丹麦团体People Press Play是由主唱Sara Savery和资深ambient三人团Future 3组成的。其中,Sara Savery柔软温润的低吟浅唱成了乐团中锦上添花的部分,为严谨缜密的音乐演奏注入了一股暖流。如此一来人们就会理解为Future 3添一个主唱是那么的必要,同时人们也有理由期待《People Press Play》这张专辑能比Future 3的专辑做得更直接、更坦率。
器乐曲《Girl》,因为多轨而又有点拖后处理的人声而出彩。那个飘渺琐碎的女声和背景中时隐时现的低吟终在电子器乐制造出来的撞击中渐入佳境,直至达到高潮。用这首歌来开场无疑让人感觉清凉,同时它也带来了一种神秘感、一种慰藉,更重要的是他给人打开了这张专辑的大门——带着听者去探索。《Always Wrong》和《These Days》才是Sara Savery正式登场的时候。这两首歌被爽脆的小军鼓、吊镲、反馈、底音鼓还有闪动的吉他层层包裹着,然而即便如此,Sara Savery还是将听者引入她的世界,共同体味着往复的愉悦。
但是有一点尚不明确:这张唱片到底是探测听众口味的尝试还是乐队内部创作成果的交流。一方面,Sara Savery的声音撩人、充满怜爱和愉悦;但另一方面,专辑内的器乐氛围曲目显露出孤单的情形。听众被驱使着去探索和拓展People Press Play的音乐世界,这给People Press Play留下了凌乱的情绪化的体验;与Sara Savery共同探索的快乐戛然而止在孤寂感的面前。
直到专辑最后,Sara Savery悲叹着"There's a road that curls before me",一切才渐渐平复。但这似乎是一个暗示,在一遍又一遍聆听这张专集时又会有什么东西等着你,等着你和乐队一起去探索,去分享。
by Stewart Mason
People Press Play are not so much a stand-alone group as they are a slight shift of identity for the long-running Danish ambient trio Future 3. By adding the wispy-voiced singer Sara Savery, they become People Press Play. Oddly, however, Savery only appears on six of the album's ten tracks, and on two of those, she's a minimal presence. For example, on the chattering, glitchy "Before Me," she sings a single line repeatedly, her voice eventually split, dublike, into an overdubbed, contrapuntal chorus. Savery's reduced presence on the album is a bit of a shame, since her delicate, breathy vocals are the band's most appealing element. Without them, People Press Play are essentially just another indie electronic trio favoring ghostly, evanescent keyboard lines, downtempo beats, and atmosphere taking charge over melodic substance. At their most appealing, on the chiming synth pop lullaby "These Days" and the alluring, hypnotic single "Hanging On," People Press Play fuse Kraftwerk, Múm, and Portishead into attractive new shapes, but too much of the album is devoted to featureless, droning soundscapes.