


#英伦摇滚 #另类摇滚 #钢琴摇滚 #流行摇滚 #后英伦
United Kingdom 英国



姓  名:Coldplay酷玩乐队

国  籍:英国

职  业:摇滚乐队

风  格:Britpop/Alternative Rock

主  唱:Chris Martin

吉他手:Jon Buckland

贝斯手:Guy Berryman

鼓  手:Will Champion




主唱Chris Martin在乐队中司职原声吉他,钢琴和键盘,他出生在多文市,他从15岁开始玩吉他,至今参加过三只乐队The Rockin' Honkies, The Red Rooster Boogie Band 和 Pectoralz,他最喜欢的乐队/歌手是Sparklehorse, The Flaming Lips, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Neil Young,现在在学校主修远古历史。如果问他为什么作起音乐,他肯定会坚决地告诉你,“摇滚就是我想要得一切东西,但是它他XX的根本和那些被吹嘘的一塌糊涂的花花绿绿的药丸,那跟摇滚没他XX的一点关系,也没必要把自己搞的神神叨叨,更没必要关心别人怎么看你,酷不酷和我的音乐没关系,摇滚乐的意义在于告诉你如何寻找最终的快乐。至于我们就喜欢一起四处闲逛和作音乐,我们不管别人怎么说,我们感到愉快而心安理得。有时候,我们看起来有些过于坦率,而且不关心我们到底该怎么做,但是,我确认我们热爱生活而且异常勤奋,我们只是不希望把时间浪费在那些陈词滥调的规矩上,我们不想为陈腐的人活着。

贝斯手GUY出生在苏格兰的费弗,但12岁的时候搬到了肯特市,13岁他开始弹BASS,以前只参加过一只乐队TIME OUT,他喜欢James Brown, Kool & The Gang, funk and soul。开始再学校主修工程学,但在去年辍学。GUY性格很倔强。

吉他手JON他出生在威尔士北部的摩德,当问及他的家乡他说,“那儿和音乐似乎没什么关联,但是Rhys Ifans 是在哪儿成长起来的。”JON11岁就开始玩吉他,Coldplay是他参加的第一只乐队,能得到他推崇的乐队只有The Stone Roses和Ride。他是个让人吃惊的家伙,除了作音乐,他还获得了数学和天文学的双学位。



98年,乐队自己出资制作了第一张EP《Safety》,这张EP录制于“同步城市”录音棚,录制了500张,有三首歌囊括其中:《Bigger Stronger》,《No More Keeping My Feet On The Ground》,《Such A Rush》,令他们异常兴奋的是这张EP在5月份得以在LONDON周边地区做商业发行,Phil Harvey 成了他们的经纪人。可事情的结果是EP大部分都被朋友们要走了,还有一部分被用于送给各个唱片公司。最后只剩下大约50张。但是如愿以偿的是----宇宙唱片的Debs Wild 对他们的作品很感兴趣,他把这张EP送给了Parlophone 唱片公司的Dan Keeling 和BMP出版社的Caroline Ellery 。于是Coldplay在99年的夏天同时和这俩家公司签了唱片约。

99年是乐队快速成长的一年。4月份,乐队出版了EP《Brothers & Sisters》。随后,Simon Williams,伦敦“凶猛的熊猫”唱片的主管(98年11月在Camden Falcon.看了Coldplay的现场演出。)约他们为他的公司录制一首歌。事后,乐队正式签约到EMI旗下品牌Parlophone。同时,著名的电台DJ Steve Lamacq 开始在电台---“夜间1频道”播放他们《Brothers & Sisters》里面的歌,EP在排行榜上爬到了92名。而切在这一年,英国最权威的音乐媒体“NME”开始注意Coldplay乐队,“NME”称乐队是有着清澈的眼睛,诚实的脸庞的,等待一鸣惊人的年轻乐团。 6月份,他们出现在专门推出新乐队的Glastonbury的舞台上,并且和BETA乐队的制作人Chris Allison一起完成了三首作品:《Dont Panic》、《See You Soon》、《High Speed》。

10月《Bigger Stronger》和《Such A Rush》被作为附赠曲目出版了EP《The Blue Room》。EP推出后,“NME”表示了极大的惊喜“如此完美的处女唱片,很象Nick Drake,很英国化!”报纸上的报道则写到:“这只乐队的歌声让你无限亲近地沉浸在对过去的美好记忆之中,乐队的小伙子们就象画家壁橱上摆放的小甜饼一样诱人。”和Bellatrix一起巡演的“夜间1频道”的DJ Jo Whiley 开始在巡演中大力推崇Coldplay乐队。这一年,乐队在许多重要的地方赢得了大量的歌迷。

