




Bob Dylan
Columbia Records


一张用厚厚的硬纸盒包装的唱片,带来了鲍勃·迪伦依然健在的思维,虽然听着是玩笑话但却如所述般的惊奇。鲍勃·迪伦的3年来的最新创作专辑【Together Through Life】悄然推出,带来新的路上思潮,一部关于游离美国南部的小说,以及向来错综复杂的生活新概念。

纸盒装里包含着3张碟片,一张歌曲cd一张dvd还有一张Bob Dylan担任dj的一期节目。之所以超值,当然是体现在音符、视觉和唱片价钱上。鲍勃·迪伦的音乐向来就是具有争议性的,本以为奥巴马的新美国主义可以让这位老人变得负有安全感,但鲍勃还是那个鲍勃,迪伦也还是那个迪伦。从唱片封面开始,他便登上到争议的风头浪尖,或许在他的思想中美国人还在缺失,或许缺失的就是自由与人性。标题处,红白蓝的配色象征着美国。记得鲍勃·迪伦曾经说过他的音乐就是给美国人听的。不置可否。

专辑制作人名单上还是那个使人看到便会发笑的Jack Frost,没想到这个玩笑时隔8年鲍勃·迪伦还在使用。

首支歌曲《Beyond Here Lies Nothin》承袭钱一张专辑【Modern Times】的风格,在重打击乐、嘈杂配器、贯穿始终的手风琴想融合的形式中还原到六七十年代的摇滚乐风,显然鲍勃·迪伦并不像让听众忽略他最真实部分——歌词,用他破锣嗓音清晰的发出每一句话,告诉听者旅程的基调和目的地。

第二首歌《Life Is Hard》让人一听便知暗藏玄机,平滑舒缓的节奏藏不住歌词的忧郁之情。如同鲍勃·迪伦的喃喃自语,又如同不言不快的动力,配合“南部”主题的音乐质感,期间瑟瑟的曼陀铃如同孤傲简陋的心灵,将这些深深忧郁深深伤感的歌词提升到一个新的高度——活生生。生活苦不苦,自己最清楚。听说这首歌也是鲍勃·迪伦即将上映的关于旅途的电影主题歌。

第三支歌《My Wife's Home Town》是鲍勃的自我追溯,芝加哥蓝调曲风对他的影响十分大,这首歌也正是这一去曲风的一次重温,一段跨越44年的重温,如同1965年初啼此风的一样纯真和新鲜。这一点上,正是鲍勃·迪伦这些年一直在强调的布鲁斯影响力:底层的呼声充满辛酸和挑逗,吉他是灵魂的化身。

第九首歌《I Feel A Change Comin On》依然是典型的节奏布鲁斯曲风,但是可以听到白人布鲁斯的元素,某些桥段的处理上非常像90年代末的Eric Clapton的音乐,深沉与流畅并存,听着感觉像一首充满渴望与憧憬的歌,不过鲍勃·迪伦的歌真是晦涩难懂,真是不清楚他到底是高兴还是嘲笑。

最后一首《It's All Good》很具杀伤性,因为它的针砭时弊,鲍勃·迪伦这一操心就操了半个世纪,政治和外交一直是他的抨击对象。这首歌里把公众、政治家以及社会环境都有涉及,估计要是放到40年前又要成为一首美国游行抗议的歌曲。尖锐突兀的电吉他充撑起没有歌声的段落,象征着敏感与冲突,仿佛分庭抗礼迫在眉睫,颇为动人心魄。在专辑的最后用这样一首来作总结,我想鲍勃·迪伦是说他的路还没有走完,他还将继续说下去、唱下去、骂下去。


Bob Dylan will release his 46th album Together Though Life on April 28, 2009, and in a rather stunning move for the notoriously prickly and private Dylan, the singer has posted a Q&A with noted journalist Bill Flanagan about the new record on his official web site.

In the Q&A, Dylan says the album was prompted after writing "Life is Hard" for an upcoming film by French director Oliver Dahan. In addition, Dylan says these songs have more of a "romantic" feel than those on his previous album, Modern Times.

A complete tracklisting has not been made available, but someone at Rolling Stone has heard the entire album and among the song titles mentioned are "Life is Hard," "Beyond Here Lies Nothing," "If You Ever Go To Houston," "This Dream Of You," and "It's All Good." Billboard reports song titles "My Wife's Hometown," "Forgetful Heart," "Shake Shake Mama," and "I Feel A Change Coming On."

Dylan has again self-produced the album, crediting production duties to his 'Jack Frost' pseudonym, and says "the sound is uncluttered. There's power and suspense."

It's great to see Dylan releasing music at a faster clip. Together Through Life comes a little less than three years after Modern Times and less than one year after the eighth installment in Dylan's legendary 'Bootleg Series.' Modern Times was released five years after its predecessor "Love and Theft," one of the longest gaps without new music in his career.

Dylan's last three studio albums — Time Out of Mind, "Love and Theft," and Modern Times — have all gone platinum and have been hailed by critics around the world as among the finest of his legendary career, in which Dylan has won nearly every award devised by human kind. He's won an Oscar and a Golden Globe ("Things Have Changed"). He's won Grammys (Time Out of Mind, "Love and Theft,"). He's even won a special Pulitzer Prize.
