


#当代乡村 #乡村流行 #欧美流行
United States of America 美国


艺人档案 性 别:女    身 高:180cm    鞋 码:约38码    体 重:约56kg    发 色:金黄色(卷发)    瞳 孔:蓝色    歌手类型:创作型歌手    歌手流派:流行 / 电子流行 / 乡村 / 乡村流行 / 独立民谣    职 业:创作歌手 / 音乐制作人 / 慈善家 / 导演 / 演员  乐 器:钢琴 / 吉他 / 电吉他 / 班卓琴 / 乌克丽丽 / 鼓 唱片公司:Republic Records / 环球唱片  家 人:爸爸-Scott Swift / 妈妈-Andrea Swift / 弟弟-Austin Swift 出 生 地:宾夕法尼亚州 雷丁   出生时间:1989-12-13 现 居 地:美国田纳西州纳什维尔 / 美国纽约州纽约市    艺人简介 2006年冬天,乡村女歌手泰勒史薇芙特(Taylor Swift,以下简称TS)推出她的首支单曲,以当红乡村巨星提姆麦克罗(Tim McGraw)的名字当作标题,引起广大的注意,也打进了乡村排行前十名。看到这样一个标题,也许很多人都会直觉的以为那是一首歌颂提姆麦克罗的作品,事实上,提姆麦克罗的名字在这里只是被当作一段爱情故事里面的「书签」,唱歌的女孩子告诉心上人,当你想到提姆麦克罗的时候,我希望你想到我最喜爱的歌曲,我希望你想到我。令人惊奇的是,TS不但是歌曲的作者,她首张同名专辑里面的所有歌曲也都是她亲自参与谱写的,而当时她才十五岁。在乡村歌坛的历史上,我们曾经陆续看到过好些大放异彩的少女歌手:谭妮雅塔克(Tanya Tucker)唱红「Delta Dawn」的时候,才十三岁,玛莉奥斯蒙(Marie Osmond)以「Paper Roses」成名的时候,也是十三岁,而黎安莱姆丝(LeAnn Rimes)以「Blue」首度造成轰动的时候,同样也是十三岁。比较起来,TS的崛起似乎稍微晚了一点点,但是跟几位「前辈」们不同的是,她不必仰赖别人来帮她作曲,不但能唱,更以「创作歌手」的姿态出现,展现了相当成熟的创作才华,因此前途是非常被看好的。 由于外婆曾经是个专业的歌剧演员,她从小爱上了音乐,特别是乡村,年方十岁就开始在家乡一带到处表演,参加卡拉OK歌唱比赛,并且在各项庆典活动中赢得大众的喝采。十二岁那年,她开始苦练吉他,每天至少四个小时,经常弹到手指破皮流血,同时开始尝试作曲,决心进入歌坛。父母发现她的才华与毅力,给予全力支持,多次带着她前往纳许维尔,让她以各种方式曝光,后来甚至迁居纳许维尔附近的城市。有一天,她在当地一家餐馆表演的时候,引起一位资深唱片业者史考特波尔凯达(Scott Borchetta)的注意。原本服务于「梦工厂」唱片部门的波尔凯达,当时刚刚自立门户,跟乡村巨星托比凯斯(Toby Keith)共同成立了一家独立品牌「Big Machine」,正在物色新人,于是决定把十五岁的TS签下来,成为该公司旗下第一位歌手。在获得唱片合约之前,她其实已经凭着创作的才华,得到SONY机构乐曲出版公司的合约,不过为了协助她做出更成熟的表现,公司安排了几位不会因为她的年龄而予以轻忽、愿意倾听她的作品、进而给予指导的专业作家跟她合作。 在波尔凯达的协助之下,TS开始进行首张专辑的录制。对于她来说,这是相当辛苦的,因为她毕竟还是个学生,希望努力维持一贯的好成绩。但是,她却相当巧妙的找到「歌手」与「学生」这两种身份之间的平衡点。不过,她也坦承,由于脑海中经常有着各种构想,有时候课程上到一半,灵感会突然涌现,使得自己无法专心听课,甚至担心老师会忽然决定抽查大家的笔记本,被发现上面写满了很多并非上课内容的文字。还好,这个情形并没有发生过。就这样,她生动的把一个青春期少女的生活化为歌曲,完成了首张同名专辑。在她的成长过程中,提姆麦克罗是对她影响最大的艺人,因此她在专辑一开始,就唱出「Tim McGraw」,不过她并没有直接的歌颂自己的偶像,只是很有技巧的在这首动人的情歌中指出,音乐可以勾起许多美好的回忆,但愿心上人想到提姆麦克罗的时候,想到她最喜欢、两人经常一起听着跳舞的那首歌。在「Picture to Burn」里面,她以摇滚的节奏唱出「要爱对人」的倔强与幽默:她发现男友超级自恋,决定分手。「你可以告诉你的死党说我疯了,没关系,我也可以跟我的朋友们说你是个男同志,还有,顺便告诉你,我讨厌你那辆破车,你是个讨厌鬼,老是在说谎。现在我不玩了,对我来说,你只不过是另外一张可以烧掉的照片!」 我们必须承认,跟谭妮雅塔克、玛莉奥斯蒙或黎安莱姆丝比较起来,TS的歌喉似乎不是那么早熟,甚至还带有些许小女孩的甜美,但她以相当成熟的创作技巧弥补了一切,风格有些类似早期的雪瑞儿可洛(Sheryl Crow)或米歇尔布兰琪(Michelle Branch)。可是,话又说回来,尽管她在创作方面的表现相当超龄,她却没有不自量力的探讨自己有限的生活体验之外的内容,绝大多数歌曲都是自己所熟悉的题材,生动的描绘着青春期的喜怒哀乐,甚至在CD内页文案中,亲自为每一首歌曲做出「眉批」,告诉大家歌曲真正的精神。在「Teardrops on My Guitar」里面,主题是「他永远不会知道」,唱歌的女孩子面对心仪的男孩,努力的装出笑容。男孩兴奋的谈起自己喜欢的一个女孩子有多么美,很高兴自己终于找到一份真爱,却不知道眼前的这个「好朋友」内心正在淌血,因为女孩知道自己根本不具备那些「条件」,只能偷偷的把眼泪滴在自己的吉他上。在「A Place In This World」中,她是一个对前途一片茫然的女孩,还不知道自己究竟想要追寻些什么,尽管她很清楚有很多人都跟她一样,但是此刻她却感觉无比的孤独。而无论如何,她会让自己坚强起来,因为生命总是要过下去的,而她决心要找到一个属于自己的地方。这个题材或许很「年轻」,TS的表现技巧却是非常成熟的。 「该是放弃的时候了」这个主题,化成了「Cold As You」,她爱上了一个只晓得予取予求、却从来不知道付出的男孩,每一次约会的最后,都让她无比伤感,现在她终于想清楚了,自己从来没有到过任何跟那个男孩一样冰冷的地方,在痛楚之中,决定斩断这份永远不会有结果的感情。跟着出现的「The Outside」,是另外一种叹息。她爱上一个似乎没有太多「不良纪录」的男孩,但是一连几次的挫折,让她几乎无法承受,因为当对方根本拒绝敞开胸怀来接受她的时候,她还能怎样呢?身为一个寂寞的「局外人」,那种感觉可不是很美妙的,她只希望对方能够知道,「外面」有个人在关心他。到了「Tied Together With A Smile」,TS唱出一种许多缺乏自信的人心中的寂寞,但是她也告诉大家,你必须学会坚强起来、多爱自己一些,不要在乎别人怎么想。以一个写这首歌的时候才十五岁的少女来说,这样的聪明睿智与成熟,确实是比较少见的。 TS对感情的早熟,在「Stay Beautiful」里面发挥得淋漓尽致。她爱上了一个无论是内在或外表都非常优秀的男孩,事实上,学校里的几乎所有女孩也都盼望着能够得到那个男孩的青睐。TS很希望自己成为那个「幸运儿」,但是尽管自己最后不见得一定能够如愿,她仍然盼望男孩继续保持着原先的美好。接着,「Should've Said No」带来另外一种哲学,一个男孩希望重修旧好,但是TS拒绝了,因为她不愿意再度受到伤害,假如男孩真的有心,当初在另外一个女孩开口邀约的时候,他应该予以拒绝的,覆水难收,既然当初不懂得珍惜,现在就不要后悔。到了「Mary's Song (Oh My My My)」,TS做出了让人惊奇的意外。前面的所有歌曲,都是标准的「青春之歌」,但她却在这里说出了一个老太太的美好回忆。老太太七岁的时候,遇见了大她两岁的邻居男孩,两小无猜,一起度过愉快的童年。十六岁那年,男孩突然发现她不一样了,在双方父母默许的情况下,两人开始恋爱,头一次吵架之后,男孩在她门外站了一整个晚上。几年之后,他们走上了红毯,共同建立一个幸福的家庭。老太太好希望能够重新回到两人当初头一次相见、后来一起养育儿女的老家。如今,老太太八十七岁了,丈夫也已经八十九,但是两人的感情依然不变,想起这一辈子的回忆,仍然难以置信呢!这是TS根据自己邻居一位老太太的真实故事谱写而成的,也可以说是整张专辑最突出的歌曲。 在这张专辑的最后,TS以「Our Song」当作结束:每一对情侣都有自己的「定情曲」,但是这一对没有,因此男的就告诉对方,他们的定情曲,就是彼此的爱,以及两人在一起共同经历的一切。也许这张专辑还不是非常的完美,但是以一个才十五岁的年轻女孩来说,她却成功的克服了「人生体验」不足的困扰,做出一场精彩的表现,丝毫不亚于已经有了至少十年以上经验的资深歌手。给她时间,她绝对是值得我们密切注意与期待的明日巨星! 其他资料 第一份工作:14岁的时候,签约Sony/ATV版权公司,成为该公司有史以来最年轻的签约词曲创作人    出道时间:2006年    昵称:Tay、Swifty、T-Swizzle、小美女    幸运数字:13 (当发生与数字13有关事情的时候,通常会给她带来好运)    喜欢的颜色:白色 紫色    喜欢的食物:起司蛋糕、日本料理.    