2000年1月,乐队和“NME”的顶梁极乐队Shack, Campag Velocet and Les Rythmes Digitales开始名为“NME Carling Premier Tour”的全国巡演。 3月份,乐队在威尔士和利物浦的“街道幼鱼”录音棚录制了单曲战栗,B面歌曲是为你和小心你站着的地方,“NME”称此唱片是“年轻的人,成熟的音乐。”这只歌成了他们的惊世之做,当他们和TERRIS乐队正一起巡演时,此曲一下子打进排行榜的前35名。马丁谈及这首歌时说,“这首歌写的是关于一个对自己丧失热情的女孩的故事,她那样的孤立无援,没人关心她-----但是当歌写完以后,事情变的奇怪起来,这女孩似乎有了代表性,象是在讨论无回报的爱的问题----有的爱得不到回报,这由来已久的问题她知道吗?我想她当然知道。所以她不在被那个问题困扰。”紧接着,乐队歌曲《YELLOW》完成,它彻底为后面专辑的成功铺平了道路。 5月份乐队开始和导演Jools Holland一起拍摄《YELLOW》和《战栗》的MTV。 6月份,乐队单曲唱片《YELLOW》面世经过在Saturday afternoon at Glastonbury和highlight of the festival的演出后,这张单曲冲上了英国单曲榜的第4名。关于这首歌,马丁说道,“这是一首威尔士歌曲,它是在利物浦和威尔士写的,那时我们正在录音,那里美丽的景色给了我无限的灵感,在一个异常美丽的夜晚,我完成了它,这首歌听上去并不那么时髦,而且很简单,但我在创作和演唱的时候确实全心全意的。 7月份,专辑制作完成,发行演出是在牛津街的HMV唱片店,人们在街道上排起了长队。乐队成了“MME”的头版,赞誉之声席卷了Coldplay的整个世界。专辑只用几周时间就坐稳了英国专辑销量榜的第1名。很快专辑被 Mercury Music Prize提名,同一月里,乐队在电台作了几次《YELLOW》和《SHIVER》的不插电演出以后,最终在伯明翰的Ronnie Scott's 举行了整张专辑的不插电演唱会。 8月出尽风头的乐队受到来自 Alan McGee的攻击,他说乐队是一群只知道爬在床上自慰的弱智。对此JONNY作出了经典的回答,“我们不得不按我们认为好的去做,确实是这样,如果我们为了作明星而去装疯癫或者装出一副摇滚巨星的样子那无疑是悲哀的。” PS:值得我们国内圈内人士思考。 9月Mercury Music Prize被Badly Drawn Boy夺得Coldplay获得3等奖。 10月,乐队开始在全英最大的巡演。

2002年面世的《A Rush Of Blood To The Head》Chris Martin细腻深情的嗓音为这张新作保留了与首发专辑《Parachutes》一样精彩美妙的色调,但他们显然在风格转变上花了不少功夫。比如那首“God Put a Smile upon Your Face”,极具魔幻色彩;而“A Whisper”中温暖得催人入眠的歌声则让人无比怀念Jefferson Airplane。除此之外,11首曲子(无论是文学气息浓厚的“In My Place”还是上世纪60年代颂歌“Daylight”)中都弥漫Martin和Coldplay极富冲击力的钢琴,还有气势宏大的管弦乐声。“Give me real, don't give me fake”(给我来点真诚,我不要欺骗)Martin在首唱曲目“Plitik”中这样唱着,沉静且恰如其分地表明了这张唱片绝不妥协的立场。


这次Coldplay的新专辑中除了自己独特地风格外还会融入其他电子音乐等音乐元素。Coldplay为制作这张新专辑可谓煞费苦心,不但选择在伦敦录音,而且邀请Danton Supple和Ken Nelson等著名制作人来制作,相信这次Coldplay一定会给歌迷们一个惊喜。




2009年,Coldplay在第51届格莱美音乐颁奖典礼上获得“年度制作”、“年度专辑”、“年度歌曲”、“最佳流行组合”、“最佳摇滚组合”、“最佳摇滚歌曲”“最佳摇滚专辑”等七项提名,并获得年度歌曲和最佳流行乐队两项大奖。自发行了专辑《Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends》之后,他们与传奇制作人Brian Eno(布莱恩-伊诺)再次联手,在2009年12月开始了新专辑的录制工作。


2014年2月,Coldplay新专辑首支单曲《Midnight》MV曝光,并透露新专辑在筹备中。同年5月,Coldplay的全新录音室大碟《Ghost Stories》在英国镑上榜首周轻松夺冠。12月,在第57届格莱美音乐颁奖典礼上,Coldplay荣获“最佳流行演唱专辑”、“最佳音乐电影”、“最佳流行组合”’三项大奖。

2015年12月,Coldplay推出新专辑《A Head Full of Dreams》,在阿黛尔强势热卖的背景下发出,勇气可嘉,但口碑却显得两极,因为旋律基本背离了“英伦摇滚”,变得越来越流行花了。

2016年2月,在英国流行音乐排行榜中,Coldplay依靠新唱片《A Head Full Of Dreams》第七次夺冠。2月25日,在全英奖颁奖典礼上,荣获“最佳组合/乐队”奖。4月,Coldplay参加超级碗中场秀开场表演。

After surfacing in 2000 with the breakthrough single "Yellow," Coldplay quickly became one of the biggest bands of the new millennium, honing a mix of introspective Brit-pop and anthemic rock that landed the British quartet a near-permanent residence on record charts world-wide. The group's emergence was perfectly timed; Radiohead had just released the overly cerebral Kid A, while Oasis had ditched two founding members and embraced psychedelic experimentation on Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. U.K. audiences were hungry for a fresh-faced rock band with big aspirations and an even bigger sound, and Coldplay were more than happy to take the reigns. Parachutes went multi-platinum in several countries and earned the band their first Grammy, but Coldplay continued to grow into the 2000s, topping their debut album's success with higher record sales and an increased public profile.

