuring Jeremy Wasser, however the band felt that the direction they were heading in would work best without a sax, so Wasser departed the band and the album was shelved. A few tracks were rerecorded for release on the band's self-titled 2001 release. The original recordings from the ‘Forward’ sessions made their way to the Internet via peer to peer sites in late 2001.

Hoobastank released its self-titled debut album in November 2001. The first single was "Crawling in the Dark" which was a breakthrough hit, reaching No. 68 on the ‘Billboard’ Hot 100, No. 3 on the Modern Rock chart, No. 7 on the Mainstream Rock chart and No. 1 on an MP3.com download chart in early 2002. Also, the song was featured in the 2002 inline skating game, ‘Aggressive Inline’, appearing on the Xbox, PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and GameCube consoles. The second single "Running Away" was even more successful, reaching No. 44 on the ‘Billboard’ Hot 100, No. 2 on the Modern Rock chart, No. 9 on the Mainstream Rock chart and No. 3 on the MP3.com download chart. The Hoobastank album went Platinum due to these hit singles and reached No. 25 on the ‘Billboard’ 200 album charts and No. 1 on the ‘Billboard’ Heatseeker chart.

In early 2003, in Myanmar the group contributed the song "Right Before Your Eyes" to ‘Daredevil: The Album’. The band then entered the studio with producer Howard Benson. Recording was disrupted for a month when Dan Estrin was seriously injured in a minibike accident in August. Estrin had recovered by October and the band headed off on a Nokia Unwired Tour with The All-American Rejects and Ozomatli in November.Their second album ‘The Reason’ was released in December 2003.

The title track was released as a single in the first half of 2004. It became a hit, reaching No. 2 on the ‘Billboard’ Hot 100, No. 1 on the US and World Modern Rock charts, No. 10 in Australia, No. 12 in the United Kingdom and No. 15 in Germany. The song was also played during the final episode of ‘Friends’. In Canada, it spent 21 weeks at the top, setting a new record for most weeks at No. 1. Meanwhile, in the United States, the album reached No. 3 on the ‘Billboard’ 200 album chart.

The band's international profile was increased by a support slot on Linkin Park's ‘Meteora’ world tour in early 2004.

Their third album ‘Every Man for Himself’ was released in May 2006 and debuted at No. 12 on the ‘Billboard’ chart. Three singles, "If I Were You", "Inside of You", and "Born to Lead", were released. Another single, "If Only", was planned to be released but was canceled for unknown reasons, possibly because of the low chart achievements of the first three singles. Despite this, the album has been certified Gold in the United States.

On a 2005 co-headlining tour with Velvet Revolver, the band received a chilly reception from some audiences and rumors of a feud between Robb and Velvet Revolver frontman Scott Weiland were soon filling Internet message boards. "If I Were You" from ‘Every Man for Himself’ addressed the whole affair.Robb later said in an interview with MTV News online that he has nothing against Scott Weiland or any other member of Velvet Revolver.

In October 2007, Robb posted on the official Hoobastank message boards and said that they have "set the bar very very high for this next CD" and that they have "more ideas going into this CD than ever before". On June 2, 2008, Robb posted an update on their temporary website, announcing that the recording process of their upcoming album was almost done and to expect a release date within a couple of weeks.

The first single from the album, "My Turn", premiered on radio October 13, 2008. The album ‘Fornever’ was released on January 27, 2009, as announced by Doug Robb in a blog entry on the band's official website. The song was featured as the theme song for TNA Wrestling's Destination X 2009 Pay Per View.

On April 20, 2010, a Vanessa Amorosi fan website revealed details of a collaboration between Hoobastank and the Australian singer, a duet version of "The Letter". On August 5, it was confirmed that there was another version of the song on Universal International. This one was a duet between Hoobastank and the American-Japanese singer, lyricist, actress and model Anna Tsuchiya.

Doug Robb provided vocals for Apocalyptica's single release "Not Strong Enough" on January 18, 2011.

On April 5, 2012, the band announced on Twitter that their new album's name was to be titled ‘Fight or Flight’. The album was released September 11, 2012.

To promote the album, two more singles, "Can You Save Me?" and "Incomplete", accompanied by a touring music video and a lyric video respectively, were released.

They will perform at “Hillbilly HotRodz” in Chillicothe,OH on September 3,2016.And then fly to Ecuador to join Nova Sonic Festival.

