


#新灵魂乐 #当代节奏布鲁斯 #都市音乐
United States of America 美国



中 文 名 梅西葛雷

外 文 名 Macy Gray

国    籍 美国

出 生 地 生长于俄亥俄州坎顿区

职    业 歌手

代表作品 《I Try》


Macy Gray,女,生长于俄亥俄州坎顿区,美国歌手。

有着都会灵魂的美声之最梅西葛雷1999年以畅销曲"I Try"征服了世界各地的排行榜,专辑在全球创造了1500万张的销售,她的歌艺赢得了葛莱美奖,MTV音乐奖与全英音乐奖的肯定,走过璀璨的10年,她树立自己21世纪比莉哈乐黛的美声名伶形象,成为近10年西洋流行乐坛最具感性辨识力的声音,一种让人自行与之沈淀的情感共呜标记…。

尽管人们把Gray奉为灵魂音乐的救星,但是她本人从不以此自居,而是常常向人们讲述他童年的故事。那时她因为嗓音特别经常引来其它孩子们的嘲笑,她也因此轻易不敢开口讲话。她的嗓音融合了Billie Holiday和Tina Turner两种嗓音的特色,但又与蓝调音乐和说唱表演者的陈腐风格完全不同,能够给人一种耳目一新的感觉。她的首张唱片在1999年秋天一推出就吸引了批评家和音乐爱好者的注意。Gray曾接受过几年的正规钢琴训练,她的成长过程中被灌输都是像Stevie Wonder 和Aretha Franklin这样的一流的精神食粮,但她在80年代早期也学习了一些希普霍普艺术。后来她又来到洛杉矶在USC电影学院学习。在那里她在同事们的诱导下开始在一些试播唱片演示会上演唱,并开始在引起轰动。后来她在好莱坞创办了自己的业余时间俱乐部,取名为We Ours,在这里她能够在朋友们面临表演自己的创作。

1988年,Gray和Epic Records唱片公司签约,并开始和制片人Adrew Slater 一起录制唱片。她的合作者包括歌曲作者Darryl Swann和Jeremy Ruzumna、Arik Marshall(吉它手),和经验丰富的音乐家Blackbird McKnight(吉它手)和Lenny Castro(打击乐乐师)。她的《On How Life Is》曲调优美,融合了古典黑人音乐、城市蓝调音乐和希普霍普节奏,Gray朴实粗重的嗓音使得这支曲子更加完美。她的一些比较出众的优秀单曲则包括《Do Something》、《I Try》、《Sex-o-matic Venus Freak》和《Caligula》。这张唱片在英国尤其得到大家的好评,人们对她的作品的好评和口头上的赞誉也使得她的这张唱片在排行榜上稳定上升。《I Try》也连续几周排在前10名单曲之列。

聆听Macy Gray的声音真是一种十分美妙的经验。她的歌声可以让你感觉身处一个磨肩擦踵的拥挤酒吧里;时而让你毫无防备地深深浸透在她甜蜜的歌声中,时而又以强而有力的嗓音活跳跳于鲜活旋律里。一般人乍听Macy的歌声往往会马上联想到四十年代爵士天后Billie Holiday(比莉哈乐黛),但再继续细听之后又会从中窥见好几位传奇歌后的影子:Abbey Lincoln、Bette Davis、Nina Simone、Karen Dalton、Tina Turner…… 然而最终你会发现,Macy Gray的声音就是Macy Gray自己的声音,无可替代的声音。

2012年她演绎了迈克杰克逊的歌曲“Rock with You”。

2015年她出演歌曲“Into the Deep”MV。

2016年她在A妹第三张录音室专辑《Dangerous Woman》的歌曲“Leave Me Lonely”MV中出镜。

Macy Gray (born Natalie Renée McIntyre; September 6, 1967)is an American R&B, jazz and soul singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, and actress, known for her distinctive raspy voice, and a singing style heavily influenced by Billie Holiday.

Gray has released six studio albums, and received five Grammy Award nominations, winning one. She has appeared in a number of films, including Training Day, Spider-Man, Scary Movie 3, Lackawanna Blues, Idlewild and For Colored Girls. Gray is best known for her international hit single "I Try", taken from her multi-platinum debut album On How Life Is.

In 2003, Gray released her third studio album, The Trouble with Being Myself, to rave reviews. The lead single, "When I See You", became a radio hit in the US and a top forty hit in the UK, although the album was not as well received by fans.

In 2008, Gray launched a new campaign under the name " Nemesis Jaxson", with the single, "Slap a Bitch".

Early in 2009, Gray recorded the song "Don't Forget Me" for the soundtrack of Confessions of a Shopaholic.

In 2011, Gray signed a deal with 429 Records and started recording a series of covers for her next studio album Covered. The album was officially released on March 26, 2012.

In 2012, Gray performed the Michael Jackson song "Rock with You" for a special performance of the West End musical Thriller – Live for BBC Children in Need Pop Goes the Musical.

In 2015, Gray was featured on the song "Into the Deep" by Galactic.

In 2016, Gray was featured on Ariana Grande's third studio album, Dangerous Woman on a track entitled "Leave Me Lonely".

