


#硬摇滚 #流行摇滚
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名 谁人

外 文 名 The Who

类    型 组合

成    立 1964年

成    员 4位

国    籍 英国

代表作品 Tommy


“谁人”乐队于1964年在伦敦成立,它的4位成员是:罗杰·达尔特瑞(Roger Daltrey)主唱;约翰·恩特维斯托(John Entwistle),贝司手;凯思·莫恩(Keith Moon)鼓手;彼得·汤谢德(Pete Townshend)则是乐队的核心人物,是吉它演奏家和词曲作家。

在60年代的英国乐坛以“甲壳虫”乐队为发端的摇滚乐新时代里可谓群雄并起,争奇斗艳。除了“甲壳虫”和“滚石”乐队,最有个性,也最引人争议的就是“谁人”乐队(The Who)了。Converse也曾为The who乐队推出一款乐队合作鞋款。

谁乐队由4人于1963年组成,核心人物是彼特·汤申德(Pete Townshend,生于1945年,作词作曲兼吉他手)。他们以反叛的形象、演奏硬摇滚赢得观众的喜爱。他们把布鲁斯和摇滚乐的强劲力量与自发的极端主义和几乎反对一切的倾向结合起来。他们酗酒、吸毒、说脏话,表演作风无法无天。演出时,总是要把声音的分贝提高到震耳欲聋的地步。1965年,在一次音乐会中,作为他们疯狂行为的高潮,汤申德捣碎了他手中的吉他,而鼓手凯思·穆恩(Keith Moon,1947年出生)接着也敲烂了他的架子鼓,引起了观众的狂热反应。自此以后,每次音乐会上他们都这么做,一直保持到1978年穆恩因Heminevrin(治疗酒精中毒的处方药)服用过量去世止。


在乐队生涯的数年中,经理人换了数届,乐队名称也相应换了数次,而乐队成员却始终如一,配合默契。在两位经理人凯特伯兰特和克里斯坦普的先锋创意下,乐队正式定 为“The Who”,逐渐确立了“布兰顿之声” (A Sonic Brighton)的音乐风格,以音色 异常嘈杂喧嚣的个性特征立于乐坛。1965年,乐队凭藉一曲《I can't Exp- lain》登上了英国流行歌曲排行榜,之后的 几张专辑《My generation》,《The Who's Sell Out》以及《Magic Bus》都取得了成 功。The Who 对摇滚乐所作的最重要的贡献 在于他们创作并主演的摇滚歌剧《Tommy》, 它开创了流行艺术更为广泛的领域。当1967 年这部歌剧在纽约上演时,立即引起了人们的关注。

在以后的蒙特利尔摇滚艺术节上, 它可谓出尽风头。70年代,The Who作品不断问世,但在 专辑《Who Are You》推出仅1个月后,凯思·莫恩由于服用过量麻醉剂身亡,这给乐队蒙 上了难以消减的哀伤。乐队难以重振昔日雄风,在1982年最后一次大规模的巡回演出后, 乐队成员各奔东西,离开了这个曾带给他们辛酸和荣耀的团体。

在摇滚乐的历史上,很少有一支乐队象The Who那样充满着矛盾,四位成员的个性各不相同,从他们的激情现场演唱会上就不难发现这一点。在舞台上,他们就象一阵旋风:Pete Townshend时而抱着吉他跃向空中,时而夸张地象风车那样挥舞着拳头;Keith Moon常常激动得摔倒在他的鼓边;主音Roger Daltrey总喜欢趾高气扬地在台上踱来踱去;只有贝司手John Entwhistle静静站在一旁,倒显得象是这阵旋风的中心。迥异的性格经常会发生碰撞,但这些矛盾也因此在10多年里创造了出色的音乐。

在60年代中期“不列颠入侵”的大潮之中,The Who乐队是非常重要的角色。Townshend激烈狂乱的吉他、Entwhistle极度活跃的贝司线以及Moon那充满力度却又不很规整的鼓声使他们听上去在轰炸传统的摇滚和R&B结构。与众多摇滚乐队不同,The Who将他们的节奏立足于Townshend的吉他之上,Moon和Entwhistle在此基础上即兴发挥,而Daltrey也随之引吭高歌。这是他们在演唱会上旺盛的一面,在录音唱片里,The Who给人的感觉是截然不同的,Townshend似乎想把乐队领入一个新的境界。在短短的时间里,他被公认为那个时代英国最杰出的词曲创作人之一。歌曲“孩子们都好”和“我这一代”成了青少年传唱的经典,而他的摇滚音乐剧《托米》也为其在主流乐评人士中赢得了尊敬。

