


#室内爵士 #器乐独奏 #成人另类
United States of America 美国



外 文 名 Wayne Gratz

出生年份 1954年

出生地点 北卡罗莱那州、温斯顿-萨兰姆市

职    业 钢琴演奏家


Wayne Gratz(伟恩葛瑞兹),1954年7月出生于北卡罗莱那州、温斯顿-萨兰姆市,很小便热爱音乐,6岁便开始弹钢琴。在最近十余年中推出超过19张的专辑。在紧张忙碌的现代生活中,每个人都在寻求属于自己心中的一块净土,一个不受打扰的心灵空间,Wayne Gratz的双手就像画家的笔一样,挥洒之下就是一幅美丽宁静的山水,他水晶般清澈的钢琴音色,呈现了大自然的安详自在,洗涤了纷杂的思绪,探索了最底层的内心,培养智慧,激发潜能。


Wayne Gratz (伟恩葛瑞兹),1954年生,六岁学琴,在最近十余年中推出超过19张的专辑。在紧张忙碌的现代生活中,每个人都在寻求属于自己心中的一块净(静)土,一个不受打扰的心灵空间,Wayne Gratz的双手就像画家的笔一样,挥洒之下就是一幅美丽宁静的山水,他水晶般清澈的钢琴音色,加上偶而的电子音源和大提琴的伴奏,呈现了大自然的安详自在,洗涤了纷杂的思绪,探索了最底层的内心,培养智慧,激发潜能。1954年7月,Wayne出生于北卡罗莱那州、温斯顿-萨兰姆市,很小便热爱音乐。5岁的时候,Wayne搬到宾夕法尼亚州雷丁市。受幼儿园老师的启蒙,6岁便开始弹钢琴,高中那几年里,Wayne坚持学习钢琴弹奏。之后,他开始学习吉他。和诸如Emerson, Lake &Palmer(艾默森,雷克&帕玛,艺术摇滚年代的传奇乐队,经典名作《C’est La Vie》)、Yes 还有Genesis在一起,则让Wayne决定回到键盘手的位置。除了对音乐的热爱,Wayne还特别擅长游泳,参加过州际高中比赛,“不过你不能真的靠游泳谋生”Gratz说,“我决定将主要的精力放在音乐上面”。从5岁开始,经历了高中生活,居住在雷丁的韦恩在各种不同的摇滚乐团中演奏。 高中毕业后,他开始在美国和加拿大巡回,1976年,最终将脚步停留在奥兰多。在这过去的时间中,除了Wayne Gratz的独奏生涯,他还和小有成就的流行乐队 “Paradise”长期合作。13年中,Wayne在Narada公司发行了7张原创作品,在Enso公司发行了四张翻奏专辑,Wayne也曾在一些令人难忘的Narada畅销选集中(《The Wilderness Collection》、《A  Childhood Remembered》、《Piano Solos》以及两张圣诞精选集)贡献自己的力量。




Follow Me Home(1993)

Blue Ridge(1995)

A Gift of the Sea(1996)

Music of the Night: The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber(1997)

From Me to You: The Love Songs of Lennon & McCartney(1997)

Somewhere in Time: Songs of Endless Love(1997)

Simple Gifts: Songs of Inspiration(1997)

Island Sanctuary(1999)

A Place Without Noise(2002)

Sleepy Baby Suite(2005)

Soul to Soul(2005)

Light Lands and Shoreline(2008)

Spring Rain Piano and Rainfall(2008)

Christmas Remembered(2008)

Two Views(2009)

Four Steps to the Ocean(四步临海)(2011)

Safer Places(2015)

Life and career

Wayne Gratz is an internationally known Composer/Pianist and has become one of the more recognized best selling artists in the New Age/Piano genre.

Born in Winston Salem, North Carolina, in June of 1954, Wayne acquired his love for music at a early age. At the age of five, Wayne moved to Reading, Pennsylvania. Inspired by his kindergarten teacher, Wayne began playing the piano at age six and studied piano into his high school years. He then began studying guitar. With the onset of cool keyboard bands such as Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Yes, and Genesis, Wayne decided to return to the keyboards. A resident of Reading, PA from the age of five through high school, Wayne played in various rock bands. After high school, he began touring the U.S and Canada, ending up in Orlando, Florida in 1976.

From 1989 to 2002, Wayne released 7 albums of original compositions on the Narada Label and 4 albums of cover music on the Enso label. Wayne also contributed to some of the most memorable compositions on Narada's best selling collections, ‘The Wilderness Collection’, ‘A Childhood Remembered’, ‘Piano Solos’, and 2 Christmas Collection albums. All these albums are still distributed by Capitol Records and EMI and are available at most digital download centers. Wayne started his own label , along his business partner and wife Kyra, ‘Wayne Gratz Music’ in 2002 and has recorded and produced 8 albums, to include ‘Sleepy Baby Suite’, ‘Christmas Remembered’, ‘Soul to Soul’, ‘Light Lands and Shoreline’, ‘Two Views’, ‘Four Steps to the Ocean’, and a special documentary original soundtrack project ‘Conquering Kilimanjaro’. His most recent album titled ‘Safer Places’ (2015)is piano ensemble including featured artists Nancy Rumble and Paul Fleury. In addition, his music has been used for the Olympic games specialty segments, NBC television specials, and background music for numerous other television/radio advertisements, to include a Tiger Woods segment and background music for the Thomas Kinkade DVD, Painter of Light. Wayne’s music is featured on Pandora, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Music Choice, Whisperings Solo Piano Internet Radio and numerous radio stations around the world.

