


#硬摇滚 #重金属 #新古典金属
United States of America 美国


西元1984年,自从瑞典吉他大师Yngwie J. Malmsteen以新古典速弹弹法在“Steeler”和"Alcatrazz"扬名万世后,吉他英雄如春荀般掘起,位於美国旧金山的Shrapnel唱片公司,其主事Mike Varney荐於吉他英雄主义来到,於是在1986年发掘了几位新古典吉他英雄,Jason Becker、Marty Friedman、Vinnie Moore、Tony Ma|Calpine、Joey Tafolla、Paul Gilbert 等新秀,主导及改写了重金属摇滚吉他的演奏方式,这几位吉他手也名列摇滚吉他名人传之中。

Jason Becker出生於西元1969年7月30日,初试啼声於1987年,当年他和Marty Friedman(ex-Megadeth)共同组成以演奏为主的前卫速度金属(Progressive Speed Metal) 团体"Cacophony",首张专辑"Speed Metal Symphony”, 两人以融合摇滚与古典乐的手法,运用大量东方音乐元素,开创出新的重金属音乐型态,速弹、扫弦、点弦及準确的吉他对位技巧和摇捍运用於乐曲之中。同年Jason独具个人风格的演奏专辑"Perpetual Burn"表.隔年Cacophony第二张专辑"Go off!"发表。 1989年Jason接替Steve Vai的职务,加入摇滚巨星David Lee Roth(ex-Van Halen)的乐团。

正当Jason的音乐事业开始飞黄腾达之际,却被诊断罹患ALS-肌萎缩性侧索硬化症,病魔一天天啃噬身体,演奏能力渐受影响,1988年"Young Guitar"、"1989年"Guitar World"、"1990年"Guitar Magazine"、"Guitar Player"读者票选Jason为最佳新进吉他手,受病魔侵蚀而日渐衰弱的他,在双手不时颤抖的情况下完成David专辑”A Little Ain't Enough”的录制,然而衰弱的身体令Jason无法应付巡迴演唱的劳累,不得不离开David Lee Roth's Band,但他不放弃对音乐的热爱,开始尝试电脑作曲,1995年於日本发行经典作品"Perspective",并在1999年发表个人珍藏作品"The Raspberry Jams" !

Jason Becker is an American hard rock guitarist who formed the band Cacophony in the late 80s with fellow guitarist Marty Friedman and recorded two albums with it, Speed Metal Symphony (1987) and Go Off! (1988). He made the instrumental solo album Perpetual Burn in 1988. In 1989, he left Cacophony and was hired by David Lee Roth to replace Steve Vai in his backup band, appearing on the album A Little Aint Enough (1991). Shortly after he joined Roths band, however, he was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), better known as Lou Gehrigs Disease, a rare degenerative illness that causes paralysis. Nevertheless, he succeeded in completing a second solo album, Perspective, released on his own label in 1996. Raspberry Jams, an album of demos, followed in 1999, and in 2001, through the intercession of Eddie Van Halen, Perspective was given major-label release on Warner Bros. Records.

