


#当代唱作人 #独立流行 #室内流行 #艺术流行
Canada 加拿大



本    名 Leslie Feist

国    籍 加拿大

出 生 地 卡尔加利

出生日期 1976年

代表作品 Teaches of Peaches

莱斯利·费斯(Feist)(生于1976年2月13日),加拿大著名歌手兼词曲作者,她既是一位个人唱作人,也是独立摇滚乐团Broken Social Scene成员之一。Feist于1999年推出《Monarch (Lay Your Jewelled Head Down)》开启个人音乐生涯。随后2004年发行的录音室专辑《Let It Die》和2007年的《The Reminer》广受好评并获得商业成功,销量超过250万张。Feist曾赢得四项格莱美提名,其中包括最佳新人奖提名。她在2008年获得Juno奖五个奖项。她的第四张录音室专辑《Metals》于2011年9月30日发行。2012年,Feist与金属团Mastodon合作推出互动音乐视频。她在2012年的Juno奖再次赢得三个大奖。


Feist本名Leslie Feist,她于1976年出生在加拿大的一个宁静小城卡尔加利,自幼喜欢音乐,后来她便用自己的姓氏Feist给自己取了这样一个艺名。起初先是在高中,她和几个同样喜欢摇滚乐的朋友组建了一支朋克乐队 - Placebo,有意思的是这和现在英国十分走红的那支朋克乐队有着相同的名字。后来Feist率领她的乐队在当地一系列的摇滚比赛中取得了优胜,小有名气的他们后来成为了The Ramones在加拿大演出的开场乐队。也就是在这个时候,Feist选择了音乐作为毕生的事业,她开始艰苦而毫无希望可言的生活,在之后的五年中,Feist开始在加拿大的各个地方演出,也正是这个时候,她结交了很多著名的音乐人士。可是正当Feist准备有更进一步的发展之时,她的嗓子却因为莫名的疾病不能发声了,面对这个打击Feist几乎放弃了她的音乐人生涯。后来她四处寻医,终于在多伦多找到了一位医生并治好了她的病,于是她决定离开家乡卡尔加利并搬来多伦多开始全新的生活。在多伦多Feist租来的小小的寝室中,她开始利用一台破旧的四轨机为自己录音,而此时她所演绎的音乐已经有了很多的改变。一把吉他,还有简单的歌声,这就是来自Feist的新尝试,做一个民谣歌手。

后来Feist加入了当地的By Divine Right乐队并且开始逐渐被更多的人知道,她和乐队为加拿大老牌摇滚乐队The Tragically Hip做北美巡演嘉宾。在1999年她录制了第一张属于自己的专辑--《Monarch (Lay Down Your Jeweled Head)》,清新的民谣歌曲,仿佛重获新生。2000年,她帮助Peaches制作了专辑《Teaches of Peaches》;两年之后她又加入了By Divine Right的后身乐团--后摇滚风格的Broken Social Scene,并且凭借专辑《You Forgot It in People》一鸣惊人。2004年的《Let It Die》是Feist精心打造的一张清新民谣风格的专辑,其中包括了她翻唱《本国民谣歌手Sexsmith以及Bee Gees的歌曲。

Leslie Feist首张主流专辑Let It Die》就破天荒让Dior与Lacoste分别指定作最新一季的形象广告曲:“Mushaboom”的甜美活泼搭配年轻化的休闲老牌Lacoste,时装品牌Dior则选用“Gatekeeper”配合成熟风情的莎朗史东作最新广告代言:Feist的音乐版图即从时尚lounge圈渐渐向外拓展。

这位出生加拿大的才女,最初藉由挪威清新民谣组Kings Of Covenience/好自在乐团的封面入镜及客席演唱与乐迷见面。殊不知高中时期的Feist,组的可是庞克乐团Placebo(不是那组被称为“奇异妖艳Nirvana”的英伦摇滚团),因为参加比赛获胜,而获他们的偶像庞克摇滚大团The Ramones邀约,成为加拿大巡演之暖场团!正当她的音乐之途即将开展,她的嗓子却因使用过度无法再演唱;历经6个月的治疗休养,Feist一个人在地下室用一把吉他代替她的歌声,渐渐摸索出个人风格十足却简约清新的民谣流行乐。’99年推出独立制作的首张专辑‘Monarch (Lay Down Your Jeweled Head)’,但直到她加入独立乐界近年好评不断的Broken Social Scence担任vocal并随之获得该年朱诺奖肯定后,才真正打开知名度。


1999-08-24          Monarch (Lay Your Jewelled Head Down)

2004-03-04          Let it Die

2007-04-20          The Reminder

2011-10-04          Metals



2007          最佳新人


最佳流行演唱专辑 《The Reminder》



2008          年度创作人


年度流行专辑 《The Reminder》

年度专辑 《The Reminder》


2012          年度音乐人

年度成人另类专辑 《Metals》

年度音乐DVD 纪录片《Look at What the Light Did Now》

英文简介 (转自 Allmusic)

