★Paste 8.2 / UNCUT 7 / DIY ★★★★好评推荐
爱情和青春一样古怪而难解。2009年伦敦男孩Max Bloom和Daniel Blumberg在Cajun Dance Party解散后另起炉灶,与分别来自美国纽泽西与日本广岛的Jonny Rogoff、Mariko Doi组成Yuck,2011年瀰漫浓郁90年代乡愁的首张同名《Yuck》,用浪漫的吉他弦律与躁动青春气息,谱出了Dinosaur Jr、Built to Spill、Pavement、Teenage Fanclub身影缭绕的复古夏日情怀。
2013年主唱Daniel Blumberg离团,新任吉他手Ed Hayes递补,Max Bloom成为主唱与乐队核心,随后推出的单曲〈Rebirth〉,曲名和迷濛吉他的瞪鞋声响皆象徵著乐队的新生,同年推出的第二张专辑《Glow & Behold》与2014年《Southern Skies》EP中,重新探索方向的Yuck身上,皆染著电影氛围更加浓郁的瞪鞋/缓飙感伤情调。
睽违三年的新作《Stranger Things》,Yuck重拾低传真声响,回到曾经打造首张专辑的Max Bloom父母自宅录製,首波公开的〈Hold Me Closer〉毛躁吉他声响如内在焦躁与徬徨般巨大,〈Cannonball〉Superchunk式单刀直入的率真畅快,〈Like A Moth〉彷彿Elliott Smith的脆弱苍白,〈As I Walk Away〉Mariko Doi纯淨嗓音下如沐春风的Dream Pop和煦温度,以至〈Yr Face〉渗透的幽暗迷幻气息,《Stranger Things》在Max Bloom掌舵下日益丰富的编曲层次与流畅旋律间,终究回到同名单曲〈Stranger Things〉青葱吉他下反覆唱著I Hate Myself的心碎自白,唱的仍是那些少年强说愁的自溺情怀。
Late last year brought the surprise release of a new track from Yuck called “Hold Me Closer”. Turns out it’s the lead single to the UK noise rockers’ forthcoming studio album, Stranger Things, out February 26th via Mamé Records. Today, the 11-track LP is being previewed with another new cut, “Hearts in Motion”.
“’Hearts In Motion’ is a song about how we deal with relationships,” says singer Max Bloom. “We’re all just blasting through space on a huge rock, so what’s the point in maintaining a relationship? Is it all just doomed to failure, or is it the one thing that we should be holding on to the most in this world? Who knows!”
The track finds the band extremely comfortable in their garage pop sound, hook-ridden and driving. Guitars bop about even as they build to a slightly dejected fall, an experience much like keeping a positive outlook even as your heart breaks a little.
In support of the record, Yuck will trek through the US and Canada this spring.