Label的主席Terrence Yallop 认为,“他的演奏热情奔放,象年轻莫扎特的冒险。”
而某音乐杂志说,“展现了内聚与流变之美,将使London能与 Suzanne Ciani 和Yanni相媲美。”
让音乐自己说话,是艺术的理想境地。虽然专辑有些过多的倚赖器械,但显然,London对于把握打动并鼓舞人心的音乐片断天赋超群。管弦乐演奏的部分听上去类似某些催眠电影的音乐。开场曲"Horizons”将打击乐与高音完美融合,而这个高音部分在Ron Jones的萨克斯介入之前不断重复。"Memories of You”则是用多种管弦乐演奏的伤感印象派作品。
一些作品以弦乐为主(如"Capture the Moment”),也有一些则带着即兴的打击乐 (如"Against the Wind”)。虽然大多数曲子里都掺杂了一丝苦甜交杂的感觉,但它们均极力的捕捉了人生历程中那美好初恋的悸动。
题为"Our First Kiss” 和 "Blueprints of the Heart”的曲子可心非常。
备受争议的曲子"Land of Fire”则带着饱满的、激动人心的Yanni风格。
There are two very provocative quotes on this debut recording from a 22 year old pianist destined to keep sweeping and melodic new age music popular for a long time to come. Label president Terrence Yallop says he "plays with a verve and sense of adventure of a young Mozart." A music journalist says London "displays a cohesiveness and fluidity that will draw favorable comparisons to Suzanne Ciani and Yanni." Now there's perspective. It's best to let the music speak for itself, and though there is a bit too much reliance on machine-generated percussion, London clearly has a gift for powerful and dramatic, to-the-point pieces that can touch and inspire. Some of the orchestrally enhanced pieces sound like hypnotic film score material. The opening track, "Horizons," combines a easily percussive rhythm track with a high register melody that seems destined to repeat without variation until Ron Jones' soprano sax gets caught up in the midst. "Memories of You" is poignant impressionism with lush synth orchestration. Some tracks are more string-driven (like "Capture the Moment"), while others are driven by whimsical improvisation and percussive invention ("Against the Wind"). Each song attempts to capture a certain emotion of the first love life experience, even though there's very little of the bittersweetness in most of these tracks. Titles like "Our First Kiss" and "Blueprints of the Heart" make it all seem pretty sweet. Even a provocative title like "Land of Fire" is lush, dramatic, and Yanni-esque. It's beautiful music, and apparently the positive tone throughout means London is pretty forgiving.