纽约四人乐团Vampire Weekend发行于2010年的前作《Contra》,上市首周便攻占告示牌销售榜冠军。做为由独立厂牌出版的唱片,Vampire Weekend达成了一项只有Radiohead、Arcade Fire等少数团体完成过的壮举,而《Contra》不过是他们第二张作品。
四名知青深知成功得来不易,得步步为营,巡回结束并未立即投入下一张专辑的制作,先探寻各自的嗜好 — 有人去DJ,有人谱写电影配乐,有人当起制作人,等大伙充饱了电再聚首写歌,时隔近三年半才推出崭新大碟《Modern Vampires Of The City》,如此的耐心在事事求快的网络时代甚为可贵。
〈Unbelievers〉、〈Finger Back〉与〈Worship You〉这几首紧凑的中快板歌曲,是过去拿手的曲风;〈Everlasting Arms〉处理弦乐的手法及〈Diane Young〉使用合成器的方式,也让人耳目一新;轻巧的〈Ya Hey〉则是全作我最爱的一曲,俏皮的和声真令人忍不住想跟着主唱Ezra Koenig一起「呀嘿!」
《Modern Vampires Of The City》是Vampire Weekend卓然而立的声明,十二首经时间淬炼的曲子,听见他们将迈入三十岁阶段的成熟气度,是那样明亮而豁达。
Modern Vampires of the City is Vampire Weekend's third album, and it is a bustling world of voices and visions from the death of Henry Hudson to the Orthodox girl falling in love at an uptown falafel shop, from Hannah Hunt tearing up the New York Times on a distant beach to the lethal chandelier of "Everlasting Arms," from the ardent yearning of "Don't Lie" to the harmonized voice of hope in "Young Lion". Modern Vampires of the City has a grandeur and romanticism evocative of the city where it was conceived.