

#科技舞曲 #鼓打贝斯 #氛围科技舞曲 #电子乐


by Sean CooperAlthough Jonathon Tyes work as one-half of MLO has turned mainly on ambient and house, his solo work as Twisted Science has headed for the jagged edge of extremity, exploiting the more beastly potential of jungle, midtempo breakbeat, and hardcore techno against a wall of piercing noise and distortion. His debut release, appropriately titled Freedom of Noise, was released in 1995 by Tony Morleys well-respected Leaf label, which, like Tyes own Lo Recordings imprint, seems above all else committed to pushing the boundaries of genre and stylistic conventionality. Freedom from Noise ably conveyed this agenda as a double-12-inch of ruthless, unrelenting sonic experimentation, usually under a minute or two per track, and singularly committed to the art of the off-put. His subsequent work — 1997s Cold Fusion EP (also on Leaf) — backed off the overkill a bit, beguiling by method rather than madness, although the twists and turns of its eight tracks make it equally difficult to get ones head around. The debut Twisted Science full-length, Blown, was released in June 1997. The Sharpest Tool in the Box followed one year later.