




Atomic Kitten
Virgin Records


1.It’s Ok-UK No.3 人气第一名夏日情歌

2.Tide Is High(Get The Feeling)-UK No.1 重新演译 Blondie 80年单曲全新冠军水漾R&B版

3.Feel So Good-风靡全球超HOT天后凯莉Kylie友情跨刀

4.Whole Again-亚洲旗舰版特别加收轰动全球超级冠军抒情曲

‧团员丽姿SMASH HITS AWARD耀获《流行乐坛最佳穿着女性Most Fanciable Female》

‧英国权威排行榜网站dotmusic遴选"IT’S OK" 「2002年最佳单曲」之一


在日本,有一个综艺节目叫"Asayan五花八门浅草桥"。在英国,也有这样一个真人真事,只是它从来没被搬上萤光幕前,我们要告诉你这个故事,故事的主角叫做Atomic Kitten。1999年中,由接招幕后製作群一手打造的3人女子组合,3个女孩各有特色,能歌善舞,外型抢眼,立刻成为全球瞩目的重点新人。但也许这份宠爱来得太快,在市场的反应并不如预期及成员Kerry因为怀孕宣佈离团的情况下,让团体濒临解散。然唱片公司老板的支持下,加入新成员Jenny之后,3个女孩积极投入宣传活动,全新的AK(Atomic Kitten的缩写)就此诞生。

2001年2月,Whole Again发行首周就拿下英国金榜冠军,而且一举蝉连4个星期,成为英国2001年最畅销的单曲之一。这首歌的节奏轻快明朗,确立了AK式的「水漾 R&B」风格。同年夏天,翻唱自手镯合唱团1989年的冠军作品Eternal Flame,再度拿下英国排行2周冠军,并且在2周之后,首张专辑奇迹似的从榜外冲回榜首,拿下2周英国专辑榜冠军。英国媒体大篇幅的报导AK,说她们是自辣妹和圣女之后,英国的第一女子乐团,更赞扬她们是英国在本世纪第一个留名的女子团体。


2002年9月中,AK将发表他们的新专辑Feels So Good,延续AK擅长的「水漾R&B」乐风,这张专辑将包括让他们扬名立万的单曲Whole Again、今年5月登上Top 3的It’s OK和冠军单曲The Tide is High。而专辑也如预期一般在发行的首周即登上流行榜的冠军。

Feels So Good is the second studio album by girl group Atomic Kitten and the first full original album featuring Jenny Frost. The style of the album is comparable with the first album and consists mainly of pop ballads, happy songs and one cover version. After releasing a cover version of "Eternal Flame" on the previous album, Susanna Hoffs from The Bangles was asked to write a track for the album called "Love Doesn't Have To Hurt". The girls teamed up with Rob Davis for the songwriting and production of several songs and as a result, Kylie Minogue with whom he frequently collaborated, donated the song, "Feels So Good", to the album. Out of gratitude and because they feel it is a great title, the group decided to name the album after that song.

The album performed well on the charts with both Feels So Good sold 80,000 in its first week and the single "The Tide Is High" becoming number one the week before, selling 145,000 copies. They were the second girl band to have the number one in both the singles and albums charts at the same time, (after the Spice Girls). During the release of the single "The Last Goodbye / Be With You", the album climbed back to the top ten in two weeks. The album was certified double platinum and the album was certified Platinum by the IFPI for selling more than one million copies in Europe. The album was further promoted with the simultaneous release of the book Atomic Kitten: So Good, So Far by Ian McLeish in which the girl group gave an insight look into their early career.
