


United Kingdom 英国


首张专辑空降英国金榜第三名 全英12大媒体喻为‘英国歌坛明日巨星’﹡性感魅力与摇滚热力完美结合 半年内连续三首单曲攻陷英伦﹡史上第一组以3G行动电话举行网路转播演唱会艺人


除了商业上的畅销佳绩,Rooster也获得不少乐评的青睐,卫报(The Guardian)称扬他们是最具潜力的年轻团体之一,伦敦晚报(Evening Standard)说他们“呛到让你联想起滚石合唱团(The Rolling Stones)和黑乌鸦合唱团(The Black Crowes)”,诸如此类的好评不胜枚举,在一片看好声之中,Rooster的团员们显然要以结合性感魅力与摇滚热力的优质条件,在乐坛上攻城掠地一番。

来自西伦敦的Rooster由24岁的主唱Nick Atkinson和22岁的吉他手Luke Potashnick共同创立,Rooster让人一听就印象深刻的吉他表现来自于从小听齐柏林飞船(Led Zeppelin)、奶油合唱团(Cream)、庭中鸟合唱团(The Yardbirds)、Free合唱团等等七0年代重摇滚音乐长大的Luke之手,很显然地,他对老摇滚的兴趣影响了他超龄且超越同侪乐手的演奏表现;而主唱Nick沙哑得很有魅力的歌声也让许多人一听到Rooster的音乐就不由自主地驻足侧耳倾听。成军之后一步一脚印地跑遍英国各大小体育馆及音乐节表演累积丰富临场经验的Rooster在他们的首张同名专辑中展现出成熟的气度与多元的企图,开场曲“Joyride”的吉他像磁铁般地马上吸住听者的耳朵;获得全英第七名的“Come Get Some”以亲和力十足的旋律让听者畅快地随之手舞足蹈;专辑中选出的第二首单曲“Staring at the Sun”是首抒情但不煽情的慢板作品,获得全英第五名的好成绩证明了这首歌曲的韵味深获歌迷喜爱;展露性感姿态的“To Die For”透露出这几个年轻男孩的纯情梦想;“Platinum Blues”散发些许史密斯飞船合唱团(Aerosmith)的气息,既充满冲劲又流畅动听;“Deep and Meaningless”是专辑里另一首令人闻之动容的美丽情歌;结尾曲“Drag the Sunrise Down”则以注满生命力的节奏让励志的歌词更具说服力。正如Luke所说的,Rooster的目标就是找回强调现场表演气氛的复古摇滚风,他们要让大家重温那种透过音乐所表现出来的好技术、摇滚精神以及单纯的兴奋感。听完这张专辑,你会发现Rooster已轻易地达成了他们所定下的这个目标。

Rooster were an English indie rock band.


Rooster were formed in 2002 by Nick Atkinson (vocals), Luke Potashnick (guitar), Dave Neale (drums) and Ben Smyth (bass). Atkinson and Potashnick were former school friends who reunited while living in London, after both admitted they were struggling to make an impact with their respective bands. Atkinson was previously the singer in British nu metal band 50 Grind, who reached #57 in December 2001 with Gotta Catch 'Em All, featuring the Pokémon all-stars and never released any more material. They formed Rooster with Neale and Smyth and the name was settled on when Atkinson came home £250 richer after putting a bet on a horse called Rooster Booster. After only a few live shows, were signed to the new BMG affiliate label Brightside.

The quartet received plenty of publicity when they became the first band to broadcast a concert live to mobile phones, with their gig at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London on 2 November 2004 aired by the 3 network. The quartet's debut album was released the following January.

The band's self-styled &griff rock& combined hard rock with pop but was marketed primarily at the UK teen rock market recently cornered by Busted and McFly. Rooster's debut single, &Come Get Some,& reached the UK Top 10 in November 2004. The band received much acclaim for their live shows, which were energetic and exciting with fantastic musicianship. Live shows saw the band improvising and extending songs; Neale often performed a four-minute-long drum solo during &Drag The Sunrise Down.& Rooster were known to incorporate covers, such as, Cream's &Sunshine of Your Love,& Free's &All Right Now,& Jamiroquai's &Deeper Underground,& Blackstreet's &No Diggity& and The Rolling Stone's &Satisfaction& into their live sets.

The band provided a track for the soundtrack of the film Stormbreaker. The track selected to appear on the film's soundtrack was &Good to be Here& which was released as a download-only single in August 2006.

In autumn 2008, their song &I Come Alive& was used in American Discovery Channel commercials.


The band's single &Home& was released on 10 July 2006, but entered the charts at #33. Rooster's second album, Circles and Satellites, was originally planned for release on 24 July 2006 but was postponed until a later date due to the disappointing single sales. The album was, however, made available as planned in Japan. It was not released in the UK until 2 October 2006.

With musical differences and difficulties with the record company the band announced their split via their MySpace on 23 January 2007.