Townshend努力想使The Who的音乐进入一个新的层次,他将多种音乐风格融于一体,以期获得不同寻常的乐队特色。然而乐队的其他成员,尤其是Entwhistle和Daltrey,他俩在《托米》大获成功之后明确表示不愿意跟从Townshend的音乐探索。他们宁愿继续走硬摇滚路线,玩一些狂野吵闹的音乐,而不是Townsh end那纤细伤感的流行曲。这一切终于导致乐队放弃了他们的探索精神,而把自己定位为一支舞台摇滚乐队。甚至在197 8年Keith Moon去世后,他们仍坚持着这一原则。几年后乐队解散,直到80年代末才重组,90年代初期,乐队再次开始了全美巡演。在解散期间,Entwhistle和Daltrey并没有在独唱事业方面获得成功,或许这是乐队重组的原因之一,而他俩对金钱的过分追崇也影响了The Who在忠实歌迷们心中的声誉。当然还是有不少人认为,在The Who的鼎盛时期,他们仍不失为摇滚史上一支富有创意和闯劲的乐队。

Pete Townshend和John Entwhistle早在伦敦念高中时就认识了,那时他们一起在一支爵士乐队中表演,Entwhistle吹小号,Townshend奏五弦琴。60年代初两人组建了一支摇滚乐队,1 962年Entwhistle转投名为“迂回”(The Detours)的硬摇滚乐队,金属锻造工人Roger D altrey也在队中司职。当年底,Townshend作为节奏吉他手的身份加入其中。第二年当原主音Colin D awson离队后,Daltrey正式出任该职。不久鼓手Doug Sandom也分道扬镳,“迂回”招募了原冲浪摇滚乐队“海滨流浪汉”的成员Keith Moon顶替,就这样,The Who的正式班底浮出水面。1964年初,“迂回”更名为The Who。

在乐队默默奋斗的年代,Pete Townshend白天在一所艺术学校深造,其余的队员则各自打着零工。晚上,他们在伦敦一家名叫“大帐篷”的夜总会演出。


很快,The Who赢得了一批歌迷,并引起了经纪人Pete Meaden的注意。在Meaden的执导下,The Who更名为The High Numbers,他们穿起了时髦的服装并在歌曲中掺入了走俏的R&B节奏以吸引听众。The High Numbers首先推出了一支双面单曲“我是脸/佐特套服”,这是由Meaden创作的。有趣的是这支单曲很快获得了成功,乐队却解雇了Meaden,而邀请两位原先在电影界失意的导演Kit Lambe rt和Chris Stamp来进行音乐上的合作。不过Lambert和Stamp没有放弃Meaden的路线,他们让The Who穿上T恤,重新更名为The Who,在音乐里融入了听众最爱的灵魂和R&B,就象他们的宣传海报上所说的“Maximum R&B”(极限R&B)。

1964年末,The Who签约Decca唱片公司,公司为他们安排的制作人是曾与The Kinks合作过的Shel Talmy。1965年1月,单曲“我无法解释”(I Can't Explain)上市,当时并未引起太多的注意,只是随后The Who亮相于电视节目《预备,出发!》后,它才火速攻占排行榜。乐队火爆煽情的现场演出,特别是Townshend和Moon砸毁各自的乐器,成了歌迷们津津乐道的话题。“我无法解释”进入了英国榜前1 0名,当年夏天的“任何方式,任何原因,任何地点”(Anyway,Anyhow,Anywhere)也成绩不俗。在秋天,“我这一代”(My Generation)登上排行榜亚军,确立了The Who在英国乐坛的正式地位。不久专辑《我这一代》上市发行,1966年初,“替身”成了乐队的第4首10大单曲。

在“替身”成功之后,The Who出人意料地中断了与Talmy的合作,而Lambert成了新的制作人。Lambert和Stamp认为在第2张专辑中,乐队每位成员都应写上几首歌以增加大家的收入。虽然这一建议使得新专辑《A Quick One》(顷刻完事)显得有些不均衡,但毕竟Townshend有机会一试身手,他亲自创作了标题曲,一首长达10分钟的迷你音乐剧,也为他在以后几年的作品定下了模式。

