


#印度 | 拉格
India 印度


作为一位勇于革新的声乐艺术家,胡斯塔德•阿米尔•汉在20世纪后半叶的闪烁群星中是独一无二的。凭着独特的演唱风格和技巧,他取得了空前的成功以及评论家与鉴赏家的好评。 1912年,阿米尔•汉出生在印多尔(Indore)的一个音乐之家,父亲沙米尔•汉(Shamir Khan)教他学习萨朗吉琴,之后他又跟随本蒂巴扎尔流派(Bhendibazar Gharana)的拉贾卜•阿里•汉(Ustad Rajab Ali Khan)学习声乐。 他也深受耆拉纳派大师阿卜杜尔•卡里米•汉(Ustad Abdul Karim Khan)和阿卜杜尔•瓦希米•汉(Abdul Wahim Khan)的影响,尤其是后者对慢速拉格的处理方式。之后他逐渐形成了自己在演唱极慢速或阿提维兰比特克雅尔(ati vilambit Khayal,即极慢速克雅尔)上的独特风格。他的演唱从容不迫,宁静而富于冥思的魅力,这使他很快就声名大振。现在,这一风格已被誉为印多尔流派。 他的技巧和风格影响了很多艺术家,其中包括西塔琴大师尼克•班纳吉(Nikhil Bannerjee)、胡斯塔德•维拉亚特•汉(Ustad Vilayat Khan)为首的整个英达卡尼西塔琴流派,还有很多克雅尔声乐家如青年大师胡斯塔德•拉施德•汉(Ustad Rashid Khan)等等。 他还是个博学多才的学者,他精通梵语和波斯语。他从早年开始就编写了很多班迪湿(bandishe)。 不幸的是他在音乐方面的创新和实践因其英年早逝而过早终止了。1974年2月13日,他在一场车祸中丧身。

by Ken Hunt

Born in April 1912 in Kalanaur, Amir Khan rose to become one of the most respected and influential Hindustani classical vocalists of his day. He learned initially from his father Shahmir Khan, but later soaked up a variety of singing styles from different gharanas. His forte was the exposition of vilambit (slow) songs. He was especially fond of khyal and that fondness, as happens in all walks of life, translated itself into a greater depth of feeling and greater artistic attainments where such material was concerned.

He was killed in a car crash on February 14, 1974, and though a performers reputation will often be exalted after his or her death, Amir Khans voice truly shows that his reputation was based on merit. Like that of Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Amir Khans reputation continues to grow and he has become deservedly one of the legends of Hindustani music. Ragamala (Classical Vocal Compilation) Volume 1 is particularly worth seeking out for his remarkable reading of Raga Marwa.
