都会民谣先驱,永远的知性玉女歌手,Suzanne Vega从80年代崛起、走过90年代,跨过千禧年,数十年如一日,持续扮演城市吟唱诗人的角色!2012年初首度访台演唱,展现其姣好容颜与窈窕身形,而年过半百的她,招牌金嗓却一如初出道时,依然纯净清澈,亦令乐迷赞叹惊异不已!而自我色彩浓厚的超级特写精选计划(Close-Up),终于来到终章《Close-Up Vol. 4, Songs of Family》,除了照例有多首经典旧曲新诠之外,还特别收录了〈Brother Mine〉、〈The Silver Lady〉、〈Daddy Is White〉三首过去未发行过的新曲,为大获乐迷好评的此系列划上完美句点,亦可说是Suzanne Vega此一创作生涯阶段的总结,她同时也摩拳擦掌,准备迎向下一个崭新的世纪!
Close-Up Vol. 4, Songs of Family is the eleventh studio album by New York-based singer/songwriter and musician Suzanne Vega . The album consists of re-recordings of songs from Vega's back catalogue with stripped-down arrangements that highlight her lyrics and melodies. Two of the songs, "Brother Mine" and "The Silver Lady", are songs Vega wrote more than 30 years ago, but are only now seeing an official recording and release. "Daddy is White" is a song she wrote back in 2007, previously only existing as a demo attached to a New York Times article titled 'Which Side Are You On?' she wrote in 2008.