Former Guitar Player editor Tom Wheeler states, "A fiendishly talented guitar player, and funny as hell, Greg Koch has now committed his distinctive brand of musical mayhem to a new CD, "Radio Free Gristle". It's cleverly packaged as a radio show, with Koch's airwave-ready voice - make that "voices" - providing hilarious segues between cuts. But here, for every minute you spend giggling at the bits, you'll spend many more marveling at the chops, the artistry, and the vision of this eclectic virtuoso. One cut offers intense, heavy metal riffing but with creative twists in structure. Another is a galloping Telecaster rave-up that at once rivals and pays tribute to one of Koch's favorite players, Albert Lee. Yet another cut evokes the early days of experimental jazz-rock, when Steve Morse, Bill Connors and Allan Holdsworth - and their tight ensembles - were making the most exciting guitar music on record. So rotate your dial a few degrees beyond its normal boundaries, tune in "Radio Free Gristle", and partake of this humongously harmonious, profoundly pandemonious guitar lunacy."