


#原型朋克 #先锋民谣 #艺术摇滚 #实验音乐
Germany 德国


死去的人总是这样迷人,比如Nico。 如你所知,天堂是人死不能复生的境地,没有洁白的天使、鲜花或阳光,应该阴寒,有光也当是幽昧且不会如旭日出生那般盈盈。无法相信天堂的美好,毕竟,期待永恒的人只有在死亡之中才可获得唯一的永恒。 但是Nico令人诧异错愕,她高亢似锦帛撕裂般延长的歌声,在瞬间里让我想到自天堂洒下的阳光,太高不对,太低也不对,太强不对,太柔也不对,晴冷晴冷,像伤寒。就是这样一个从六十年代至今最神秘最令人迷醉的女人,住在阳光无法到达的地方的女人,让我恍然醒悟到阳光倾泄,力度同空山融雪。 生命原本是一件绝望的事。并且还寂寞。 Nico的一生不算太长,五十年,也不算短,看上去情节起伏,或多或少有些传奇性。 1938年,Nico出生在纳粹控制的的国,原名Christa Pa fgen,与母亲及外祖父一起生活,父亲死在集中营里。1951年Nico13岁,离开学校,第一份工作是出售内衣。1952年,Nico开始做模特。1953年,她被派往Ibiza岛,在那里遇到一名摄影师,是他给了他Nico这个名字,Nico一生与Ibiza岛结下不解之缘。1959年,Nico在罗马一个朋友的别墅里度假,费里尼发西那了她并在电影里给了她一个有相当分量的角色。Nico的模特生涯在巴黎达到鼎盛,照片出现在各种杂志及商业广告中。1960年Nico到了纽约,在Lee Strassberg’s Method学校学习。1962年,11月,Nico在一部名为Strip-Tease的法国电影中出演重要角色。 1964年,Nico结识Brian Jones,并通过他认识了滚石的经纪人Andrew Loog Oldham ,随后录制她第一张正式唱片,“I’m Not Saying ” ,由Jimmy Page担纲制作。同年,在意大利,Nico邂逅阿兰德隆,并且两人有一个孩子,Nico为孩子取名Ari。1964年Nico返回纽约,重又从事模特工作,同时在第五十五大道上的Blue Agel Lounge驻唱。不久,Nico与Bob Dylan在巴黎相识,Dylan为她作的歌I’ll Keep It With Me 后来出现在Nico著名的Chelsea Girl中。Dylan把Nico引见给Andy Warhol,Andy让Nico来主演他和Paul Morrisey 的实验电影。Nico告诉Andy:“我想唱歌。”于是便有了Nico&The Velvet Underground。Nico停止模特职业,随乐队巡演一年。在Lou Reed的Femme Fatale, All Tomorrow’s Parties和 I’ll Be Your Mirror中都有Nico的歌声。 早在经典的黄香蕉唱片之前,Nico已开始走另一条路,她自己的路。Lou Reed和John Cale因为她而互相嫉妒,Nico则已在传奇性的Dom Club唱歌,彼时与她在一起的人曾有Tim Hardin,Tim Buckley,Ramblin Jack Elliot,甚至包括The Velvets的三位成员,以及16岁的Jackson Browone。Nico的基调已确定,长长的催眠般单调的嗓音,以及,被称为“Nico From the Grave Look”的低声呻吟、高颧骨、浓妆。John Cale为她制作了三张唱片。 1969年,Nico在意大利认识了导演Philippe Garrel,接下来的五年里,她与这位导演合作了十部影片。七十年代末,Nico失去了她的经纪人兼朋友Lutz Ulbrich。1981年,Nico迁至伦敦,录制了唱片The Drama of Exile。接下来的一段时期里,Nico嗜烟嗜酒,并常显得紧张脆弱。1985年,Nico出版唱片Camera Obsura,仍由John Cale制作,一些年轻的听众视她为回归的朋克女皇。1988年7月18日,Nico前往Ibiza骑车旅行,有人发现她连车倒带路边不省人事,随即送她到Cannes Nisto医院,晚上8点,Nico死于脑部大量出血。Nico的骨灰埋在柏林的Grunewald Forest,与她的母亲相邻。骨灰入土那天,几个朋友在墓碑前用录音机放了Dseertshore中的一首歌。 六十年代多媒革命中夺目的一颗星,从此长眠。 听Nico歌唱,算不得是很愉快的事,她径直地嘶鸣,仿佛孤伶伶站在雪山一角,一生中大大小小的喜怒哀乐都不能让她在脸上显露痕迹。不着痕迹的脸,本身便是固执与孤寂。One of the most fascinating figures of rock's fringes, Nico hobnobbed, worked, and was romantically linked with an incredible assortment of the most legendary entertainers of the '60s. The paradox of her career was that she herself never attained the fame of her peers, pursuing a distinctly individualistic and uncompromising musical career that was uncommercial, but wholly admirable and influential. Nico first rose to fame as a European supermodel, also landing a bit part in Fellini's La Dolce Vita film and giving birth to a son by Alain Delon. In 1965, she attracted the attention of Rolling Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham, who gave her a chance to record for his Immediate label, though the resulting single, which also featured Brian Jones and Jimmy Page on guitars, flopped. Shortly afterward, she moved to New York, where Andy Warhol installed her as a vestigial presence and occasional lead singer for the Velvet Underground. The band never really accepted her as a bona fide member and she departed in 1967, but not before contributing unforgettable deadpan vocals to three of the songs on their classic 1967 debut album. Nico embarked on a solo career, recording folk-rock-flavored songs for her debut Chelsea Girl album with assistance from Jackson Browne, Lou Reed, and John Cale. Her 1969 follow-up, The Marble Index, was a dramatic departure that unveiled her doom-laden, gothic persona, produced by Cale and prominently featuring her deep vocals, impenetrable lyrics, and ghostly harmonium. Her subsequent '70s albums explored much the same territory, with assistance from Cale and influential art rockers like Eno and Phil Manzanera. Her career fell into disarray during the rest of the '70s and the '80s as she struggled with a massive drug habit and tangled personal life. She released several live albums on various labels, but the ill-planned Drama of Exile and the more successful Camera Obscura were her only coherent studio efforts until she died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Ibiza in 1988. The original goth rocker, Nico's albums are demanding and bleak, but map a unique and starkly powerful vision that has become more influential with age. An intimate of Bob Dylan, Jackson Browne, the Velvet Underground, the Stones, Jim Morrison, Iggy Pop, and others, her fascinating story is recounted in the biography Nico: The Life & Lies of an Icon by Richard Witts, published in Great Britain by Virgin books; The End by James Young is a seedy look at her drug-addled final years by a member of her touring band.