1966年,《A Quick One》在英国热销。但在美国他们没有受到同等的待遇,直到《A Quick One》以《Happy Jack》(快乐杰克)的名称发行后才有起色,标题曲在1967年打进了排行榜前40名。而那时The Who已经有了超越《A Quick One》的新作品《The Who Sell Out》,这是一张以电台演出为基础翻制的概念专辑,其中的单曲“I Can See For Miles”使乐队登上美国排行榜前10 名。同年,The Who参加了“蒙特利流行音乐节”。

1969年,The Who出版了双唱片概念专辑《Tommy》,后人把它定义为历史上第一张成功的摇滚音乐剧专辑。《Tommy》的成功不仅在于商业上,它还同时在主流音乐杂志和地下摇滚刊物中获得了认同。同年,乐队举行全球巡演,地点包括伦敦大剧场和纽约大都会音乐剧场。

就在《Tommy》畅销全球之际,Townshend为新专辑动起了脑筋。1970年The Who发了一张利兹现场演唱专辑及一首单曲“寻找者”,次年一张名为《Meaty,Beaty,Big and Bouncy》的单曲集上市,不过都只能算是过渡产品。

Townshend终于制做了一张名为《生命之屋》的科幻摇滚音乐剧专辑,其中他起用了电吉他和合成器等,使乐队进入了电子新领域。当然乐队的其余成员对《生命之屋》不敢苟同,他们似乎不理解作品的内涵,也不愿顺着Towns hend来发展。1971年,The Who与制作人Glyn Johns合作了专辑《Who's Next》(谁是下一个)。这张专辑的音乐更硬更重了,它又成了一张热门专辑,其中很多歌象“蓝色眼睛的背后”、“不再受欺骗”、“讨价还价”和Entwhistle的“我的老婆”成了70年代那些专辑化的立体声电台的奠基石。

在《Who's Next》之后,Townshend准备起了另一张音乐剧作品,这次他放弃了科幻故事,而推出了描写60年代时尚的专辑《Quadrophenia》。Townshend用了整个1972年来创作这部音乐剧,期间Entwhistle因不满自己在乐队的创作太少而开始了独唱事业。在1973年专辑《Quadrophenia 》上市之后,The Who开始瓦解。在公众场合,Townshend象个孤独的摇滚代言人,私下里,他却沉湎于酒精;Entwhistle努力发展个人事业;Daltrey在影视和歌唱两方面都有小成;Moon起初只是过着奢华糜烂的生活,但不久也出了张专辑叫《Two Sides of the Moon》(月亮的两面)。在这一段时间内,Th e Who除了1975年一张《The Who By Numbers》的专辑外,没有太多作为,直到1978年《W ho Are You》(你是谁)的问世。《Who Are You》被认为是The Who最具份量的激进摇滚作品之一,它在美国上到了排行榜亚军,销量达多白金。然而祸不单行,9月7日,专辑发行不过数月,Keith Moon因服毒品过量去世。因为Moon是乐队保持完整的重要因素,其余三人为是否要将The Who坚持下去争论了很久。他们承认,此后很长一阵,虽然仍有演出,但每个人心里都认为The Who已经随着Moon的去世而结束了。

键盘手John "Rabbit" Bundrick和前“小面孔”乐队鼓手Hiring Kenny Jo nes的加盟使一切稍现转机。1979年,重组的The Who开始创作,并出版了一张现场专辑《孩子们都好》。年末,乐队再度巡回演出,但又遇到了麻烦。12月3日在辛辛那提水源大剧场的演出中,11名歌迷为争抢更好的座位被践踏致死,而乐队居然毫不知情一直表演到结束,这个悲剧损害了乐队的形象,同时也令乐队再度陷入危机。Townshend整日与毒品、酒精和镇静剂为友,几乎要步Moon的后尘,Entwhistle和Daltrey也在独唱舞台上挣扎着。1981年乐队才又一次组建,发行了自Moon去世后第一张正式专辑《贴面舞》。第二年,专辑《艰难》上市,当时乐队称这是他们的告别专辑,在乐迷中引起了不小的反响。尽管如此,The Who并没有彻底告别舞台。当Entwhist le和Daltrey渐渐被人们遗忘时,Townshend时而有佳作问世,其间还是挥之不去浓浓的The Who影子。1985年,乐队为Live Aid赈灾义演而重组。1989年鼓手Simon Phillips代替Jones 再度重组The Who,为纪念乐队成立25周年举行全美巡回演出。不管歌迷当时是怎样的尽兴,媒体一致对之表示不屑,认为他们只是再想捞一票罢了。1994年,The Who为庆贺Daltrey50岁生日聚在一起表演了两场音乐会。此后The Who还有过不少演出,包括为查尔斯王子基金募集资金等,但均被认为是失败的。

