


#民谣流行 #成人时代 #轻摇滚 #当代唱作人 #流行摇滚 #欧美流行
Canada 加拿大



中 文 名 莎拉·麦克拉克兰

外 文 名 Sarah McLachlan

国    籍 加拿大

出 生 地 新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市

出生日期 1968年1月28日

职    业 歌手

星    座 水瓶座



1997年2月7日与自己乐队鼓手Ashwin Sood结婚。自1988年推出首张专辑《touch》以来,Sarah Mclachlan在全球缔造出超过二千五百万张的销售成绩。 她创立lilith fair音乐节,在连续3年举办期间,共吸引了两百万名观众,并为公益基金累计超过了七百万美金之多。

1998年荣获纽约州长颁发伊利莎白远见奖(Elizabeth Cady Stanton Visionary Award),为表彰莎拉对宣扬女性在音乐界工作权不遗余力的重要贡献。两届葛莱美奖最佳流行女歌手得主莎拉克劳克兰,以她独濯于一般泛泛流行乐音的歌声以及创作,跳脱出流行商业机制的摆弄,仿佛从一处超越俗尘外的境地,将她对音乐与自我的执着,汇成一道清流注入歌坛。这位来自加拿大的创作歌手不但以清澈蜿蜒川流般的歌声,服贴了许多听者的耳朵与心灵,她的创作更是将优美的旋律和展现出时而感动人心、时而露裎信念的多样面貌歌词包裹成流行抒情乐界最具个人风格的派别之一。1999年展现其演唱实力并再度拿下一座葛莱美奖的‘水晶球深情现场精选Mirrorball等等。在成人流行音乐中独树一帜的Sarah McLachlan经过了长达6年的沉寂之后,终于推出了她的个人第五张专辑《Afterglow》,这位三项格莱美奖得主的作品延续了专辑《Surfacing》的辉煌,在发行一周之后就轻松的以36万1千张的销售成绩排在了Billboard 200排行榜的亚军位置上,这样的单周销售成绩也创下了Sarah McLachlan十四年来的新高。



2005年发行精选集《Bloom: Remix Album》。


2008年发行精选集《Rarities, B-Sides and Other Stuff 2》和《Closer: The Best of Sarah McLachlan》。

2009年发行录音室专辑《One Dream》。

2010年发行录音室专辑《Possession》和《Laws of Illusion》。

2013年发行精选集《The Essential》。

2014年发行录音室专辑《Shine On》。

2015年发行录音室专辑《The Classic Christmas Album》。


Life and career

Sarah Ann McLachlan, OC, OBC (born January 28, 1968) is a Canadian musician, singer, songwriter, and pianist. Known for her emotional ballads and mezzo-soprano vocal range, as of 2009, she has sold over 40 million albums worldwide. McLachlan's best-selling album to date is ‘Surfacing’, for which she won two Grammy Awards (out of four nominations) and four Juno Awards. In addition to her personal artistic efforts, she founded the Lilith Fair tour, which showcased female musicians on an unprecedented scale. The Lilith Fair concert tours took place from 1997 to 1999, and resumed in the summer of 2010. On May 6, 2014, she released her first album of original music in four years, titled ‘Shine On’.’Shine On’ was #1 on iTunes Canada Top 10, for the week ending on May 11. On May 14, 2014, it was announced that the album debuted at #4 on the US Billboard charts, with 42,000 copies. On June 24, 2014, ‘Shine On’ was certified Gold (40,000 units sold) by the Canadian Recording Industry Association.

In March 2015, Sarah McLachlan won a Juno for Adult Contemporary Album of the Year (for her album ‘Shine On’). On October 2, 2015, she released a Christmas album, ‘The Classic Christmas Album’. She has another Christmas Album in the works for 2016 to be called Wonderland.

She will performed live show in Ohio in August 2016.

