


#根源唱作人 #独立流行 #室内流行
Germany 德国



中 文 名:麦斯米兰·海克

外 文 名:Maximilian Hecker

出 生 地:德国Heidenheim



麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 1977年生于德国Heidenheim,从小就是披头士 (The Beatles) 的歌迷。学习录音、上过打击乐和钢琴课、在学校乐团任职的麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 原本在酒吧做驻场歌手,被发现后在德国Kitty-Yo公司内做电子音乐制作人,随后自己创作演唱。2000年,麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 放弃了吉他而改用钢琴创作。于2001年发行了第一张专辑《Infinite Love Songs》,麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 独自完成歌曲创作以及所有乐器的演奏及演唱,成为全能创作音乐人。

麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 这样的男子就像世间真正的尤物一样可遇不可求,因为某种际遇不幸落入了凡间,身上带着与生俱来的忧郁,如此令人又爱又怜。忧伤美丽的“忧美”王子麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 带给我们的是这样独特的音乐:古典韵味的钢琴、通透的假声、弥漫的稀薄情感、独特的曲式行进、偶尔肆虐的吉他失真和神经质的男声。

继《Infinite Love Songs》麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 总喜欢以“忧郁的流行赞美诗” 来形容自己的音乐。古典钢琴与假声的运用是麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 最大的特色,专辑以爱情与由此而生的忧伤为主题。麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 不仅抓住了英国流行音乐中最美妙的旋律,与生俱来就拥有那优雅又忧郁的气质。

麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 巧妙地利用古典乐中的曲式行进,使那些被作词者刻意回避掉、Beatles式的表白语句,由他吐露出来却是令人期待的,也异常深情。每首歌曲都非常动听,细腻又绚烂。而曾作为电子音乐制作人的麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 在《Green Night》、《Cold Wind Blowing》等歌曲中将电音与钢琴配合得无丝毫不适之处。《Over》中钢琴退了一步,木吉他扫弦,配着沙哑、微微恳求的嗓音:My girl, don't leave......《Flower Four》中木吉他与钢琴的旋律互补。《Cold Wind Blowing》后半部分的电吉他轰鸣与麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 失真的嗓音让人不可预料。《Infinite Love Songs》将这些元素结合起来,麦斯米兰·海克 (Maximilian Hecker) 通透的假声、轻快跳跃的电子节拍与钢琴。整张专辑保持同一基调,在细节上又不缺丰富。

2015年1月,他发行了第八张录音室专辑《Spellbound Scenes of My Cure in Europe》。

Maximilian Hecker (born July 26, 1977 in Heidenheim an der Brenz) is a German musician from Berlin, known for ethereal pop or dream pop music, similar to Radiohead, Sigur Rós, Tom Baxter and Nick Drake. He himself describes his songs as »melancholy pop hymns«.

Hecker grew up in Baden-Wuerttemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia. He learned to play the piano, the drums and the guitar and did his A levels at Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium in Bünde in 1997. Having finished his alternative civilian service at Klinikum Schwabing in Munich, he started training in nursing practice at the hospital Charité in Berlin in 1999.

Apart from his activities as a trainee nurse, Hecker continued pursuing his musical hobby busking in the area of Hackescher Markt in Berlin-Mitte. Thus he came in contact with Berlin's music- and cultural scene. In 2000, the demo of his song Cold Wind Blowing was used for the score of German director Esther Gronenborn's movie Alaska.de. Soon after that, the Berlin based record company Kitty-yo, having released the movie's soundtrack, offered Hecker a record deal.

In August of the same year, German publishing house Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf published Hecker's debut as a writer, the autobiographical book The Rise and Fall of Maximilian Hecker (written in German) in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The very candid text deals with Hecker's career as a musician and his life between two worlds, Europe and Asia, and is an "intimate document of a self-discovery" (blurb).

The first part of Hecker’s tour promoting Mirage Of Bliss took him to Taiwan and Mainland China in October and November 2012, the second part, in the context of which he played six concerts at Chinese concert halls as well as at »Seoul Jazz Festival«, followed in May 2013. From December 2012 to April 2013, Hecker played an extensive European tour, for the most part together with Polarkreis 18 singer Felix Räuber, before returning to China to play concerts in Shenzhen, Chengdu and Shanghai in September 2014.

In January 2015, Maximilian Hecker released his eight studio album Spellbound Scenes of My Cure in Europe (Eat The Beat Music), Mainland China (Beijing Dragon Flying Culture Media), Taiwan (Avant Garden Records) and South Korea (Leeway). Spellbound Scenes of My Cure, which was produced by Johannes Feige and Hecker himself and was mixed by Tommi Eckart, could be regarded as a concept album, since it deals exclusively with places on earth that Hecker has traveled to. The release was accompanied by impressionist, self- filmed video films that Hecker had shot in the context of these travels.

