


#电子舞曲 #碎拍


当一组难以被归类的音乐单位与一个非正统的音乐厂牌结合,是如何的妙不可言!来自伦敦的电音组合Bugz In The Attic向以跨界把玩各种音乐,创造Broken Beat最为人乐道,不过在各位还没弄清楚Broken Beat是哪一招之际,Bugz In The Attic又与「Back To Mine」系列相见欢,透过《Back To Mine - Bugz In The Attic》露一手选曲上的品味与广度。多年来,BTM儼然成为各大电音艺人/团体/DJ展露私房绝活的另类舞台,以艺人自身的观点与乐迷深度沟通,Bugz In The Attic不忘本的把影响他们的音乐风格一一詮释,从经典80的Punk、Funk节拍变换到东岸Hip Hop的初貌,衔接怪腔怪调的Reggae Vocal引人发噱,却很有嘉年华的味道;进化到电气时代,Unique 3注入的Old School Rave使得专辑张力更完整,还有复古的草根骚灵节奏、最后以美式情歌小调画下漂亮Ending,充满Oldie风味的Mix专辑,Back To Mine领导的正是最新的复古流行!

by Andy Kellman

Bugz in the Attic is an all-star broken beat crew of DJs and producers based in West London — a collective that includes (but isnt limited to) Afronaught, Seiji, Daz-I-Kue, Kaidi Tatham, Mark Force, and Alex Phountzi. Whether alone, together, or involved in their many splinter projects and one-offs, the members of Bugz in the Attic have likely played a role in well over half (if not a higher percentage) of the releases that can be categorized as broken beat. The group has also run its own Co-Op club night and the Bitasweet label as well, which has been an outlet for some of their involvements and interests, including the Phuturistic Dancin anthologies, Seijis Remixes compilation, and Dego McFarlanes releases as Cousin Cockroach. In late 2003, they made their contribution to the Fabriclive series of mix discs.
