这位有女Jack Johnson之称的Tristin Prettyman,专辑中同时收录与天才型流行/民谣创作歌手Jason Mraz协奏对唱首支爆红单曲“Shy That Way”!与发掘Jack Johnson的恩师G.Love担任口琴伴奏的“Love Love Love”。 Twenty Three谱出了清新、香醇、甘甜、的沙滩民谣风,Tristan的甜熟歌声如顽皮的海鸥嘻戏在云衣花容碧海青天中,飘散的夏日香气在青春浪花下孕育出沙滩男孩的幸运女神。
A couple years ago, San Diego singer-songwriter Tristin Prettyman was a competitive surfer. These days, she seems to prefer staying out of the water but still under the stars. Her debut album seems custom made for sunset-hour clambakes and bonfires on the beach, a swell of acoustic guitars, quiet melodies and lapping waves that serenely come together on unadorned folk-pop songs like "The Story" and "Song For The Rich." G. Love plays harmonica on a pair of tracks, while beau Jason Mraz provides vocals for the sweet and tender "Shy That Way." But it's Prettyman's hazily magnificent voice--limited in range but dreamy in scope--that really keeps this album afloat.