




Insecure Men
Fat Possom Records


◎ 英伦恶名昭彰乐团Fat White Family吉他手Saul Adamczewski另起炉灶超级组合首张专辑

◎ 偕同已故传奇John Lennon儿子Sean Lennon+Lo-Fi乐团Childhood贝斯手Ben Romans-Hopcraft+前Fat White Family鼓手Jack Everett壮大阵营

◎ 吸收80年代Synthpop、50年代Easy Listening聆听感受、简单电子鼓与萨克斯风的融汇贯通并灌输80年代早期独立摇滚精神

英伦恶名昭彰乐团Fat White Family,在英国独立界掀起一波又一波脱序行为,引起不小话题与瞩目,经历6年疯狂行径后,吉他手Saul Adamczewski另起炉灶的投入Insecure Men乐团之中。2017年,Saul偕同已故传奇John Lennon儿子Sean Lennon+Lo-Fi乐团Childhood贝斯手Ben Romans-Hopcraft+前Fat White Family鼓手Jack Everett,以及键盘手Jon Catfish de Lorene、萨克斯风手Alex White合组Insecure Men,成军不到一年时间即推出首张同名专辑《Insecure Men》,由Sean Lennon一手担纲制作大任,Saul天马行空的想法,打造一出丰富多元的音乐风格!吸收80年代的Synthpop、50年代Easy Listening聆听感受、简单电子鼓与萨克斯风的融会贯通,还有灌输80年代早期独立摇滚精神!开场的〈Subaru Nights〉,异常舒服愉悦,如同徜徉海岛国家度假村,不时飘入海浪般声韵,轻松无压的令人听到嘴角上扬;鼓噪的〈Mekong Glitter〉,倒映Queen的〈We Will Rock You〉似狂野摇滚声浪,还不时敲击着噪音频率;曲末〈Buried In The Bleak〉,哼着恬淡歌谣,探索艺术高度和流畅度的完美平衡!

The album was recorded onto an ancient Tascam at Sean Lennon’s studio in upstate New York while Saul was working on the Moonlandingz album. It was subsequently produced by Sean and mixed by Marta Salogni.

Taking inspiration from the exotica of Arthur Lyman, the early electronic pop of Perrey and Kingsley, the supreme smoothness of The Carpenters, the songwriting chops of Harry Nilsson and the hypnagogic uncanniness conjured up by David Lynch it’s outwardly a charming exercise in timeless pop, exotica and easy listening however, there lurks a darker heart beneath the surface. As Saul says it’s “pretty music with a dark underbelly to it”.

The subject matter is just as weird, surreal and dark as you would expect. Cliff Has Left The Building is about “Operation Yew Tree’s greatest urban myth”; Whitney Houston & I (which features pre-teen pop singers the Honey Hahs) is about the similar ways in which the tragic mother and daughter, Bobbi, died (“It is a provocative song but I genuinely found the story unbearably sad”); while unashamed banger Mekong Glitter is about the now disgraced Gary Glitter (“I don’t think he should be let off the hook, I just want to ask why?” says Saul referring to the double standards applied to a lot of musicians who rose to fame and fortune during the 1970s.)

And that’s all before Subaru Nights which is a celebration of suburbia and exotica, like Mike Leigh’s Abigail’s Party soundtracked by the sounds of Martin Denny’s imaginary Hawaii, the unbelievably catchy Teenage Toy, which has a chorus rescued from a song by The Saudis (Lias and Saul’s pre-Fat White Family pub rock band) and the beautiful bittersweet love song I Don’t Wanna Dance (With My Baby). “This is definitely a much more honest account of who I am and where I come from,” concludes Saul.

Finally, after a handful of appearances in and around South London, the band head out on a U.K headline tour in March, including a show at the Scala in London.

The touring line up features up to 11 musicians on stage having settled down into a stable (but large) line-up centred round Saul (vocals/guitar), Ben (bass/backing vocals), Marley Mackey (Dirty Harrys) on lap steel, Victor Jakeman (Claw Marks) on organ, Joe Isherwood (We Smoke Fags) on keyboard, saxophonist Alex White and mysterious South London music teacher known only as Steely Dan on vibraphone and steel drums.
