


#根源唱作人 #摇滚
United Kingdom 英国



中 文 名:约翰·列侬

国   籍:英国

血   型:O型


职   业:音乐家,社会活动家


约翰·温斯顿·列侬1940年10月9日午后6点30分出生于英国利物浦一个工人阶层家庭里。列侬的父亲在小列侬只有三岁时就抛弃了妻子和儿子,因此,列侬很小的时候就不得不寄宿在位于沃尔顿郊区的姨母家里。列侬的父亲Alfred Lennon常常出海,而且一出发就失去连络,他的母亲Julia觉得不能照顾好列侬,因此送他去和他的伯母咪咪及叔叔乔治同住。可能是由于失去了父亲的缘故,列侬在伯母家一直是一个很不听话而且反抗性格极强的孩子。他经常逃学,也不好好做作业而是在作业本上乱写乱画。

1952年9月,列侬进入Quarry Bank初级中学,列侬进入Quarry Bank之后,于1955年初在学校里组织了一个摇滚乐队“the Quarrymen”(采石工人),唱所有的游行歌曲,它正是披头士乐队的前身。列侬一直担任乐队的主要歌手和词作者。


1960年,列侬组建了他的“披头士”。并开始在各地的俱乐部演出。第一支单曲《Please Please Me》诞生。

1961年底,列侬和他的The Beatles碰到了布莱恩·爱普斯坦。1962年5月,披头士正式与伦敦EMI旗下的一家小公司Parlophone签下录音合同。自此,开始了以披头士为主角的摇滚乐“不列颠入侵”。


1968年,披头士乐队成功发行了“白金唱片”的“The Beatles(White Album)”之后,列侬与小野洋子还发行了他们共同创作的唱片《两个处子》(Two Virgins)。由于其封面是列侬与洋子的裸照,因此很多音像商店都禁止出售这张唱片。

1969年4月开始录制,9月26日在英发行的专辑《Abbey Road》(修道院之路),引起乐队成员的分歧,约翰和保罗纷纷指责对方的妻子过分介入乐队的事务,从而引发口角乃至起诉。两个月后,麦卡特尼在发行自己的第一支单曲的同时正式宣布披头士乐队解散。1969年5月,列侬与小野洋子回到英格兰,但不久洋子就流了产,后来类似的情况又发生过几次。为了摆脱失去孩子的痛苦,列侬与洋子在极短的时间内录制了两张唱片,其中一张名为“婚姻金曲(Wedding Album)”,其B面全都是列侬与洋子相互叫喊对方名字的叫嚷声。1969年夏天,列侬还与洋子一起前往加拿大多伦多参加9月份举行的一次摇滚音乐节。

1970年4月披头士解散了,1970年是约翰列侬离开乐队的第一年,他在这一年发行了第一张个人专辑《Plastic Ono Band》,专辑中收录了《Mother》、《God》、《Love》、《Isolation》。1970年2月,他创作的“Instant Karma”成为当年的十大歌曲之一。后来,列侬创作了好几首表达自己愤怒之情的歌曲,而麦卡特尼也予以还击,在1970至1973年中,两人的歌战从未停息,后来麦卡特尼以歌曲Let Me Roll It作为这一切的结束,并再次拜访列侬的家,两人和好如初。

1971年,列侬与洋子春天时移居美国纽约。秋天,列侬发行了他的单曲《Imagine》,该乐曲涉及到了他个人的一些问题以及一些政治问题。10月,他为《Imagine》补充发行的选集。列侬对政客们的仇视也在这张专辑里的《Gimme Some Truth》里表现了出来,形象的表现出了当时政治家的形象,这首歌也被视为了列侬的一首名曲。12月,一首圣诞单曲《Happy Christmas (War Is Over)》发行。

1972年他发行了专辑《some time in new york city》,专辑中包含的数首政治色彩强烈的歌曲是列侬在与激进分子联系最密切的时期创作的。《Luck Of The Irish》就是一个典型的例子,表面看起来歌曲轻快,但歌词里面包含了严苛的评论。这张专辑表现出反抗精神最强烈的是另一首被列侬称为“Woman Is The Nigger Of The World”的歌曲。但这张专辑也成为了列侬生前反响最差的专辑。在1973年他又推出了专辑《Mind Games》和上一张专辑一样,并未大获成功,这张专辑揭示了他与小野洋子之间存在的问题,事实上他与洋子分居了1年多,而此时他又与美国政府产生了纠纷,美国政府试图将他驱逐出境,而越战的结束也让他从人们视线焦点之中淡出。列侬受到打击,在将近一年的时间都没有进行音乐创作。在后来的两年内,列侬染上了很重的毒瘾,并经常出入上流社会的晚宴和夜总会等场所。在这期间,列侬与艾顿·约翰相识并成为好朋友,创作了多首歌曲。接下来的几年,他登上了飞机开始对抗遣返及争取绿卡的活动。


1974年感恩节的夜晚,列侬与艾顿·约翰一同出现在纽约麦迪逊花园广场为观众献艺,但这次的公开亮相却成为列侬一生当中最后的公开表演之一,他演唱了披头士第一张专辑《Please Please Me》中的第一首歌曲,保罗·麦卡特尼创作的I Saw Her Standing There。