Leslie Feist -- best known simply as Feist -- was a respected member of the Canadian alternative music community before becoming an international pop sensation with the success for her albums Let It Die and The Reminder. Feist was born in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada on February 13, 1976. Her father Harold is a respected abstract painter and academic, while her mother Lyn is also a visual artist who works in ceramics. Feist was a baby when her parents divorced, and her mother relocated to Regina, Saskatchewan with young Leslie and her older brother Ben. Growing up in Regina and later Calgary, Leslie was a good student who hoped to become a writer, and developed an interest in music after joining a youth choir. When Leslie was 15, her creative ambitions took a sharp turn when she joined a Calgary-based punk band, Placebo (no relation to the later U.K.-based neo-glam outfit) in 1991. In 1993, Placebo won a Battle of the Bands that earned them a spot at a rock festival opening for the Ramones, and in 1995, the group would release an EP, Don't Drink the Bathwater. However, Feist was an inexperienced vocalist who had trouble keeping up with the group's powerful stage volume, and in 1996 she left Placebo when she began to experience damage to her vocal cords. Feist left Calgary for Toronto, and was advised by a doctor not to sing for six months. As she settled in her new hometown, Feist used her downtime from singing to work on her instrumental abilities; she taught herself guitar and began writing songs using a four-track recording setup, and also picked up the bass and played for a spell in the band Noah's Arkweld. In 1998, she became rhythm guitarist with the indie rock outfit By Divine Right, and appeared on their 1999 album Bless This Mess. During her time with By Divine Right, Feist began piecing together the songs she'd been writing and released her first album, Monarch (Lay Down Your Jeweled Head). Most copies of the disc were sold at the merch table at shows, and it received little notice at the time.

The Teaches of Peaches After leaving By Divine Right, Feist began sharing an apartment with a fellow independent musician, Merrill Nisker. As Nisker began shaping her lascivious stage persona Peaches, Feist became part of the act, performing with sock puppets on-stage, providing backing vocals, and singing on Peaches' debut album The Teaches of Peaches. (She would also contribute vocals to Peaches' 2006 album Impeach My Bush.) After touring the U.K. with Peaches, in 2001 Feist returned home to Toronto and was invited to join the indie rock band and musicians' collective Broken Social Scene by founder Kevin Drew. After touring with Broken Social Scene, she contributed vocals to their 2002 album You Forgot It in People, which earned rave reviews as well as a Juno award for Alternative Album of the Year. Later in 2002, Feist left Toronto for Paris, France, and with the help of producers and instrumentalists Chilly Gonzales (whom she had met while working with Peaches) and Renaud Letang (best known for his work with Manu Chao), she began work on her second solo effort. Released in 2004, Let It Die was a strikingly accomplished fusion of pop, folk, indie, electronic, and Latin influences, which provided an impressive showcase for Feist's cool but powerful vocal stylings. The album won enthusiastic reviews and impressive sales by indie standards, while the track "Mushaboom" became a successful single; Let It Die won the Juno Award for Best Alternative Rock Album, while Feist took home the trophy for Best New Artist.

Open Season As Feist worked on her third album, in 2006 she released a collection called Open Season, which featured remixes, collaborative recordings, and other odds and ends. While Let It Die made Feist into a major indie success story, 2007's The Reminder turned her into a bona fide pop star; it entered the Canadian album charts at number 2, and debuted at number 16 in the United States. The album was already selling well when Apple used the song "1234" in a TV spot for the iPod Nano; the commercial seemingly did as much to sell the song as it did the audio player, and pushed "1234" into the Top Ten of the U.S. singles charts on the strength of paid downloads alone. "My Moon, My Man" and "I Feel It All" also fared well as singles, and The Reminder earned Feist a gold record in the United States, and sold over a million copies internationally, as well as winning her another five Juno awards.

A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! The success of The Reminder led to a number of interesting collaborations for Feist: she appeared on Stephen Colbert's 2008 holiday special A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All, sang a duet with Jeff Tweedy on Wilco's 2009 release Wilco: The Album, contributed to a Skip Spence tribute album curated by Beck (it also featured Wilco, Jamie Lidell, and James Gadson), appeared in a short film directed by Kevin Drew titled The Water, and performed a rewritten version of "1234" on Sesame Street with the Muppets. She also reunited with Broken Social Scene for a handful of live appearances, one of which was shot by director Bruce McDonald for the film This Movie Is Broken. However, while Feist was enjoying working with others, she put a self-imposed moratorium on creating new music of her own for several years, instead working with filmmaker Anthony Seck on a documentary about the recording of The Reminder and her subsequent concert tour, entitled Look at What the Light Did Now. In 2011, Feist returned with a new album, Metals, a low-key set that was well received but noticeably less poppy than The Reminder. Paradoxically, Feist followed the release with a highly unlikely collaboration: a split single with the witty heavy metal band Mastodon, produced for Record Store Day 2012, with Feist covering Mastodon's "Black Tongue," while the band interpreted her song "A Commotion."

