




Lady Antebellum
Lady A Entertainment, LLC



★有请Christina Aguilera、Daughtry、Gavin DeGraw、Shakira之御用製作人鼎力操刀

★甫发行即分别拿下英美乡村摇滚榜冠亚军、告示牌专辑榜No.4席次,收录告示牌热门乡村单曲榜No.5"You Look Good"等最新作品

结合乡村与流行音乐,缔造全球超过千万张的专辑销售与1200万数位单曲卖座纪录,生涯目前已囊括7座葛莱美大奖,以及众多ACA、CMT、CMA等乡村音乐大奖,Lady Antebellum的出现,替流行乡村乐坛写下了奇蹟的另一页,同时也让美国传统的草根音乐再次深深地扎稳了根脉。

Lady Antebellum由男女双主唱Hillary Scott与Charles Kelley,以及吉他手兼合音的Dave Haywood,在2006年的田纳西州纳许维尔所成立,此地同时也是孕育了无数乡村乐传奇的重镇。除了生涯累积2000万张以上的专辑与数位单曲综合销售,7座葛莱美大奖、8座ACA大奖、6座CMA大奖、5座CMT大奖与9座ACA大奖,都显示出了Lady Antebellum在当今乐坛的地位;而他们历年的专辑【Lady Antebellum】、【Need You Now】、【Own the Night】、【Golden】、【747】,一共写下了告示牌三张主流专辑榜冠军、四张乡村榜冠军的成绩,也缔造出8白金的完美认证。另外,6首告示牌热门乡村单曲榜No.1、3首热门单曲榜No.1的纪录,也替Lady Antebellum的音乐高品质做出了最佳的背书。由于长年的高产值创作与经年累月的巡迴表演,Lady Antebellum在2015年的「Wheels Up Tour」巡迴结束之后,进入了短暂的休团期,三位成员皆趁此机会放鬆身心灵,储备著接下来有关于新专辑的能量。在这段期间内,主唱Hillary Scott与Charles Kelley分别释出酝酿已久的个人专辑【Love Remains】和【The Driver】,而吉他手Dave Haywood也去担任了乡村女子团体Post Monroe的音乐製作人;这几次的经验,让Lady Antebellum的成员有了更多的音乐体悟,因此当2016年回到录音室之后,他们马上将脑海中的创作概念,化为一首又一首的音乐作品,并在2017年交出了他们生涯第7张录音室专辑【Heart Break】。

【Heart Break】请到了乐界知名的传奇製作人busbee(Christina Aguilera、Daughtry、Gavin DeGraw、Shakira)全权掌舵,替Lady Antebellum注入最完美的灵魂;专辑同名歌曲"Heart Break",以轻快悠扬的风格揭开了专辑的序幕,流泻于其中的情绪暖流,深深地打动了每位听者;登记告示牌热门乡村单曲榜No.5,以及热门单曲榜No.60的主打歌曲"You Look Good",由Hillary Scott与Charles Kelley演唱著略带有拉丁风情的乡村摇滚韵味,呈现出Lady Antebellum所融入的新兴元素,更凸显了他们音乐的大幅度进化;抚慰人心的"Somebody Else`s Heart",承载著高度的流行音乐气息,并透过旋律与节奏的交融,谱出了Lady Antebellum出道至今最为耐听的歌曲;"Hurt"、"Big Love in a Small Town"与"The Stars"等歌曲,则是回归了乐团原本的草根乡村风格,展现了他们来自纳许维尔的骄傲。经历将近3年歇息的Lady Antebellum,依然不负众望甫发行即分别拿下英美乡村摇滚榜冠亚军、告示牌专辑榜No.4席次,2017年,乡村音乐必听的一张专辑,唯有Lady Antebellum【Heart Break】。

Lady Antebellum is back and ready to blow their fans away with their new sound on Heart Break. It is scheduled for release on June 9, 2017 through Capitol Records Nashville. The album serves as the "spiritual follow-up" to 2010's Need You Now and is the group's first release since announcing their hiatus in 2015. "You Look Good" was released in January 2017 as the record's lead single and has since become the group's thirteenth top-10 single on the Hot Country Songs chart.

The country trio started working on their sixth studio album together after taking a brief hiatus for Hillary Scott to create a Christian record with her family and Charles Kelley to give the solo career a shot. Banding back together down on the coast of sunny Florida, Lady A had no trouble at all blending their vocals for a funky new sound filled with horns and good vibes alike.

“When we started working on this record, the goal was to give ourselves some space from the day to day,” explained Scott. “Surrounding ourselves in a new environment with sunny beaches and warm weather really helped free our minds to focus solely on our art. We took some of our favorite writers and other writers we hadn’t worked with before to a new inspiring backdrop, where we were able to just write and soak up the journey. And it was on our first trip in Florida when we wrote ‘Heart Break’ that we felt it all click.”

Lady Antebellum shared a look at what the front cover of Heart Break will show, featuring a black-and-white serious photo of the group ready for their next musical endeavor. They also announced the tracklist, which hosts 13 songs total on the project and 11 of them boast writing credits for the band members.

“This record is really our story,” Kelley said recently. “They have a universal feel to them, but there’s a lot of our personal stories here.”
