Cicada始由江致洁,曾做过五年的流行乐手,却坚决应该走出自己的路,寻找欣赏自己的听众。有两年,她将钢琴紧阖,尘漫,像只待蜕的秋蝉,来些晚、也待些慢。直至那夜,邂逅了捷运站的家猫,从此开启了与音乐的另一段旅程,崭新之扉页。2010年三月,首次亚洲巡回的O'lafur Arnalds来台演出,同为首演的Cicada,即担纲开场的重要角色。
〈竹围小猫〉记录一只猫的流浪,作者和牠交会,亦是她与音乐的再遇;〈浮游在海上的岛屿/潜伏于水下的人们〉,悼念莫拉克水灾的亡灵和悲恸;〈用羽毛织出一条淡蓝色的小径〉曲调欢悦,是件久违家族旅行的小品;〈以一种假装放荡的矜持 与你告别〉的情思饱满,有怨、有慕,有泣、也有诉,其灵感来自刘盈君的诗句,与〈告别/再见〉及〈最后 仍在一起〉等三首,堪称作者的感情自传。
Cicada from Taiwan was formed in 2009 consists of violin, cello, acoustic guitar, and piano. It's named after Cicada because people are aware of cicada's existence by their sound instead of forms.
“Over the Sea/Under the Water” is the debut EP of Cicada. Recorded live in the living room, the EP was hand crafted by Jesy Chiang. Narrative is one of the subjects in Cicada's music and inspiration normally came from daily life. The opening is a tribute to the Morakot typhoon victims as well as an expression toward Taiwanese political standing. The last three songs tell a story from a couple's separation to reunion. Throughout the naming, orchestration, and the composition, Cicada's music creates beautiful images for audiences.