


#另类金属 #重金属 #工业金属 #说唱金属 #新金属 #激流金属



加入强力电流润饰的工业金属(Industrial Metal),虽然在主流排行中并无闪耀亮眼的佳绩支撑,对于新一代乐迷来说,甚至会忽略这一乐派的存在,但是从早期居于翘楚的Nine Inch Nails、Ministry、Skinny Puppy到后期Marilyn Manson、Stabbing Westward、Filter等备受各界赞誉之工业大团,皆喜于见识到他们颇具实验、猛力狂暴的摇滚力道!90年代后期,Static-X无畏于Nu-Metal乐派重重包围之胁迫,仍创出漂亮成绩,在工业摇滚音乐范畴中,再添一组优秀重装部队。

以创作核心兼主唱/吉他手Wayne Static为首的Static-X,早期与鼓手Ken Jay在芝加哥参与过多组乐团演出,两位因为音乐理念一拍即合,决定前往加州正式展开音乐之梦,在那认识有日本血统的吉他手Koichi Fukada与贝斯手Tony Campos后,Static-X将金属摇滚音韵加入电子声响,并融入黑暗深沉的哥德式调性与工业金属合而为一。

1998年2月Static-X签入华纳大厂于隔年推出首张处女作《Wisconsin Death Trip》,立刻获得非主流乐迷欢迎,高居潜力榜冠军,获颁金唱片佳绩,各各活像死囚模样之造型,让乐迷留下相当强烈的视觉震撼!2001年换上新任吉他手Tripp Eisen(原同为工业金属团Dope)发行的《Machine》,空降全美专辑榜第11名,加上替电影《Queen Of The Damned》演唱主题曲Cold推波助澜,马上冲破百万销售量。2003年的《Shadow Zone》,原鼓手Ken离团到Marilyn Manson力捧的工业团Godhead中,换上新鼓手Niki Oshiri,仍缔造首周攻入专辑榜Top.20的佳绩!更为成熟与旋律性的节奏,让Static-X更受乐迷欢迎,也受电影厂商青睐,累积出现在10馀部电影原声带与合辑当中!

Static-X's roots trace to the Midwest, where vocalist/guitarist Wayne Static grew up in Michigan and drummer Ken Jay in Illinois. They ended up in Chicago separately and met at the record store where Jay worked, introduced to one another by Smashing Pumpkins vocalist Billy Corgan. Static and Jay decided to head west to California and start up a new band. Shortly after their arrival, Osaka native Koichi Fukada responded to the duo's ad and became their new guitarist, as well as programmer. Bassist Tony Campos, the only true Californian, was the final piece of the puzzle. Static-X's music combined aggressive metal and thrash with industrial overtones and techno pulse. Signed to Warner Brothers in February 1998, Static-X debuted with Wisconsin Death Trip a year later, and the album was eventually certified gold. Departing guitarist Fukada was replaced with Tripp Eisen (ex-Dope) for 2001's Machine, and drummer Jay left after the 2003 album Shadow Zone. If that weren't enough, personal issues forced Eisen to leave the band in 2004. Still, Static-X was undeterred. Static tapped Fukada to rejoin on guitar and programming, and touring drummer Nick Oshiro took over full-time. In June 2005, a rejuvenated Static-X returned to recording with Start a War. Cannibal followed in 2007.

