by Eduardo Rivadavia
With Projekt Misanthropia, mystifying sonic terrorists Stalaggh complete their hellish trilogy (composed, in typically perplexing fashion, of four albums!), perpetrating what most listeners would agree is nothing more, nothing less, than a pointless, chaotic racket! Of course the members of Stalaggh will tell you that this single, 30-plus minute "song" is merely the final deconstruction of their first release's originally envisioned theme, but, be that as it may, anyone arriving to the party only for this nightcap will feel no sense of consolation from what appears to be a very cruel joke. Why? Because it's only after roughly five tortuous minutes of white noise composed of static, electrical currents, violent metallic clangs, and inhuman howling that one can hear actual rudiments of organized percussion and melodic guitars emanating from the chaos. What's more, with the exception of momentary flashes of black metal speed-picking and other semi-organized industrial patterns glimpsed henceforth, Stalaggh's work remains ever submerged in a disorienting barrage of chaos and wild screaming. Which is to say that Projekt Misanthropia is, in its entirety, a very bitter pill to swallow. But, for those who actually weathered its numerous installments from the start, it should be noted that Stalaggh's members plan to re-emerge as a new project called Gulaggh -- surely with a mind to creating another crude trilogy of painfully orchestrated can hardly wait!