来自伦敦的个性派创作女声Polly Scattergood曾在四年前推出她那一鸣惊人的首张同名大碟,过人的才华、晦涩超龄的歌词、略带神经质的唱腔都为她赢得了一致好评,更被英国BBC电台的DJ赞誉为“21世纪的Kate Bush”!经过4年的沉寂和游历,《Arrows》终于浮出水面,首支主打《Wanderlust》引出一段行走之思。这是Polly人生中的一个转折点,一场盛大的旅行。(by xiami)
"This album was written in what was quite a transitional point in my life," Scattergood tells Billboard. "I kept packing up my things and going to different places, but I never seemed to really get anywhere. It was kind of like being on a treadmill. So that's the story of this album -- it's one big journey, really. I tried to reflect the movement in the album."
The U.K. artist has always worn influences like Kate Bush and Tori Amos on her sleeve; "Polly Scattergood," which was released after the singer signed a deal with Mute at the age of 22, contains enough biting songwriting to lend some gravity to its starry-eyed dance tunes. But "Arrows" is simply a tighter project, with an almost utilitarian approach to ballads like "Miss You" as well as unpredictable synthesizer showcases like "Falling" and "Disco Damaged Kid." Very few moments are wasted on "Arrows," which is partially due to the presence of Glenn Kerrigan, who was tapped to co-write alongside Scattergood after working closely with another London singer-songwriter, Emmy the Great.
"I searched for a writing partner, which is something I hadn't really done before," sayd Scattergood. "My imagination is quite wild, and I wanted somebody who could sit with me and sift through the shit."