Cryogenic Defilement is young vicious trio hailing from Hong Kong, China, proclaiming their name to the world of sonic extremity with their hard-hitting debut "Worldwide Extermination". Supported by renowned extreme vocalists (Duncan Bentley / Vulvodynia, Luke Griffin / Acrania, Jason Evan / Ingested, Rok Rupnik / Within Destruction to name a few), this album is a shining example of Slamming Deathcore made right!
Derek Chan - Vocals
Eric Cheung - Guitars
Anal Mou - Drums
Duncan Bentley, Luke Griffin, Jason Evan, Rok Rupnik, Naseem Khan, Shaun Apellido - Guest Vocals
All music and lyrics by Cryogenic Defilement.
Mixed and mastered by Dave Wu.
Artwork by Daemorph Arts.
Released by Vicious Instinct Records.
Officially printed and distributed by Realityfade Records.