1995年1月,blonde redhead发表了第一张专辑——《blonde redhead》,这张由老板 steven shelley亲自出马制作的乐队同名专辑处处体现早期sonic youth 般的狂躁和猛烈,在专辑中blonde redhead制造出尖锐刺耳的噪音,与之相对应的是充满艺术气息的歌词,一切都像是对上世纪70年代后期NO WAVE运动的招魂。开篇曲《I DON'T WANT YOU》首先营造出动荡的气氛,ameodeo歇斯底里的吼叫和maki压抑的吟唱扣人心弦。在随后的《sciuri sciura》里makino的尖叫升至撕心离肺的级别,旋律与声音互相陪伴这投影出不和谐的旋律走向,令人窒息。整张专辑都弥漫着低保真带来的生猛鲜活色彩,是一张不折不扣的优秀噪音专辑,推出以后即令所有噪音迷惊喜追捧。
by Brandon Gentry
Recalling the no wave movement of the late '70s, the self-titled debut of New York City's Blonde Redhead is a glorious piece of dense, art-damaged noise, with songs that move from drifting melodicism to raging aural assaults in the course of a few measures. Taking their cues most directly from Sonic Youth (Steve Shelley produced the album), Blonde Redhead revel in noise and create vast sonic landscapes out of which songs naturally emerge. The focus here tends to be on atmospherics, and yet there is never the feeling of utter chaos; instead, the album functions like a work of controlled mayhem, referencing a wide range of musical approaches. The opening track, "I Don't Want U," starts off like jazz-rock, building momentum until it erupts in a blast of indie rock noise, anchored throughout by a steadily rolling bassline. "Snippet"'s quite-loud-quiet dynamics are offset by the driving rock of "Mama Cita," and the album's closer, "Girl Boy," comes across like delirious dream pop. The entire album is drenched in dense, multilayered feedback, with a rhythm section that works to keep the guitars in control, underpinning the attack. Blonde Redhead have created a great record, especially for fans of experimental rock: difficult, noisy, and exhilarating.