


United States of America 美国


Daz Dillinger原名Delmar Arnaud,出生于1973年5月25日。生长于加州的Long Beach,与Snoop Dogg和Soopafly都是表兄弟,他作为制作人,帮助那么多大牌制作了日后流芳百世的作品就已经可以让Daz名列史册了 从在Dr. Dre的专辑《Chronic》中跑龙套的轧一角到挑起2 Pac的《All Eyez On Me》、Snoop Dogg的《Doggystyle》、《Tha Doggfather》等专辑的制作大任,然后再与Kurupt合组Tha Dogg Pound乐团发表《Dogg Food》专辑,Daz凭藉著这些嘻哈经典专辑的显赫资历,登基为美国西岸帮派饶舌乐界的大人物,同时也巩固了90年代不可一世的饶舌名厂Death Row Records王朝。 作为一个MC,Daz可能并非那么出色。因为他的身边围绕着那么多太过出色的Rapper们:Dr. Dre、2PAC、Snoppy Doggy Dog,甚至是和他共组tha Doggy Pound的Kurpt。最大的举动莫过于在Snoppy Doggy Dog那张代表作《Doggy Style》中献声了。 但同时作为一名制作人来说,Daz的才能却又如此的出类拔萃。不仅被视为Dr. Dre的接班人,帮助2PAC《All Eyez on Me》成为日后流芳百世的作品,以及作为Snoop Doggy Dogg第二张唱片《Tha Doggfather》的全盘监制。似乎是这些就已经可以让Daz名列史册了。 然而,Daz对这一切还不满意,不断的推出他的唱片。先是在与Kurpt的组合tha Doggy Pound于1995年推出了差强人意的《Dogg Food》,随后在Death Row人走茶凉的98年,发表了个人作品《Retaliation, Revenge & Get Back》。但这和之后在自己厂牌DPG出版的唱片命运类似,反响平平、好象石沉大海一般。只有少数G疯克和Death Row的忠实追随者才会留意。《This Is the Life I Lead》是他个人第五张唱片,和Tha Doggy Pound的《2002》同年推出,显示着Daz那种不服输的倔强。

One of the key members of the mid-90s Death Row Records empire, producer/rapper Daz Dillinger worked alongside some of the West Coasts best rappers. Along with Kurupt, Nate Dogg, and Snoop Dogg, Dillinger (at time known as Dat Nigga Daz) was one of the Long Beach, CA, clique that had been introduced to Dr. Dre through Warren G during the preliminary stages of the legendary Chronic album. Though Dillinger played only a minor role in the success of that album, his subsequent contributions to Snoop Doggs Doggystyle album as a rapper quickly established him as an up-and-coming West Coast talent. And when his production helped make 2Pacs All Eyez on Me such a success, he was chosen to be Dr. Dres successor for the production of Snoops Tha Doggfather album. Around the same time, he was part of a duo also including Kurupt known as tha Dogg Pound that released a somewhat overlooked album, Dogg Food. Of course, following the departure of Dr. Dre, the death of 2Pac, and the imprisonment of Suge Knight, Death Row suddenly lost its momentum — and Dillingers career with it. During the late 90s, he continued his efforts as a prolific producer but saw his long-finished solo album for Death Row, Retaliation, Revenge & Get Back, get continually pushed back until it was finally released in 1998 to an indifferent audience; the album did feature In California, though, which proved to be a minor hit. In 2000, Dillinger released his second album, R.A.W., on his Dogg Pound Records label. The record found Dillinger dissing Suge Knight, Death Row, and even his cousin Snoop Dogg. Yet without major-label push, the album was greeted quietly. When Kurupt announced his new position as vice president of Death Row Records in 2002, Daz cut all ties with his former partner. This lasted until 2005 when the duo joined forces once again for the Dogg Pound album Cali Iz Active. A year later, Daz signed with Jermaine Dupris So So Def label and released So So Gangsta.