喜欢的服装搭配:飘逸的小洋装搭配靴子 闪闪亮亮的礼服    喜欢的季节:夏天    最爱的节日:圣诞节 (她的童年是在自家拥有圣诞树农场中度过的)    喜欢的电视剧集:C.S.I 犯罪现场调查(曾经客串了第九季第十六集)   Grey's Anatomy 实习医生格蕾(Denny病逝,她连哭了好几天,这是她最爱的剧集)    喜欢的电影:Love Actually(每年圣诞节她都会重看这部电影)    喜爱的歌手:Britney Spears、Faith Hill、Shania Twain、Dixie Chicks 、Tim McGraw 、Justin Timberlake、Miranda Lambert、Michael Jackson、Beyonce    喜欢的自己的歌:随时都在改变    喜欢的消遣:烘培饼干、做点心蛋糕、开车和好朋友随便逛逛、写日记    要好的朋友:Abigail(高中最要好的同学,目前也是最好的朋友)、Barbie Jackson、Selena Gomez、Kellie Pickler、Katy Perry、Emma Stone、Hayley Williams、Demi Lovato、Miley Cyrus、Mary vantilastica (是Taylor对Glamour杂志亲口承认的)、Justin Bieber、Allison Harvard(facebook承认)、Taylor Lautner、Colbie Caillat 、hilary duff    前男友:乔·乔纳斯、泰勒·洛特纳、约翰·梅尔、杰克·吉伦哈尔、康纳·肯尼迪、哈里·斯泰尔斯、加尔文·哈里斯、汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Taylor Swift has been singing all her life, motivated by her grandmother, who was a professional opera singer. She began performing locally around her town and county at the age of ten, and at age 11 sang the national anthem before a Philadelphia 76ers game. By the time she was 12, she had picked up the guitar and began practicing four hours each day, until her fingers started to bleed. Swift's parents began to support her music, and recognized her talent, perseverance, and budding future as a professional musician. The family began making regular visits to Nashville, TN, where Swift would perform casually and meet with songwriters in the area. The family decided to move to an outlying Nashville suburb, which accelerated Swift's career. While performing at a showcase at Nashville's Bluebird Café, Swift caught the eye of music industry veteran Scott Borchetta. He had plans to create a new label and decided Swift was one of the first acts he wanted to sign. Still a high school student fascinated by love (which she uses as her muse), she released her debut single, "Tim McGraw," in August 2006, followed by a self-titled album that October. Then her self-titled debut album,which was subsequently certified multi-platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.In November 2008,Swift released her second album,Fearless,and the recording earned Swift four Grammy Awards,including the Album of the Year,at the 52nd Grammy Awards.Fearless and Taylor Swift finished 2008 at number-three and number-six respectively,with sales of 2.1 and 1.5 million.Fearless topped the Billboard 200 for 11 non-consecutive weeks.Swift was named Artist of the Year by Billboard Magazine in 2009.Swift released her third album Speak Now on October 25,2010,which sold 1,047,000 copies in its first week.From this album,her song "Mean" was awarded Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance at the 54th Grammy Awards. In 2008,her albums sold a combined four million copies,making her the best-selling musician of the year in the United States,according to Nielsen SoundScan. Forbes ranked Swift 2009's 69th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $18 million,2010's 12th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $45 million and 2011's 7th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $45 million,too.Swift was ranked the 38th Best Artist of the 2000s by Billboard. In 2012 Nielsen SoundScan listed Swift as the fifth most successful digital artist in music history with over 41.8 million digital tracks sold.On June 2011,renowned site The Boot named Swift and Carrie Underwood The Country Royalty,as they were the only female country artists to be ranked on Rolling Stone's Queens of Pop list.As of March 2011,she has sold over 20 million albums and 41.8 million singles worldwide.She has been listed in the 2012 Guinness Book Of World Records as the Fastest Selling Digital Album by a Female Artist for her album Speak Now,and Most Simultaneous U.S.Hot 100 Hits by a Female Artist.In 2011,Billboard named her woman of the year. Swift was named Billboard's Woman Of Year in 2014, becoming the first artist to be awarded this title twice.Also that year, she received the Dick Clark Award for Excellence at the American Music Awards.At the 2015 Grammy Awards, "Shake It Off" was nominated for three awards including Record of the Year and Song of the Year while, at the 2015 Brit Awards, Swift won the International Female Solo Artist category.Swift was named by Time magazine as one of the 2015 Time 100. Swift was one of eight artists to receive a 50th Anniversary Milestone Award at the 2015 Academy of Country Music Awards. As part of the 64th annual BMI Pop Awards, Swift was honored with the Taylor Swift Award. This is the second time BMI has given an award in someone's name; the only time before was in 1990 for Michael Jackson. 