


#氛围黑金属 #自赏黑
Ukraine 乌克兰


Exploring themes of borderline death states, aberrant afterlife worlds and strange mental disorders, the WHITE WARD sound spans the expansiveness of instrumental jazz and the depths of pitch black existential despair. After recording their first full-length album "Futility Report", WHITE WARD signed to Debemur Morti Productions and are primed to embark much further on their divergent sonic journey.


Andrey Pechatkin - Bass

Igor Palamarchuk - Guitars

Yuriy Kononov - Drums

Yuriy Kazaryan - Guitars

Alexey Sidorenko - Vocals">WHITE WARD, from Odessa, Ukraine perform intensely deviant music of a noir shade.

Formed in 2012 and taking root in raw depressive black metal, the band rapidly shed all boundaries, taking inspiration from an array of additional dark atmospheres including the writings of H.P. Lovecraft and I.M. Banks. The band's excellent early recordings were compiled into the "Origins" compilation released in 2016.

Exploring themes of borderline death states, aberrant afterlife worlds and strange mental disorders, the WHITE WARD sound spans the expansiveness of instrumental jazz and the depths of pitch black existential despair. After recording their first full-length album "Futility Report", WHITE WARD signed to Debemur Morti Productions and are primed to embark much further on their divergent sonic journey.


Andrey Pechatkin - Bass

Igor Palamarchuk - Guitars

Yuriy Kononov - Drums

Yuriy Kazaryan - Guitars

Alexey Sidorenko - Vocals
