




Beatservice Records


《Morning Star》是Flunk继《For Sleepyheads Only》后的第二张专辑,这次不但在去年秋天移师至法国巴黎灌录,而录音地点,更是Hotel de Roubaix的酒店房间!

在主题曲Morning Star里,Anja Oyen Vister的凄美主唱(声音象Bjork)、Ulf Nygaad的迷魂Dubby电子曲式、Jo Bakke的简朴结他,Flunk的声音仍是如斯迷人美好。先行单曲On My Balcony来得轻松清爽,一首甚讨好的夏日情怀小品流行曲(虽然现在并非时令之选)。某方面而言,这次他们来得较接近一支Indie-Pop乐队的气质(主要是Jo的结他弹奏较凸出),而相对地减低了Electronica的成分。

"Everything Is Ending Here"的爵士底蕴俨如一份糜烂的城市夜生活情怀。新尝试,是“I've Been Waiting All My Life To Leave You”的懒洋洋Country风情。

上次改编New Order,今次则重玩了英国殿堂乐队The Kinks的1964年名曲All Day And All Of The Night,由Anja与Ulf合唱,而Flunk竟前所未有地Funky起来。

Moonraker, a fine group that came of Boston in 1998, likes to describe their music as "livetronica" — which is their way of saying that while they have been greatly influenced by the melodies and rhythms of electronica, they aren't totally electronic themselves. And Moonraker's "livetronica" term could also apply to Morning Star, the second album by Norway's Flunk. Compositionally and melodically, this 2004 release owes a lot to the softer side of electronica — especially downtempo. But at the same time, Morning Star isn't total electronica in the strict sense; instead, what Flunk aims for on this decent sophomore outing is a healthy blend of electronica and alternative pop/rock with a touch of folk on occasion. Morning Star isn't just about beats; it's also about hypnotic songs that have real verses, real choruses, real lyrics and real vocals (thanks to the very Björk-minded Anja Øyen Vister). Morning Star has something for downtempo enthusiasts, but it also has something for the shoegazer/dream pop crowd; this is an album that can appeal to admirers of Dido, Portishead and early Lush (before they rocked out on 1995's Lovelife and the U.K. hit "Ladykillers") as well as Frou Frou and, of course, Björk. Morning Star underscores the fact that a group can be relevant to alternative pop/rock even though never rock; actually, rocking out doesn't even enter the picture on Morning Star, which is dominated by original material but also contains a cover of New Order's "True Faith." Instead of rocking, these grooves float — they float along in a consistently ethereal, dreamy atmospheric fashion. And Vister, who obviously shares Björk's love of subtlety and understatement, is quite appropriate for the job. Morning Star falls short of exceptional, but it's a noteworthy demonstration of Flunk's ability to unite downtempo and shoegazer/dream pop sensibilities with consistently likable results.
