流连在人烟稀少的黑白世界,如梦似幻的景物在眼前疾速飞逝,生命的记忆犹如永不停歇的公路电影…虽然这只是Agnes Obel新单曲《Curse》MV的片段,却完美诠释了她2013年的全新创作大碟《Aventine》──如果每张专辑都有属于自己代表色,那麽《Aventine》的代表色必定是黑与白。
生于哥本哈根,目前定居柏林的丹麦歌手Agnes Obel,家庭背景不太传统,母亲既是法律学者,也是优异的音乐家。Agnes在耳濡目染下,小小年纪便接触钢琴,而瑞典钢琴家Jan Johansson以爵士手法,翻弹欧洲民谣则影响年轻的她至深。高中后的Agnes认识了录音室的经营者,藉机习得许多录音技巧。之后更在丹麦製作人Elton Theander的协助下,成立摇滚乐团Sohio。Agnes并不因此自满,一趟柏林之旅使她惊觉熟悉的故乡并非绝佳的灵感来源,这也促使她在2005年毅然迁居柏林。2009年,Agnes透过myspace发表〈Just So〉,雀屏中选成为德国电信的广告曲,Agnes也顺利被唱片公司签下,发行处女作《Philharmonics》。
《Philharmonics》在丹麦、比利时、法国、荷兰等地叫好叫座,打响她在欧洲的名号,经过近三年的酝酿,新作千呼万唤始出来。不同于首张封面的清晰人像,诡谲深红的色调也暗示《Aventine》更加阴沉内敛。〈Chord Left〉的清脆琴声彷彿徐徐微风,带乐迷沿着潺潺小溪展开森林健行;〈Fuel to Fire〉加入大提琴,宛如遮蔽阳光的云朵,为大地盖上的薄纱般的阴影,增添些许风情。〈Pass Them By〉中,Agnes甜美唱腔一如爱尔兰歌手Lisa Hannigan。〈Fivefold〉像是风雨欲来的寒夜,令人无法成眠。
Agnes Obels new album Aventine is released 30.09.13. ‘Aventine’ is the follow up to her critically acclaimed debut album ‘Philharmonics’ (2010), which has sold 450,000 copies across Europe. We have a little teaser video for you above...
“‘Aventine’ is the eagerly anticipated new album from Agnes Obel, released 30th September on Play It Again Sam. ‘Aventine’ is the follow up to her critically acclaimed debut album ‘Philharmonics’ (2010), which has sold 450,000 copies across Europe, achieving Platinum status in France and Belgium, five times Platinum in her native Denmark, where Agnes picked up five Danish Music Awards (the Danish Brits) in 2011.
Originally from Copenhagen, Agnes has lived in Berlin since 2006, where ‘Aventine’ was recorded at her Chalk Wood Studios between January and May this year. Like ‘Philharmonics’, the new album was written, arranged, and produced by Agnes, who provides piano and vocals. Anne M_ller, who has also played with Nils Frahm, adds cello, with Mika Posen of Timber Timbre playing the violin and viola on ‘The Curse’, ‘Pass Them By’ and ‘Fivefold’. Robert Kondorossi of Budzillus plays guitar on ‘Pass Them By’.
“While touring ‘Philharmonics’ I kept on getting all these ideas for recording, and I wanted to explore the cello and other string instruments” says Agnes of ‘Aventine’. “I recorded everything quite closely, miking everything closely in a small room, with voices here, the piano here – everything is close to you. So it’s sparse, but by varying the dynamic range of the songs I could create almost soundscapes. I was able to make something feel big with just these few instruments.”
Agnes Obel will play a few intimate shows before the album release, prior to a full European tour in the autumn. Details to follow soon.”