2002年Entwistle去世后,乐队新专辑延迟发行。2006年,Townshend 和 Daltrey发行乐队的新专辑《Endless Wire》。


A Quick One(2003)专辑

Live at the Royal Albert Hall(2003)现场专辑

Then and Now: 1964-2004(2004)精选集

Singles Box(2004)专辑

Live from Toronto(2006)现场专辑

Wire & Glass(2006)专辑

Greatest Hits(2009)精选集

The Who- The Greatest Hits & More(2010)专辑

Greatest Hits Live(2010)现场专辑

Quadrophenia - Live in London(2014)现场专辑

The Who Hits 50(2014)专辑

Live At Shea Stadium 1982(2015)现场专辑

Love Reign O'er Me(2015)专辑

The Seeker(2016)专辑

2016年6月乐队在英格兰Newport举办“the Who Tour 51!”演唱会。巡演将会在2017年4月在英国汉堡结束。

The Who are an English rock band that formed in 1964. Their classic line-up consisted of lead singer Roger Daltrey, guitarist Pete Townshend, bass guitarist John Entwistle, and drummer Keith Moon. They are considered one of the most influential rock bands of the 20th century, selling over 100 million records worldwide and holding a reputation for their live shows and studio work.

The Who developed from an earlier group, the Detours, and established themselves as part of the pop art and mod movements, featuring auto-destructive art by destroying guitars and drums on stage. Their first single as the Who, "I Can't Explain", reached the UK top ten, followed by a string of singles including "My Generation", "Substitute" and "Happy Jack". In 1967, they performed at the Monterey Pop Festival and released the US top ten single "I Can See for Miles", while touring extensively. The group's fourth album, 1969's rock opera Tommy, included the single "Pinball Wizard" and was a critical and commercial success. Live appearances at Woodstock and the Isle of Wight Festival, along with the live album ‘Live at Leeds’, cemented their reputation as a respected rock act. With their success came increased pressure on lead songwriter and visionary Townshend, and the follow-up to ‘Tommy’, ‘Lifehouse’, was abandoned. Songs from the project made up 1971's ‘Who's Next’, which included the hit "Won't Get Fooled Again". The group released the album ‘Quadrophenia’ in 1973 as a celebration of their mod roots, and oversaw the film adaptation of Tommy in 1975. They continued to tour to large audiences before semi-retiring from live performances at the end of 1976. The release of ‘Who Are You’ in 1978 was overshadowed by the death of Moon shortly after.

Kenney Jones replaced Moon and the group resumed activity, releasing a film adaptation of ‘Quadrophenia’ and the retrospective documentary ‘The Kids Are Alright’. After Townshend became weary of touring, the group split in 1982. The Who occasionally re-formed for live appearances such as Live Aid in 1985, a 25th anniversary tour in 1989 and a tour of Quadrophenia in 1996–97. They resumed regular touring in 1999, with drummer Zak Starkey. After Entwistle's death in 2002, plans for a new album were delayed. Townshend and Daltrey continued as the Who, releasing ‘Endless Wire’ in 2006, and continued to play live regularly.

The Who's major contributions to rock music include the development of the Marshall stack, large PA systems, use of the synthesizer, Entwistle and Moon's lead playing styles, Townshend's feedback and power chord guitar technique, and the development of the rock opera. They are cited as an influence by hard rock, punk rock and mod bands, and their songs still receive regular exposure.

