The two sets of brothers, Greg and Aaron Gilbert and Colin and Rowley Fox, known as Delays, released the follow-up to their debut album, Faded Seaside Glamour, with You See Colours in March 2006. Recorded at Peter Gabriel's Real World studios and produced by Graham Sutton, it was an indie rock guitar album dominated by Greg Gilbert's falsetto, ethereal vocals. After their debut, they released the non-album single "Lost in a Melody," which showed more urgency than any song to date with a driving beat and a recognizable verse-chorus-verse that built to a crescendo and then musically fell off the edge , only to build again. The second album, You See Colours featured more numbers like this, the lead single was the track "Valentine," a song with more than a hint of a-ha, the Cardigans, or Jimmy Somerville, both vocally and with the pulsing synth backing, and was followed into the charts by the bouncing "Hideaway," a throwback to '80s harmony driven indie rock, although the final minute of the song is a totally different psychedelic trip out. The track "Lillian" opened with a fuzzy guitar riff and an anthemic singalong chorus, predating the Fratellis by a couple of months and the album closed with the piano led "Waste of Space" and Greg Gilbert's falsetto creating a pretty song that, by omitting the synth beat, goes back to where Delays started.