演艺经历 1989–2003: Early life Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989, in Reading, Pennsylvania. Her father, Scott Kingsley Swift, was a stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, and her mother, Andrea Gardner Swift (née Finlay), was a homemaker who had worked as a mutual fund marketing executive. Swift has a younger brother named Austin. She spent the early years of her life on a Christmas tree farm which her father purchased from one of his clients. She attended preschool and kindergarten at the Alvernia Montessori School, run by Franciscan nuns, before transferring to The Wyndcroft School. The family then moved to a rented house in the suburban town of Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, where she attended Wyomissing Area Junior/Senior High School. At the age of nine, Swift became interested in musical theater and performed in four Berks Youth Theatre Academy productions. She also traveled regularly to New York City for vocal and acting lessons. Swift later shifted her focus toward country music inspired by Shania Twain's songs, which made her "want to just run around the block four times and daydream about everything". She spent her weekends performing at local festivals and events. After watching a documentary about Faith Hill, Swift felt sure that she needed to go to Nashville, Tennessee, to pursue a music career. At the age of eleven, she traveled with her mother to visit Nashville record labels and submitted a demo tape of Dolly Parton and Dixie Chicks karaoke covers. However, she was rejected since "everyone in that town wanted to do what I wanted to do. So, I kept thinking to myself, I need to figure out a way to be different". When Swift was about 12 years old, computer repairman and local musician Ronnie Cremer taught her how to play guitar and helped with her first efforts as a songwriter, leading to her writing "Lucky You". In 2003, Swift and her parents started working with New York-based music manager Dan Dymtrow. With his help, Swift modelled for Abercrombie & Fitch as part of their "Rising Stars" campaign, had an original song included on a Maybelline compilation CD, and attended meetings with major record labels. After performing original songs at an RCA Records showcase, Swift was given an artist development deal and began making frequent trips to Nashville with her mother. To help Swift break into country music, her father transferred to the Nashville office of Merrill Lynch when she was 14, and the family relocated to a lakefront house in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Swift attended Hendersonville High School, but after two years transferred to the Aaron Academy, which through homeschooling could accommodate her touring schedule, and she graduated a year early. 2004–2008: Career beginnings and Taylor Swift In Nashville, Swift worked with experienced Music Row songwriters such as Troy Verges, Brett Beavers, Brett James, Mac McAnally, and The Warren Brothers. She eventually formed a lasting working relationship with Liz Rose. They began meeting for two-hour writing sessions every Tuesday afternoon after school. Rose thought that the sessions were "some of the easiest I've ever done. Basically, I was just her editor. She'd write about what happened in school that day. She had such a clear vision of what she was trying to say. And she'd come in with the most incredible hooks". Swift was signed by the Sony/ATV Tree publishing house, but left RCA Records when she was 14. She later recalled: "I genuinely felt that I was running out of time. I wanted to capture these years of my life on an album while they still represented what I was going through". Swift was at an industry showcase at Nashville's Bluebird Cafe in 2005 when she caught the attention of Scott Borchetta, a DreamWorks Records executive who was preparing to form his own independent record label, Big Machine Records. She had met Borchetta in 2004. Swift became one of the first signings, and her father purchased a three percent stake in the fledgling company at an estimated cost of $120,000. She began working on her eponymous debut album shortly after signing the record deal, and persuaded Big Machine to hire her demo producer Nathan Chapman, with whom she felt she had the right "chemistry". Swift wrote three of the album's songs alone, and co-wrote the remaining eight with writers Rose, Robert Ellis Orrall, Brian Maher, and Angelo Petraglia. Taylor Swift was released on October 24, 2006. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times described it as "a small masterpiece of pop-minded country, both wide-eyed and cynical, held together by Ms. Swift's firm, pleading voice". Taylor Swift peaked at number five on the Billboard 200 albums chart in the United States and spent 157 weeks on the ranking, marking the longest stay on the chart by any release in the country in the 2000s decade. As of August 2016 the album has sold over 7.75 million copies worldwide. Big Machine Records was still in its infancy during the June 2006 release of the lead single, "Tim McGraw", and Swift and her mother helped "stuff the CD singles into envelopes to send to radio". She spent much of 2006 promoting Taylor Swift with a radio tour and television appearances. Borchetta has said that record industry peers disliked his signing of a 16-year-old singer-songwriter at first, but that Swift tapped into a previously unknown market—teenage girls who listen to country music. Following "Tim McGraw", four more singles were released throughout 2007 and 2008: "Teardrops on My Guitar", "Our Song", "Picture to Burn" and "Should've Said No". All were highly successful on Billboard's Hot Country Songs chart in the United States, with "Our Song" and "Should've Said No" both reaching number one. For the former, Swift became the youngest person to single-handedly write and perform a number-one song on the chart. "Teardrops on My Guitar" became a moderate commercial success, reaching number thirteen on the Billboard Hot 100 songs chart in the United States. Swift also released the holiday album Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection in October 2007 and the EP Beautiful Eyes in July 2008. She promoted her debut album extensively as the opening act for other artists on their tours. Swift won accolades for Taylor Swift. She was one of the recipients of the Nashville Songwriters Association's Songwriter/Artist of the Year in 2007, becoming the youngest person to be honored with the title. She also won the Country Music Association's Horizon Award for Best New Artist, the Academy of Country Music Awards' Top New Female Vocalist, and the American Music Awards' Favorite Country Female Artist honor. She was also nominated for Best New Artist at the 2008 Grammy Awards. In July of that year, Swift began a romance with Joe Jonas that ended three months later. 2008–2010: Fearless and acting Swift's second studio album, Fearless, was released on November 11, 2008. The lead single, "Love Story", was released in September 2008. It peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 and number one in Australia. Four more singles were released throughout 2008 and 2009: "White Horse", "You Belong with Me", "Fifteen" and "Fearless". "You Belong with Me" was the album's highest-charting single on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number two. The album debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and was the top-selling album of 2009 in the United States. The album received promotion from Swift's first concert tour, the Fearless Tour, which grossed over $63 million. Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless, a concert film, was aired on television and later released on DVD and Blu-ray. Swift also performed as a supporting act for Keith Urban's Escape Together World Tour. In 2009, the music video for "You Belong with Me" was named MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Video. Her acceptance speech was interrupted by rapper Kanye West. The incident was the subject of controversy and frequent media attention, resulting in many Internet memes. James Montgomery of MTV argued that the incident and subsequent media attention turned Swift into "a bona-fide mainstream celebrity". Also that year, she won five American Music Awards, including Artist of the Year and Favorite Country Album. Billboard named her 2009's Artist of the Year. The album ranked number 99 on NPR's 2017 list of the 150 Greatest Albums Made By Women. At the 52nd Grammy Awards, Fearless was named Album of the Year and Best Country Album, and "White Horse" was named Best Country Song and Best Female Country Vocal Performance. Swift was the youngest artist ever to win Album of the Year. During the ceremony, Swift sang "You Belong with Me" and "Rhiannon" with Stevie Nicks. Her vocal performance received negative reviews and a media backlash. Jon Caramanica of The New York Times found it "refreshing to see someone so gifted make the occasional flub" and described Swift as "the most important new pop star of the past few years". Swift became the youngest ever artist to be named Entertainer of the Year by the Country Music Association. Fearless also won the Association's Album of the Year award. Swift contributed backing vocals to John Mayer's "Half of My Heart", a single featured on his fourth album, Battle Studies (2009). She co-wrote and recorded "Best Days of Your Life" with Kellie Pickler, and co-wrote two songs for the Hannah Montana: The Movie soundtrack—"You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home" and "Crazier". Swift also provided vocals for Boys Like Girls' "Two Is Better Than One". She contributed two songs to the Valentine's Day soundtrack, including "Today Was a Fairytale", which became her first number one on the Canadian Hot 100 chart. While filming her cinematic debut Valentine's Day in October 2009, Swift began a romantic relationship with co-star Taylor Lautner, but they broke up later that year. The romantic comedy, released the following year, saw her play the ditzy girlfriend of a high school jock, a role in which Los Angeles Times found "serious comedic potential". In a scathing review, the critic for Variety deemed her "entirely undirected", arguing that "she needs to find a skilled director to tamp her down and channel her obviously abundant energy". Swift made her acting debut in a 2009 episode of CBS's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, playing a rebellious teenager. The New York Times noted that the character allowed Swift to be "a little bit naughty, and credibly so". Later that year, Swift both hosted and performed as the musical guest for an episode of Saturday Night Live. Entertainment Weekly described her as "this season's best Saturday Night Live host so far", noting that she "was always up for the challenge, seemed to be having fun, and helped the rest of the cast nail the punchlines". Later in 2010, she briefly dated actor Jake Gyllenhaal. 2010–2014: Speak Now and Red In August 2010, Swift released "Mine", the lead single from her third studio album, Speak Now. It entered the United States at number three, making Swift the second female artist in the history of the Hot 100 (after Mariah Carey) to debut multiple tracks in the top five in one year; the other was "Today Was a Fairytale" at number two. Swift wrote the album alone and co produced every track. Speak Now, released on October 25, 2010, was a commercial success, debuting at number one on the Billboard 200, and becoming the 16th album to achieve opening week sales of one million copies. It became the fastest-selling digital album by a female artist, with 278,000 downloads in a week, earning Swift an entry in the 2010 Guinness World Records. She earned another Guinness World Record entry after she became the first woman to achieve 10 track debuts on the Billboard Hot 100. Three of the album's singles, "Mine", "Back to December", and "Mean", peaked in the top ten in Canada. "Mean" won Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards. Swift performed the song during the ceremony. Claire Suddath of Time felt she "delivered her comeback on-key and with a vengeance"; Jayme Deerwester of USA Today wrote that the criticism in 2010 seemed to have "made her a better songwriter and live performer". Swift won various other awards for Speak Now, including