Chris Martin (vocals/piano), Jon Buckland (guitar), Will Champion (drums), and Guy Berryman (bass) were all born into musical households. Martin, the eldest of five, began playing the piano as a young child and later took solace in the work of Tom Waits. Buckland, on the other hand, grew up with the heavy guitar sounds of Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix. Scotland native Berryman preferred funk to indie rock, thereby leaving him to play bass, while multi-instrumentalist Champion didn't plan to be a drummer until he joined Coldplay's lineup. The bandmates came together in 1996 while attending the University College of London, and the Safety EP was issued shortly after their first gig at a Manchester festival for unsigned bands. The release only saw 500 pressings, as did the subsequent Brothers & Sisters EP. Nevertheless, it was enough to win the band a U.K. deal with Parlophone Records in April 1999, and the five-track Blue Room EP arrived that fall. With nods from the media, the foursome was hailed as the next Travis, thanks to their simplistic acoustics and charming personas.

Parlophone ushered the band into Parr St. Studios in Liverpool, where they recorded the bulk of their debut album. Parachutes was released in July 2000 and became a swift hit on the strength of four U.K. singles, several of which enjoyed popularity in America as well. With "Yellow" climbing the charts on both sides of the Atlantic, Parachutes was released in the U.S. in November, where its sales soon rivaled — and eventually surpassed — those in the U.K.

Riding on the strength of their universally popular debut, Coldplay headed back into the studio in fall 2001 to work on a sophomore album. They emerged with A Rush of Blood to the Head, releasing the album worldwide in August 2002 and embarking on a global concert tour soon after. "The Scientist" enjoyed regular radio rotation, while both "Clocks" and "In My Place" won Grammy Awards. The CD/DVD package Live 2003 was issued to highlight the group's popular tour, and Martin specifically earned a higher notch on the celebrity scale by marrying actress Gwyneth Paltrow in December 2003. Paltrow gave birth to the couple's first daughter, Apple Blythe Alison Martin, the following April.

Fatherhood didn't stop Martin from working, as Coldplay began recording material for a third album within weeks. Previously recorded material with longtime producer Ken Nelson was scrapped early on, while Danton Supple (Morrissey, the Cure) joined Coldplay to complete the recording of X&Y. "Speed of Sound" marked Coldplay's first single from their long-awaited third effort in spring 2005; the album followed in June, topping charts around the world and selling more than eight million copies during its first year. Such success put Coldplay on the same commercial level as U2, and Coldplay retreated to the studio in late 2006 to work with famed producer Brian Eno (who had teamed up with U2 two decades prior for The Joshua Tree). Recording sessions with Eno were completed within one year, followed by several months of mixing and growing anticipation from the band's audience. Viva la Vida — also known by its extended name, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends — ultimately arrived in June 2008.

Coldplay were nominated for four awards at the 2009 Brit Awards: British Group, British Live Act, British Single ("Viva la Vida") and British Album (Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends). At the 51st Grammy Awards in the same year, Coldplay won three Grammy Awards in the categories for Song of Year for "Viva la Vida", Best Rock Album for Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, and Best Vocal Pop Performance by a Duo or Group for "Viva la Vida".

On 21 February 2012, they were awarded the Brit Award for Best British Group for the third time.The album was the best-selling rock album in the United Kingdom, selling 908,000 copies.The album's second single, "Paradise", was also the best-selling rock single in the UK, selling 410,000 copies.At the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards on 6 September, "Paradise" won the award for Best Rock Video.Mylo Xyloto has sold over 8 million copies worldwide.

On 25 February 2014, the band unveiled "Midnight", a track from their yet-to-be released album.

In early March 2014, it was announced that the band's sixth album, Ghost Stories, would be released 19 May 2014.Ghost Stories is a spiritually driven album that revolves around two major themes mentioned by Chris Martin. The album topped the charts in the UK, the US, and most major markets.It received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Vocal Album and "A Sky Full of Stars" was nominated for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.

On 27 November 2015, Coldplay announced the first dates to their 2016 A Head Full of Dreams Tour. Latin American and European legs were listed, which included three dates at Wembley Stadium, London in June, with further dates, including their North American tour, to be added.

On 7 February 2016, Coldplay headlined the Super Bowl 50 halftime show.The band were joined by Beyoncé and Bruno Mars.In April 2016, the band were named the sixth best selling artist worldwide in 2015.

