这是Telarc出品的一张拉赫玛尼诺夫在1930年的钢琴演奏,以极其高保真的方式呈现给了当代乐迷。当年留下拉氏演奏的是一架“可以录音”的自动钢琴。这架钢琴利用演奏者的击键力度和速度变化,通过机械在纸带上打孔,然后再利用精密机械还原打孔纸带所记录的音乐讯息,这样另一架钢琴便 可以忠实地再生出演奏者的声音。这种“不需人弹的钢琴”可以保留演奏者百分之百的神韵,而后人听到的亦是百分百真实的钢琴音色,而非任何经过电、磁污染的失真音色。为制作出这张噱头十足的唱片,Tealrc首先弄到了留下拉赫玛尼诺夫当年“手迹”的那些纸带,其次他们特别改装了一部可以再生纸带孔洞的蓓森朵夫290SE自动钢琴。这部自动钢琴的琴键琴弦以及踏板上安置有先进的光感应器,可以感应当年演奏者的速度、力度和情感表现,这些机械能通过光电转换成数码,再通过后期编码以及模数-数模工艺流程,才制成了这张专辑。至此也就听到了大师在几十年前琴手弹奏的19首精美作品。弹指一挥间,流光溢彩的琴音冲破了时间长廊,不是吗,大师就静坐于面前,琴音流动间,醉人醉己。
This collection of Rachmaninoff's solo piano performances relies on a mix of old and new technologies. Between 1919 and 1929, Rachmaninoff cut these 19 performances to piano rolls, which would then be played back through reproducing pianos capable of accurately re-creating the original performances through pneumatic devices that animated the rolls with living nuances and shades--a facet that differentiated the classier reproduction keyboards from the more common "player pianos." This set updates the technology with electronic devices--transparently, though expertly, replacing the pneumatics. Played back on a Bösendorfer Reproducing Piano, this collection sounds astounding, full of Rachmaninoff's lickety-quick motion and his punching intensity when striking the keys. There are 18 Rachmaninoff selections--some of them collaborations--and one gem, "The Star-Spangled Banner," taken to new places in this 1919 reading. --Andrew Bartlett