Songwriter/Artist of the Year by the Nashville Songwriters Association (2010 and 2011), Woman of the Year by Billboard (2011), and Entertainer of the Year by the Academy of Country Music (2011 and 2012) and the Country Music Association in 2011. At the American Music Awards of 2011, Swift won Artist of the Year and Favorite Country Album. Rolling Stone placed Speak Now at number 45 in its 2012 list of the "50 Best Female Albums of All Time", writing: "She might get played on the country station, but she's one of the few genuine rock stars we've got these days, with a flawless ear for what makes a song click." The Speak Now World Tour ran from February 2011 to March 2012 and grossed over $123 million. In November 2011, Swift released her first live album, Speak Now World Tour: Live. The following month, she contributed two original songs to The Hunger Games soundtrack album: "Safe & Sound", cowritten and recorded with the Civil Wars and T-Bone Burnett, and "Eyes Open". "Safe & Sound" won the Grammy Award for Best Song Written for Visual Media. After providing vocals for B.o.B's "Both of Us" in May 2012, Swift dated political heir Conor Kennedy from July to September 2012. In August, Swift released "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", the lead single from her fourth studio album, Red. It became her first number one in the US and New Zealand and reached the top slot on iTunes' digital song sales chart 50 minutes after its release, earning the "Fastest Selling Single in Digital History" Guinness World Record. Swift released the album's second single, "Begin Again", in October. It reached number seven on the Billboard Hot 100. Other singles released from the album include "I Knew You Were Trouble", "22", "Everything Has Changed", "The Last Time", and "Red". "I Knew You Were Trouble" was a major commercial success, peaking at number two in the United States. Red was released on October 22, 2012, incorporating new genres for Swift, such as heartland rock, dubstep and dance-pop. The album was a critical and commercial success, and debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 with first-week sales of 1.21 million copies. This marked the highest opening sales in a decade in the United States, and made Swift the first female to have two million-selling album openings, a record recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records. The Red Tour ran from March 2013 to June 2014 and grossed over $150 million. Red earned several accolades, including four nominations at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. Its single "I Knew You Were Trouble" won Best Female Video at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards. Swift was named Best Female Country Artist at the 2012 American Music Awards and Artist of the Year at the 2013 ceremony. She received the Nashville Songwriters Association's Songwriter/Artist Award for the fifth and sixth consecutive years in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Swift was also honored by the Association with a special Pinnacle Award, making her the second recipient of the accolade after Garth Brooks. In 2013, Swift cowrote "Sweeter Than Fiction" with Jack Antonoff for the One Chance soundtrack, and received a Best Original Song nomination at the 71st Golden Globe Awards. She provided guest vocals for Tim McGraw's song "Highway Don't Care", featuring guitar work by Keith Urban. Swift performed "As Tears Go By" with the Rolling Stones in Chicago, Illinois as part of their 50 & Counting tour, and stated that the band was a major influence on her career outlook. She also joined Florida Georgia Line on stage during their set at the 2013 Country Radio Seminar to sing "Cruise". Outside music, Swift voiced Audrey, a tree lover, in the animated film The Lorax (2012), made a cameo in the sitcom New Girl (2013), and had a supporting role in the film adaptation of The Giver (2014). During this time, she dated British singer Harry Styles. 