《星际争霸Ⅱ:虚空之遗》中,大主教阿塔尼斯将力图把不同的星灵阵营团结起来。一场重夺艾尔的战役很快升级成了一次远征,所有人必须团结一致对抗远古恶神埃蒙以及他带给整个星区的威胁。 European version. Notes from Parent Album: Comes with the Collector's Edition version of the game StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. Composers: Jason Hayes, Mike Patti, Neal Acree, Glenn Stafford Featured Musicians: Ethnic Flutes (and other instruments): Pedro Eustache Stargazer: Diego Stocco Vocal Soloists: Laurie Ann Haus Orchestration Produced by Edo Guidotti Orchestration: M.W. Alexander & Penka Kouneva Score Copy & Prep Services: RPM Seattle Music Preparation Conducted by Eímear Noone Score Mixing by Nicholai Baxter & John Kurlander Coordination & Planning by Caroline Hernandez, Colton Carmine, Paul Hatfield Artist Relations: Andrea Toyias, Michael Roache Album Mastering by Bernie Grundman Mastering, Hollywood, CA Album Produced by Jason Hayes --- Jason Hayes, Mike Patti: 1-3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13-14, 16, 19, 20-21 Jason Hayes, Neal Acree: 4, 7, 12, 15, 17 Jason Hayes, Mike Patti, Glenn Stafford: 5, 9, 18