Entwistle's son, Christopher, gave a statement supporting the Who's decision to carry on. The US tour began at the Hollywood Bowl with touring bassist Pino Palladino. Townshend dedicated the show to Entwistle, and ended with a montage of pictures of him. The tour lasted until September. The loss of a founding member of the Who caused Townshend to re-evaluate his relationship with Daltrey, which had been strained over the band's career. He decided their friendship was important, and this ultimately led to writing and recording new material.

To combat bootlegging, the band began to release the Encore Series of official soundboard recordings via themusic.com. An official statement read: "to satisfy this demand they have agreed to release their own official recordings to benefit worthy causes".

In 2004, the Who released "Old Red Wine" and "Real Good Looking Boy" (with Palladino and Greg Lake, respectively, on bass) on a singles anthology, ‘The Who: Then and Now’, and went on an 18-date tour of Japan, Australia, the UK and the US, including a return appearance at the Isle of Wight. Later that year, ‘Rolling Stone’ ranked the Who No. 29 on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.

The Who announced in 2005 that they were working on a new album. Townshend posted a novella called ‘The Boy Who Heard Music’ on his blog, which developed into a mini-opera called ‘Wire & Glass’, forming the basis for the album. ‘Endless Wire’, released in 2006, was the first full studio album of new material since 1982's ‘It's Hard’ and contained the band's first mini-opera since "Rael" in 1967. The album reached No. 7 in the US and No. 9 in the UK. Starkey was invited to join Oasis in April 2006 and the Who in November 2006, but he declined and split his time between the two.

In November 2007, the documentary ‘Amazing Journey: The Story of the Who’ was released, featuring unreleased footage of the 1970 Leeds appearance and a 1964 performance at the Railway Hotel when the group were The High Numbers. ‘Amazing Journey’ was nominated for a 2009 Grammy Award.

The Who toured in support of ‘Endless Wire’, including the BBC Electric Proms at the Roundhouse in London in 2006,headlining the 2007 Glastonbury Festival, a half-time appearance at the Super Bowl XLIV in 2010 and being the final act at the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. In November 2012, the Who released ‘Live at Hull’, an album of the band's performance night after the ‘Live at Leeds’ gig.

In 2010 the Who performed Quadrophenia with parts played by Vedder and Tom Meighan at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Teenage Cancer Trust series of 10 gigs.A planned tour for early 2010 was jeopardised by the return of Townshend's tinnitus. He experimented with an in-ear monitoring system that was recommended by Neil Young and his audiologist.

The ‘Quadrophenia and More’ tour started in November 2012 in Ottawa with keyboardists John Corey, Loren Gold and Frank Simes, the latter of whom was also musical director. In February 2013, Starkey pulled a tendon and was replaced for a gig by Scott Devours who performed with less than four hours' notice. The tour moved to Europe and the UK, and ended at the Wembley Arena in July 2013.

In October 2013, Townshend announced the Who would stage their final tour in 2015, performing in locations they have never played before.Daltrey clarified that the tour is unrelated to the band's 50th anniversary—which occurred in 2013—and indicated that he and Townshend were considering recording new material but would be emphasising their hits in their final stadium tour. Daltrey stated, "We can't go on touring forever ... it could be open-ended, but it will have a finality to it."

In June 2014, Jones reunited with the Who at a charity gig for Prostate Cancer UK his Hurtwood Polo Club, alongside Jeff Beck, Procol Harum, and Mike Rutherford.Later that month, the Who announced plans for a world tour with a possible accompanying album.In September, the Who released the song "Be Lucky", which was included on the compilation ‘The Who Hits 50!’ in October. That November, the group released a virtual reality app co-designed by Daltrey's son, Jamie, featuring events and images from the band's history.

In June 2015, the Who headlined that year's Hyde Park Festival, and two days later, the Glastonbury Festival. Townshend suggested to ‘Mojo’ that it could be the group's last UK gig. To coincide with The Who's 50th anniversary, all studio albums, including the new compilation, ‘The Who Hits 50!’, were reissued on vinyl.In September 2015, all remaining US tour dates were cancelled after Daltrey contracted viral meningitis. Then Townshend promised the band would come back "stronger than ever".

On 11 June 2016 in Newport, England, The Who embarked on the Back to the Who Tour 51!, a new tour seen as a continuation of the previous year's tour.Currently scheduled to end on 12 April 2017 in Birmingham, UK, the new tour included a return visit to the Isle of Wight Festival on the opening date.