2014–2016: 1989 In March 2014, Swift relocated to New York City. Around this time, she was working on her fifth studio album, 1989, with writers Antonoff, Max Martin, Shellback, Imogen Heap, Ryan Tedder, and Ali Payami. She promoted the album through various campaigns, including inviting fans to secret album-listening sessions, called the "1989 Secret Sessions". Credited as her "first documented, official pop album", it marked a departure from her previous country albums. The album was released on October 27, 2014 to positive reviews. 1989 sold 1.28 million copies in the US during the first week of release and debuted atop the Billboard 200—this made Swift the first act to have three albums sell more than one million copies in their opening release week, for which she earned a Guinness World Record. As of June 2017, 1989 had sold over 10 million copies worldwide. The album's lead single, "Shake It Off", was released in August 2014 and debuted at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The album also generated two additional number-one singles—"Blank Space" and "Bad Blood" (featuring Kendrick Lamar)—as well as the top-ten entries "Style" and "Wildest Dreams", and other singles "Out of the Woods" and "New Romantics". "Shake It Off", "Blank Space", and "Bad Blood" also topped the charts in Australia and Canada. After "Blank Space" reached number-one in the US following "Shake It Off", Swift became the first woman in the Hot 100's history to succeed herself at the top spot. The music video for the former briefly became the fastest video to reach one billion views on Vevo. The videos for "Blank Space" and "Bad Blood" won four accolades at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, with the latter winning for Video of the Year and Best Collaboration. Swift's headlining tour, the 1989 World Tour, running from May to December 2015, grossed over $250 million, and became one of the highest grossing tours of the decade. Swift was named Billboard's Woman of the Year in 2014, becoming the first artist to win the award twice. Also that year, she received the Dick Clark Award for Excellence at the American Music Awards. In 2015, "Shake It Off" was nominated for three Grammy Awards, including Record of the Year and Song of the Year and Swift won the Brit Award for International Female Solo Artist. Swift was one of eight artists to receive a 50th Anniversary Milestone Award at the 2015 Academy of Country Music Awards. In 2016, Swift won three Grammy Awards for 1989—Album of the Year, Best Pop Vocal Album, and Best Music Video for "Bad Blood". She became the first woman, and fifth act overall, to win the first of these twice. Prior to 1989's release, Swift stressed the importance of albums to artists and fans. In November 2014, she removed her entire catalog from Spotify, arguing that the streaming company's ad-supported, free service undermined the premium service, which provides higher royalties for songwriters. In a June 2015 open letter, Swift criticized Apple Music for not offering royalties to artists during the streaming service's free three-month trial period and stated that she would pull 1989 from the catalog. The following day, Apple announced that it would pay artists during the free trial period, and Swift agreed to stream 1989 on the streaming service. Swift's intellectual property rights management and holding company, TAS Rights Management, filed for 73 trademarks related to Swift and the 1989 era memes. She re-added her entire catalog to Spotify, Amazon Music and Google Play in June 2017. In 2015, Swift performed "I Saw Her Standing There" and "Shake It Off" with Paul McCartney at the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special after-party, and joined Kenny Chesney to sing "Big Star" on the opening night of his Big Revival Tour in Nashville. In March 2015, Swift started dating Scottish DJ and record producer Calvin Harris. By June 2015, the duo were ranked as the highest-paid celebrity couple over the past year by Forbes with combined earnings of over $146 million. In August, Swift addressed her mother's cancer diagnosis, and encouraged others to get a medical checkup. Before Swift and Harris announced the end of their relationship in June 2016, the two co-wrote his song "This Is What You Came For" (featuring Rihanna), for which she was initially credited under the