1976年,列侬的倒数第二张专辑,封面选用了披头士时期的照片,歌曲都是经典翻唱,名字也很简单《Rock 'n' Roll Music》。

1980年年初,在将孩子Sean抚养大后,列侬宣布复出乐坛并签署了新的歌曲创作合同。8月,沉寂了多年的列侬与妻子开始录制他们的专辑《双重梦幻》(Double Fantas y)》,该唱片于当年11月正式发行。1980年12月8日晚10点49分,列侬被一名歌迷射倒在达科塔大厦门前。凶手查普曼在凶杀现场被逮捕,后被判处终生监禁,并且在2000年以前不得假释。12月9日,小野洋子宣布,”列侬不会有葬礼,他爱着大家,爱着人类,希望你们也爱他“12月14日,全世界数百万歌迷们在美国东部时间下午两点参加了为了列侬而进行的十分钟的默哀。


1940–57: Early years

Lennon was born in war-time England, on 9 October 1940 at Liverpool Maternity Hospital, to Julia (née Stanley) and Alfred Lennon, a merchant seaman of Irish descent, who was away at the time of his son's birth.

Lennon was raised as an Anglican and attended Dovedale Primary School.From September 1952 to 1957, after passing his Eleven-Plus exam, he attended Quarry Bank High School in Liverpool, and was described by Harvey at the time as, "A happy-go-lucky, good-humoured, easy going, lively lad."He often drew comical cartoons which appeared in his own self-made school magazine called The Daily Howl,but despite his artistic talent, his school reports were damning: "Certainly on the road to failure ... hopeless ... rather a clown in class ... wasting other pupils' time."

Lennon failed all his GCE O-level examinations, and was accepted into the Liverpool College of Art only after his aunt and headmaster intervened.Once at the college, he started wearing Teddy Boy clothes and acquired a reputation for disrupting classes and ridiculing teachers. As a result, he was excluded from the painting class, then the graphic arts course, and was threatened with expulsion for his behaviour, which included sitting on a nude model's lap during a life drawing class.He failed an annual exam, despite help from fellow student and future wife Cynthia Powell, and was "thrown out of the college before his final year".

1957–70: The Quarrymen to the Beatles

1957–66: Formation, commercial break-out and touring years

At age 15, Lennon formed the skiffle group, the Quarrymen. Named after Quarry Bank High School, the group was established by him in September 1956. By the summer of 1957, the Quarrymen played a "spirited set of songs" made up of half skiffle and half rock and roll.

McCartney says that Aunt Mimi "was very aware that John's friends were lower class", and would often patronise him when he arrived to visit Lennon. Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Sutcliffe became "The Beatles" in early 1960. In August that year, the Beatles engaged for a 48-night residency in Hamburg, Germany, and desperately in need of a drummer, asked Pete Best to join them.

The band's first single, "Love Me Do", was released in October 1962 and reached No. 17 on the British charts. They recorded their debut album, Please Please Me, in under 10 hours on 11 February 1963, a day when Lennon was suffering the effects of a cold,which is evident in the vocal on the last song to be recorded that day, "Twist and Shout".

The Beatles achieved mainstream success in the UK during the beginning of 1963. Lennon was on tour when his first son, Julian, was born in April. During their Royal Variety Show performance, attended by the Queen Mother and other British royalty, Lennon poked fun at his audience: "For our next song, I'd like to ask for your help. For the people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands ... and the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewellery."After a year of Beatlemania in the UK, the group's historic February 1964 US debut appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show marked their breakthrough to international stardom. A two-year period of constant touring, moviemaking, and songwriting followed, during which Lennon wrote two books, In His Own Write and A Spaniard in the Works.The Beatles received recognition from the British Establishment when they were appointed Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in the 1965 Queen's Birthday Honours.

1967–70: Studio years, break-up and solo work

1967 saw the release of "Strawberry Fields Forever", hailed by Time magazine for its "astonishing inventiveness",and the group's landmark album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, which revealed Lennon's lyrics contrasting strongly with the simple love songs of the Lennon–McCartney's early years.

In August, after having been introduced to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the group attended a weekend of personal instruction at his Transcendental Meditation seminar in Bangor, Wales,and were informed of Epstein's death during the seminar. "I knew we were in trouble then", Lennon said later. "I didn't have any misconceptions about our ability to do anything other than play music, and I was scared".Led primarily by Harrison and Lennon's interest in Eastern religion, the Beatles later travelled to Maharishi's ashram in India for further guidance.While there, they composed most of the songs for The Beatles and Abbey Road.

The anti-war, black comedy How I Won the War, featuring Lennon's only appearance in a non–Beatles full-length film, was shown in cinemas in October 1967.McCartney organised the group's first post-Epstein project,the self-written, -produced and -directed television film Magical Mystery Tour, released in December that year. While the film itself proved to be their first critical flop, its soundtrack release, featuring Lennon's acclaimed, Lewis Carroll-inspired "I Am the Walrus", was a success.

