正是AIDEN乐队的出现,让我真正相信了这个世界上有一种可以被称作“Gothcore”的音乐:在声音上,他们混合了Punk、Post- hardcore、Emo以及Heavy Metal的声响;在视觉上,他们从Goth服饰与恐怖电影中吸取灵感。AIDEN所带来的是一场如恶梦般惊悚、刺激,且充满了戏剧性与唯美幻想的奇妙旅行。
2003年春,4几个来自西雅图的好朋友怀着对于摇滚乐与恐怖电影的热爱组建了他们的乐队,而AIDEN队名的灵感则来自于美版《午夜凶灵》电影中的角色。同年7月,乐队在完成了5首作品的创作与排练后,在家乡的一家比萨店中进行了他们的首场演出。而后,AIDEN的阵容发生了些许变化,乐队的贝司手Will Franco接替离队主唱Max的位置,新成员Nick Wiggins担当了贝司手的职务。2004年冬,乐队与制作人 Steve Carter合作,开始录制他们的首张专辑《Our Gang’s Dark Oath》。新作品的题目同样取材于一段典故,乐队直接取用了马克吐温小说《哈克费恩历险记》中第二章的标题“我们帮里的秘密誓言”。而这部小说中惊险、紧张却充满童趣与朝气的氛围,同样被乐手们吸收进他们的音乐当中。
在此之后,乐队顺利与Victory Records公司签约,但其中的两位成员作为普通的高中学生,也常常被繁忙的学业与乐队中的琐事压得透不过气。但旺盛的活力与自由的灵魂无时无刻不在寻找着“逃跑”的出口,于是,在整整一个寒假中AIDEN不断到各地巡演,甚至他们的圣诞夜也是在新墨西哥州盖洛普的小旅店中吃着Subway的三明治度过的。可是,每当人们提起这件事情的时候,主唱Will总是说:“那时候,我们都很想念自己的家人和朋友们,并且我们其中的队员还得回到学校上学,但只要一有机会,我们就会出去巡演,让更多的人了解我们。乐队就意味着我的家和我的兄弟们,我们在一起就是最棒的!”
2005年3月,AIDEN开始了第二张专辑《Nightmare Anatomy》(噩梦解剖)的录制工作,担任制作人的仍旧是乐队的老朋友 Steve Carter。除了年少轻狂的反叛与不羁,新作品中可以更多地可以感受到情绪中的哀伤与阴暗,以及一些有关永恒与救赎的题材。比如 “From Die Romantic”(来自死亡的浪漫曲)所描写的是对于死去朋友的纪念,“The Last Sunrise”(最后的日出)是对于种种社会恶习的探讨,而“Genetic Design For Dying”(遗传计划导致死亡)则是一封请求父母理解的信。
终于,在2005年6月,鼓手Jake Davison和吉他手Angel Ibarra从学校毕业,AIDEN的乐手们也从此有了更充足的时间投入到他们的音乐事业当中。在为歌曲“The Last Sunrise”拍摄了MTV之后,AIDEN与他的同门兄弟THE HURT PROCESS (伤痛的过程)、THE JUNIOR VARSITY(青年大学)以及THE AUDITION(听觉)开始了大规模的北美巡演。与此同时,AIDEN 的新专辑《Nightmare Anatomy》也在同年10月正式发行,Emo的犀利与激动加之哥特氛围的神秘、哀伤,AIDEN多元化的融合越来越被那些在“杂味儿”文化影响下长大的年轻人们所喜爱与推崇。难怪英国权威金属杂志《Metal Hemmer》最终将AIDEN评选为2006年度 “Metal God”最佳新晋乐队。
by Corey Apar
Hailing from rainy Seattle, Aiden combines post-hardcore and punk attitudes with gothic aesthetics and a love of all things horror (not to mention, of course, the Misfits) to create surging, darkly melodic music. The group formed in the spring of 2003 while its members were still in high school, taking their name from the young, ghost-seeing boy in the 2002 horror flick The Ring. A few lineup changes occurred early on; the quintet -- Nick Wiggins (bass), Jake Davison (drums), Angel Ibarra (guitar), Jake Wambold (guitar), and William "wiL" Francis (vocals) -- was solidified, however, before entering the studio in December 2004 to record their debut full-length, Our Gang's Dark Oath. Making two-song samplers of their album, Aiden managed to pass out a few thousand copies around town, sparking a word-of-mouth buzz all over Seattle. Their debut was released in June 2004 on Dead Teenager, and the band played countless shows throughout the year -- whenever school would allow. Their hard work paid off quickly, inking a deal with Victory Records by December. All members were finally done with high school by June 2005, and Aiden was free to tour, jumping on the road that summer with the Hurt Process, the Audition, and the Junior Varsity. Their first label effort, Nightmare Anatomy, appeared in October 2005, proving to be a slickly energetic record with undeniable hooks despite somewhat morose lyrical content. Touring with label mates Hawthorne Heights, Bayside, and Silverstein rounded out the year before Aiden headed back out to support 30 Seconds to Mars nationwide in the first half of 2006. Victory then re-released Our Gang's Dark Oath with new artwork in April 2006, the Rain in Hell EP arriving just in time for that year's Halloween. In August of 2007, the band issued Conviction, an album that took them away from their screamo tendencies towards more rock-oriented, melodic terrain.