




Ronnie Day
The Militia Group


Ronnie Day (1988年1月18日生于 Ronald Guglielmone, Jr.) 来自California的Redwood City(红木城,是美国加州旧金山湾区里的一个城市)的唱作歌手。 曾发行独立创作的专辑"Nine Sleepless Nights"。 "The Album"是他2006年11月14日在Sony/BMG/Epic发行的第二张专辑。

Ronnie Day 在旧金山湾区的一个叫做"Sounds Like Life"的乐队里开始了自己的音乐事业,John Vesely曾是该乐队成员,现在是乐队"Secondhand Serenade"的主创。

2006年, Ronnie Day在唱片公司激烈的价格战之后签约了Epic唱片。他巡演了一年,唱片公司在2007年6月跟他取消了合同。他成立了自己的公司,叫做 Simplify Music,计划在2009发行一张自己的专辑。

大多Day的歌迷们都是通过他的MySpace主页认识他的,但是,经过在美国的巡演和电视曝光,他声名大噪。一首 "Falling for You" 曾经是各种MTV节目的推荐曲目。

Apparently, singer/songwriter Ronnie Day went off to L.A. to record some songs and when he came home a bit later, he found his girlfriend of three years dating someone who wasn't him. Thus, a dejected Day returned to the studio to finish what could now be his ultimate breakup album. All of this may or may not be true — the album's quasi-road trip/relationship story arc, complete with an answering machine message from the ex and what look like staged liner-note pictures of the once-happy couple, seems a bit too perfect to be entirely real. But regardless, the resulting album, titled appropriately enough The Album, is in fact a breakup album of the ultimate kind; it begins when love was new and wondrous, then goes through the bitter heartbreak, and finally, acceptance and moving on ("I will love again whether or not it's you"). Accordingly, initial songs own that starry-eyed feeling of young love before "Written at a Rest Stop" ushers in the troubles, which then climax in "Lived Learned Love & Lost," where Day blatantly proclaims "I want the world to know that Jamie broke my heart/I guess it goes to show that good things fall apart." So yeah, he's not always the best with subtlety. But thankfully, the budding songwriter is pretty capable of writing a catchy hook, making the album way more likable and varied than any "breakup album" designation might suggest. He sounds disturbingly like Chris Carrabba on many songs, especially when choruses begin to soar (see "Written at a Rest Stop," "Heroes Die"), and it's quite apparent (and not surprising) that Dashboard Confessional are a huge influence here. But he offers more than just bitterness and self-pity over six strings, which scores him extra points in the end. His songs are all based around acoustic guitar and/or piano, but with full instrumentation and layered vocals on most every track, they ring out much more like uplifting pop/rock à la Ryan Cabrera than just generic, mopey emo. The Album's reach won't likely extend much further than Day's teenaged peers, but that's just fine, since hearts broken by the Jamies of the world will not only identify with his sentiments, but have some pretty fun songs to sing along to as well.