pseudonym Nils Sjöberg. In October, she penned Little Big Town's "Better Man" for their seventh album, The Breaker. The song earned Swift an award for Song of the Year at the 51st CMA Awards. Two months later, Swift and Zayn Malik released a single together called "I Don't Wanna Live Forever", for the soundtrack of the film Fifty Shades Darker (2017). The song reached number one in Sweden and peaked at number two in the United States. At the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, the duo won the award for Best Collaboration for the song's music video. In September 2016, Swift began dating English actor Joe Alwyn. 2017–present: Reputation In August 2017, Swift sued and prevailed in a civil trial against David Mueller, a former morning show personality for Denver's KYGO-FM. Four years earlier, Swift had informed Mueller's bosses that he had sexually assaulted her by groping her at an event. After being fired, Mueller accused Swift of lying and sued her for making him lose his job. Shortly after, Swift counter-sued for sexual assault. The jury rejected Mueller's claims and ruled in favor of Swift. Swift thereafter cleared her social media accounts and released "Look What You Made Me Do" as the lead single from her sixth album, Reputation. The song topped the charts in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Its music video gained over 43.2 million views during its first day on YouTube, breaking the site's record for the most-viewed music video within 24 hours. In October, Swift released the album's second single, "...Ready for It?", which charted at number three in Australia and at number four in the United States. Two promotional singles were released from Reputation, "Gorgeous" and "Call It What You Want"; the former later became the album's fifth single, however only being released as such in Europe. The album was released on November 10 and sold 1.216 million copies in the United States—becoming 2017's top-selling album (pure sales only) in the country—and 2 million copies worldwide during its first week. With this achievement, she became the first act to have four albums sell one million copies within one week in the US. The album topped the charts in several countries, including the US, the UK, Australia and Canada. Later that month, Swift performed "...Ready for It?" and "Call It What You Want" on Saturday Night Live. "End Game", featuring Ed Sheeran and Future, followed in November as the third single, and peaked at number 18 in the US. Other singles from the album include "New Year's Day" and "Delicate", the former of which was released exclusively to country radio. In April 2018, Swift featured on Sugarland's "Babe" from their album Bigger. In support of Reputation, Swift embarked on Taylor Swift's Reputation Stadium Tour from May to November 2018. The tour broke multiple venue attendance and grossing records. It earned $266.1 million and sold two million tickets in the US. As a result, Swift broke her own record for the highest-grossing domestic tour by a woman and surpassed The Rolling Stones' $245 million-grossing A Bigger Bang Tour (2005–2007). At the American Music Awards of 2018, Swift won Tour of the Year for the tour, Artist of the Year, Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist, and Favorite Pop/Rock Album for Reputation. With a total of 23 awards, she became the most awarded female winner in AMA history, a record previously held by Whitney Houston. Reputation has been nominated for Grammy Award for Best Pop Vocal Album. Reputation was Swift's last album under her 12-year contract with Big Machine Records. On November 19, 2018, Swift signed a new multi-album deal with Big Machine's distributor Universal Music Group; in the United States, her future releases will be promoted under the Republic Records imprint. Swift stated that the contract included provisions for her to maintain ownership of her master recordings. In addition, UMG agreed to, in the event that it sells portions of its stake in Spotify, distribute proceeds among its artists and make them non-recoupable. In July 2018, Swift was cast as Bombalurina in the movie adaptation of the musical Cats.

