


#民谣摇滚 #凯尔特民谣



琼·特伯(June Tabor) ,这位从上世纪就开始演唱的歌手,被媒体评价为英国最伟大的最受欢迎的音乐演绎者之一,也有人称她为“英国民谣之后”。天生的民谣嗓音,沉静、温和,低吟浅唱却打动人心。她对歌曲内涵的理解和驾驭能力,让她得到了同行的赞美与钦佩。“她有非凡的表演天赋和才能,对声音力度、情绪的娴熟控制,让她的歌唱像表演。表面上冷静却是极富有生命的声音,可以让时间停止,令铁石心肠的人也落泪……”。

1947年出生在英国华威市(Warwick),毕业于牛津大学。曾做过图书馆员,也在特伯在坎布里亚郡经营过一间名为"Passepartout"的饭店,但她永久的身份是一名歌手。June Tabor十几岁的时候就开始唱英国传统民谣,一些歌曲都是从电视里听学来的,不久,她又被当时声望很高的Anne Briggs 和 Belle Stewart的声音所吸引,开始在声乐教室每天练习直到能够模仿他们的声音。在牛津大学的时候,June加入了一个民间歌唱团,更简单的歌唱风格吸引了她,那时候的音乐经历深刻影响了她的唱腔和风格,如我们今天听到的这样。

1972她录制了第一首歌曲《Stagfolk Live》。1976年她与Maddy Prior合作录制首张个人专辑《傻帽姐妹Silly Sisters》,后来二人组团,并把傻帽姐妹作为其组合的名称。她也受到了同时代美国音乐的影响,与很多词曲作家合作,诸如Bill Caddick、 Les Barker、Si Kahn、Bob Franke、Richard Thompson等。她所诠释的Eric Bogle的《No Man's Land》至今被许多人念念不忘,堪称完美。Tabor对词曲的选择非常挑剔,所以她的歌曲还具有很强的文学性,这导致当时的很多评论家和音乐家对她所用的词曲作家兴趣浓厚,从某种程度上可以说,她已经成为一种音乐标准。Elvis Costello曾对Tabor说,他的目标就是写一首能灌录到她的专辑里的歌曲。后来,Tabor从坎布里亚郡来到了威尔士,音乐创作日益专业化,在过去的三十年间,她的音乐一直给人一种耳目一新的感觉,传统民谣的风格中也时常加入一些爵士乐元素。所以也有评论称赞June Tabor是一位音乐灵魂的探索者。

2007年的这张全新专辑《Apples》,像她以往的音乐一样,又给我们讲起故事。不过这一次似乎是关于童年和漫长的人生回忆。Apple本身就让人感觉甜美和温暖。学校黑板上画的苹果,幼儿园后面可以爬或者吊挂的苹果树,苹果木放在火上烧时香香的味道,一去不复返的童年…… Tabord的歌总是用真实的记忆和虚构的想象描绘出一些画面:“一堆野苹果堆在老灌木丛下面,有时就堆在我见过最漂亮的小伙子和熟睡的狗当中……丰收时节Bred镇的教堂墓地会带来很多苹果,以纪念已故的好人Anaon。当你咬一口Worcester的红苹果——香脆,美味,多汁,又苦又甜,还有蜂蜜的香味。D公司的信号手Rifle Brigade正在Picard果园分享苹果,三个年轻姑娘在一棵老苹果树下拥作一团,不远处是战火,她们说“我们的爱人正在为我们战斗”……


June Tabor is probably the finest female traditional British folksinger of the late 20th century — if not the best British folksinger of her time, period. What links her to Britain's past traditions is the chilling and emotional qualities of her voice. What links her to the British present is her fine taste in material, arrangements, and backing musicians, along with a willingness to try different things and interpret work by contemporary songwriters.

Tabor's first high-profile project was a duet album with Steeleye Span's Maddy Prior in the 1970s (the duo dubbed themselves the Silly Sisters for the occasion). An all-star cast of some of the leading lights of the British folk scene supported the singers, including Martin Carthy, Nic Jones, and Andy Irvine. For her own albums and tours she has worked with outstanding guitarists, most notably Jones and Martin Simpson. She's also tread into folk-rock waters with Fairport Convention (with whom she's guested on-stage) and Oysterband (with whom she collaborated on a 1990 album). Her 1994 album Against the Streams found her still at her peak, interpreting both traditional tunes and efforts by modern-day composers, including Elvis Costello and Richard Thompson. Subsequent efforts include 1996's Singing the Storm, 1997's Aleyn, and 2000's Quiet Eye. Rosa Mundi appeared in 2001 from Green Linnet, with 2003's Echo of Hooves, 2005's At the Wood's Heart, and 2007's Apples following from Topic Records.

