




Lorna Shore
Outerloop Records


New Jersey-based metal band Lorna Shore is gearing up to release their sophomore full-length album, Flesh Coffin, on February 17, 2017 with Outerloop Records.

The band helped oversee the production duties alongside Carson Slovak and Grant McFarland, with the latter pair also handling the mixing duties. The group said of the album:

“The album as a whole is a mature understanding of what the band is. For the first time being in this band we have sought out to do what we wanted to and have accomplished that. For once we sat and thought about what it is we want to be way before we started writing opposed to in the past where we just threw whatever we had against the wall.

The fact that we have been more prepared this release shows since I don’t think there was anything on that album that we would want to change simply because we went over everything with due diligence. We put everything on the line since we don’t want a repeat of last album cycle where it just got lost and we had to claw and grind our way to get anything we could get.

We wanted to set ourselves up to have a great release and we made sure of it every step of the way. From brainstorming to demoing to picking the right studio to record at, to making sure everything was right before we left the studio, to now making sure our release is how we want it. We don’t want to leave anything up to chance and I think this release will show all the hard work that went into this.”
