传奇乐队Underworld终于送来了最新作Barking。这张由House王者厂牌Om发行的大作,是Underworld在音乐制作历程上一个全新的变革。他们保持了唱作外,开始加入浓厚的Progressive House旋律与节奏并重的作品,并有英伦当红Drum&Bass小生Netsky参与制作,开始参与浓厚的Drum&bass曲风。在人声上,Underworld依然坚持了电气化的手法选择,浓厚的Electro-Pop演唱方式,还是能让人回味起Born Slippy时期的乐队风格。此外,在旋律上大作文章是令人称赞的,些许氛围的点缀,搭配天马行空的跳舞架构,的确如同先前所称作的Space-Dance概念全新音乐理念。
Underworld have revealed details for their next album, Barking, due for release this fall on Cooking Vinyl in the UK and Om Records in the United States.
The new record shows Rick Smith and Karl Hyde teaming up with a diverse set of collaborators, ranging from trance superstar Paul Van Dyk to dubstep stalwarts Appleblim and Al Tourettes. According to the press release, the duo wrote all of nine tunes at their studio in Essex, then sent the unfinished album around to their crew of guest artists, who added their own production work from there. Underworld appear without company only on the album's final track, "Louisiana."