At the end of 1968, Lennon was featured in the film The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus (not released until 1996) in the role of a Dirty Mac band member. The supergroup, composed of Lennon, Eric Clapton, Keith Richards and Mitch Mitchell, also backed a vocal performance by Ono in the film.Lennon's creative focus continued to move beyond the Beatles and between 1968 and 1969 he and Ono recorded three albums of experimental music together: Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins(known more for its cover than for its music), Unfinished Music No.2: Life with the Lions and Wedding Album.In 1969, they formed the Plastic Ono Band, releasing Live Peace in Toronto 1969. Between 1969 and 1970, Lennon released the singles "Give Peace a Chance" (widely adopted as an anti-Vietnam-War anthem in 1969),"Cold Turkey" (documenting his withdrawal symptoms after he became addicted to heroin) and "Instant Karma!" In protest at Britain's involvement in the Nigerian Civil War,its support of America in the Vietnam war and (perhaps jokingly) against "Cold Turkey" slipping down the charts,Lennon returned his MBE medal to the Queen, though this had no effect on his MBE status, which could not be renounced.

Lennon left the Beatles in September 1969,and agreed not to inform the media while the group renegotiated their recording contract, but he was outraged that McCartney publicised his own departure on releasing his debut solo album in April 1970. Lennon's reaction was, "Jesus Christ! He gets all the credit for it!"

1970–80: Solo career

1970–72: Initial solo success and activism

In 1970, Lennon and Ono went through primal therapy with Arthur Janov in Los Angeles, California. Designed to release emotional pain from early childhood, the therapy entailed two half-days a week with Janov for four months; he had wanted to treat the couple for longer, but they felt no need to continue and returned to London.

Lennon's emotional debut solo album, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band (1970), was received with high praise. Critic Greil Marcus remarked, "John's singing in the last verse of 'God' may be the finest in all of rock."

With Lennon's next album, Imagine (1971), critical response was more guarded. Rolling Stone reported that "it contains a substantial portion of good music" but warned of the possibility that "his posturings will soon seem not merely dull but irrelevant".

Lennon and Ono moved to New York in August 1971, and in December released "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)".

Recorded as a collaboration with Ono and with backing from the New York band Elephant's Memory, Some Time in New York City was released in 1972. Containing songs about women's rights, race relations, Britain's role in Northern Ireland and Lennon's problems obtaining a green card,the album was poorly received—unlistenable, according to one critic.

1973–75: "Lost weekend"

While Lennon was recording Mind Games (1973), he and Ono decided to separate. The ensuing 18-month period apart, which he later called his "lost weekend",was spent in Los Angeles and New York in the company of May Pang. Mind Games, credited to the "Plastic U.F.Ono Band", was released in November 1973. Lennon also contributed "I'm the Greatest" to Starr's album Ringo (1973), released the same month (an alternate take, from the same 1973 Ringo sessions, with Lennon providing a guide vocal, appears on John Lennon Anthology).

In early 1974, Lennon was drinking heavily and his alcohol-fuelled antics with Harry Nilsson made headlines. Two widely publicised incidents occurred at The Troubadour club in March, the first when Lennon placed a menstrual pad on his forehead and scuffled with a waitress, and the second, two weeks later, when Lennon and Nilsson were ejected from the same club after heckling the Smothers Brothers.

Settled back in New York, Lennon recorded the album Walls and Bridges. Released in October 1974, it included "Whatever Gets You thru the Night", which featured Elton John on backing vocals and piano, and became Lennon's only single as a solo artist to top the US Billboard Hot 100 chart during his lifetime.

Lennon co-wrote "Fame", David Bowie's first US number one, and provided guitar and backing vocals for the January 1975 recording.

1975–80: Retirement and return

With the birth of his second son Sean on 9 October 1975, Lennon took on the role of househusband, beginning what would be a five-year hiatus from the music industry during which he gave all his attention to his family.He wrote "Cookin' (In the Kitchen of Love)" for Starr's Ringo's Rotogravure (1976), performing on the track in June in what would be his last recording session until 1980.

Lennon emerged from retirement in October 1980 with the single "(Just Like) Starting Over", followed the next month by the album Double Fantasy, which contained songs written during a journey to Bermuda on a 43-foot sailing boat the previous June,that reflected his fulfilment in his new-found stable family life.

8 December 1980: Death

At around 10:50 pm on 8 December 1980, as Lennon and Ono returned to their New York apartment in the Dakota, Mark David Chapman shot Lennon in the back four times at the entrance to the building. Lennon was taken to the emergency room of nearby Roosevelt Hospital and was pronounced dead on arrival at 11:00 pm.Earlier that evening, Lennon had autographed a copy of Double Fantasy for Chapman.

Ono issued a statement the next day, saying "There is no funeral for John", ending it with the words, "John loved and prayed for the human race. Please pray the same for him."His body was cremated at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. Ono scattered his ashes in New York's Central Park, where the Strawberry Fields memorial was later created.Chapman pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 20-years-to-life.As of 2016, he remains in prison, having been denied parole eight times.

