全新双G音乐品种 Grime +Garage 再造音乐面貌
特别收录2005时尚新国歌「All The Way」重现迪斯可年代复古动感乐风
音乐这东西说来简单,不过是弦律、节奏、和声的组合而已,在经过人类这麽多世代的演进之後,你几乎要怀疑,到底还能有些什麽新花样?然而这位开创了2 Step/Garage曲风、改变了R&B/Urban音乐定义、创下一千三百万张销售纪录、被Q杂志誉为「本世纪首位英国乐坛巨星」、年仅24岁的创作歌手-克雷格大卫(Craig David),再度用第三张大碟,证明了音乐在他手中,永远能变出新口味!
1999年以一首与Artful Dodger合作的冠军单曲"Rewind"篡红,同年底发行的首张专辑「Born To Do It」,迅速抢下英国金榜冠军,并获得全球20多个国家的超白金销售认证;2000年冠军单曲"Fill Me In"更让他成为英国史上最年轻的排行冠军男歌手。2003年,第2张专辑「Slicker Than Your Average」续创佳绩,专辑登上英国金榜第4位,并推出多首TOP 10单曲,其中改编自史汀名曲"Shape Of My Heart"的"Rise & Fall",不仅再度为他拿下冠军,也被时代杂志誉为"年度最重量级的合作"。步入乐坛以来,克雷格大卫获奖无数,2座MTV欧洲音乐奖、6座英国黑人音乐奖(MOBO)与6座英国创作人学院大奖(Ivor Novello),并两度入围葛莱美奖及MTV音乐大奖,外加全英音乐奖的9项提名。除了销售、奖项以及无数的媒体好评,才华洋溢的小克更是赢得西洋乐坛重量级人物一致推崇,连史汀、蜜西艾莉特、吹牛老爹、珍妮佛洛佩兹、亚瑟小子、碧昂丝都成了他的头号粉丝。
成功带来的忙碌使克雷格大卫选择将生活重心暂时转移,抛开长期在镁光灯前的紧绷态势,以放松心情面对自我,2005年的全新大碟【音乐进化论】就是在这样闲适从容的心情下完成的。小克充满热情、性感的唱腔里,添加了成熟内敛的韵味,同时还注入了一种别具生活情趣的愉悦。专辑里大多数的歌曲仍由长期制作搭档Mark Hill掌舵,同时也加入The Underdogs、Rick Nowles等美籍制作群。始终引领音乐潮流的他,这回将Grime与Garage乐风融合,同时引用了一些复古音乐元素,再次创造出全新双G音乐新品种。专辑里的13首歌曲创作灵感均撷取这两年来生活片段,每首歌都蕴藏一段精采故事在其中:有彻底奉行派对主义,散发放克、迪斯可热力的玩乐首选单曲"All The Way";有描述心碎与失落的情绪交织的真情小品" Don’t Love You No More (I’m Sorry)";也有带着自传色彩的"Johnny"诉说着求学时期遭遇校园暴力的感慨;此外,也收录写给外婆献给挚爱母亲的动人情歌佳作"Let Her Go"。
by Sharon Mawer
The Story Goes... was the third album by British R&B singer Craig David, following his breakthrough number one in 2000, Born to Do It, and Slicker Than Your Average. Picking himself up and signing to Warner Bros. after the demise of his Wildstar/Telstar record label, David offered The Story Goes... as a very personal album filled with his own experiences over the past few years, including his own relationship breakdown in "Don't Love You No More (I'm Sorry)," being mesmerized by a woman during his partying phase on the tracks "Hypnotic" and "Just Chillin'," and another doomed liaison on the song "One Last Dance." The song "Johnny" delved deeper into his past as he explored the subject of bullying, and the line "I didn't want to tell you anything in case it made things worse" would strike a chord with many a victim. The first two tracks, "All the Way" and "Don't Love You No More (I'm Sorry)," both became Top Ten hit singles. David had a unique style of singing more words than should have been able to fit into each line, but it worked for him. "Separate Ways" was back to "Fill Me In" standards, and he also had a habit of answering his own lines through a voicebox, as on "Thief in the Night." He strayed into Enrique Iglesias territory on the song "Unbelievable," but without the smoldering Latin passion. Produced by long-term David collaborator Mark Hill, The Story Goes... appeared to fall between an urban R&B-flavored Usher-styled album and his earlier more hip-hop-influenced work with the Artful Dodger. It couldn't be both.