




Blitz Club


《Hearts and Knives》,一张时隔29年的回归之作,来自于80年代新浪漫运动的先驱乐队Visage。


看到近年间OMD、Ultravox等同期乐队的重组活动都取得相当不俗的回响,我想这是促使Steve Strange让以他为首的英伦New Romantic运动头号乐队Visage重出江湖的一大因由。重整旗鼓而来的Visage,还立下决心创作与灌录了乐队继《Beatboy》后足足二十九年来的全新专辑《Hearts and Knives》。

毋庸置疑,Steve Strange是最具代表性「新浪漫Icon」人物,但我们却深明他从不是具有才华的乐手,甚至他也没有Boy George的金嗓子。昔日Visage的优秀,是全凭其新浪潮精英乐手班底所打造出来。所以对于其回归之作,诚然自己也不敢寄以怎样的厚望。毕竟乐队解散前的《Beatboy》专辑不是叫人听得大感失望吗?

有别於多年前Visage复出时带来的Electro-Pop取向,今次Steve Strange在Visage的第四张专辑《Hearts and Knives》里,是实行要让乐队回归那种有着电气肌理(即昔日所指的未来主义)的New Wave曲风。

在乐团的阵容中有《Beatboy》时期的低音结他手Steve Barnacle、《Systems of Romance》时期Ultravox的结他手Robin Simon,而Lauren Duvall的和唱亦为其作品添上一定的浪漫色彩。更何况客席乐手中更有前Visage成员兼Magazine的Dave Formula、Simple Minds的键琴手Mick MacNeil与制作人Youth参与,还有大量采用回Analog Synth演奏,甚至唱片封套的摄影师,也是曾为首张同名专辑《Visage》及第三张专辑《Beatboy》操刀的Peter Ashworth。那麽,Visage可会达至回勇状态呢?

《Hearts and Knives》的开场曲〈Never Enough〉,正是那种带着Euro-Disco节奏的新浪潮摇滚歌曲。可见到,Steve Strange乃努力复刻昔日的新浪漫/新浪潮声音,说时装与形象的主打单曲〈Shameless Fashion〉令人联想起第二张专辑《The Anvil》时的〈Anvil (Night Club School)〉,〈She's Electric (Coming Around)〉的Beatbox前奏似十足其新浪漫金曲〈Fade to Grey〉,甚至〈On We Go〉总带着《Vienna》时期Ultravox的曲风影子。只是今天的歌曲,都未能叫人听得起劲,彷佛缺乏了应有的活力与抢耳元素,而显得平平无奇。

对比之下,我宁取〈Hidden Sign〉以及流水行云之作〈Dreamer I Know〉的浪漫气息,以及在肥厚Bassline下〈Lost In Static〉的Art Rock气息。(袁智聪)

Hearts & Knives is the title of the fourth Visage album. It is not only a paraphrased lyric from the lead single Shameless Fashion, but also a metaphor for the past 29 years of Steve Strange and Visage.

Life is always mixture of trials, highs and lows. There are always people, situations and circum- stances to cut you down (the knives), however the love, compassion and caring that has surrounded Steve Strange throughout his life is truly heartfelt.

The first song to be written for the album was co-written with long time collaborator and former Visage and Magazine keyboard player Dave Formula. ‘Diaries Of A Madman’ is a sneaky tongue and cheek vocal poke at Steve’s detractors. This and new songs crafted with Steve Barnacle and Robin Simon proved to be the catalytic creative spark to bring the album together. With a this core classic (and analogue) Visage sound in place the picture slowly started forming and the band reached out (once again) to Martin Rushent. He suggested the blueprint for the album and had began working on the first tracks before his untimely death in 2010. Undeterred, the Visage then reached out for further songwriting collaborations. Mick MacNeil, the creative musical core of Simple Minds, contributed to two songs the classic sounding ‘She’s Electric (Coming Around)’ and the radio-friendly ‘Dreamer I Know’ (which was also co-written with 80s super producer Youth). The Welsh connection was further extended when Visage co-wrote three songs with Rich Mowatt.

The sound of ‘Hearts & Knives’ is classic Visage, with the odd tip of the hat to modern production values. Most 80s groups reforming and making albums shy away from using the classic analogue hardware synthesizers. They remember how much work it was, and it’s all plug ins and software these days. Not Visage. All synthesizers on the album (aside from one bassline) are analogue. The production by John Bryan and analogue synthesizer collector Sare Havlicek is firmly rooted in the 80s.
