曾有一位国外的乐评人听了郎朗的一次独奏会后写道:“每隔一、二十年,就会有一位表演艺术家,冲破那层将古典音乐与更广泛的听众隔离开的樊篱。郎朗,这个中国男孩,就是这样一个有着燃烧的天才和热情慷慨的个性的年轻人。”而这套由DG最新推出的郎朗精 选专辑《最爱与珍藏》无疑是这一评价提供了最佳注脚。在这套选曲全面、且颇具代表性的专辑中,郎朗告诉了许多为他而初次聆听古典音乐的听众:其实古典音乐离他们并不遥远。
郎朗的这套精选唱片分“最爱”与“珍藏”两张,所谓“最爱”自然是郎朗最出色,最受人喜爱的录音选段,在这张精选碟中,从古典乐派到当代作曲家的作品都有涉及,堪称是郎朗杰出的艺术才能的最佳体现。郎朗指下的海顿奏鸣曲、舒伯特的“流浪者幻想曲”等古 典派作品,风格之纯正,把握之到位,令人难以相信这是出自一位20岁出头的中国男孩之手。而肖邦的夜曲、李斯特的爱之梦、拉赫玛尼诺夫和柴可夫斯基的钢琴协奏曲等,总所周知是郎朗的拿手好戏。“最爱”中还选入了出自专辑《黄河之子》中的《黄河颂》、《春舞 》、《平湖秋月》,郎朗同样以出神入化的演奏让人们通过这一幅幅以音符“画”成的美妙“画卷”让世界看到中国,也使这些乐曲真正的走向了世界的音乐舞台。
这套精选的更大惊喜是在第二张CD“珍藏”上,“彩云追月”是中国家喻户晓的名曲,郎朗也经常在世界各地的音乐会上加演这首曲子,深受欢迎,此次是郎朗演奏的《彩云追月》首次以CD形式面世,喜欢《黄河之子》的朋友,这个录音当然不容错失。在“珍藏” 中,同样是首次发行的还有李斯特的《彼德拉克十四行诗之104》、拉赫玛尼诺夫的《g小调前奏曲》和贝多芬的《D大调奏鸣曲》,其中前两首是郎朗音乐会上的拿手曲目,也是人们期待已久的郎朗录音,贝多芬的《D大调奏鸣曲》则是为四手联弹作的,郎朗的合作对 象是他的恩师,大名鼎鼎的指挥家兼钢琴家艾森巴赫,其珍贵程度不言而喻。
郎朗近年来常涉足跨界领域,依然成就非凡。其中,他与好莱坞配乐大师德斯普莱特(《色戒》)合作《面纱》(The Painted Veil)曾获得2007年金球奖最佳电影配乐奖, “珍藏”中选入了《面纱》中的两首曲子,让你一扫这部电影原声大碟未在国内发行的遗憾。迈克·奥菲尔德(Mike Oldfield)是当代欧美乐坛最负盛名的电子音乐大师之一,他力邀郎朗加盟他的最新专辑《天体之乐》(Music of the Spheres),两人的合作果然擦出火花,这张碟08年推出第一周便在英国的流行音乐榜上杀入前十,这张专辑国内同样没有引进,喜爱郎朗的朋友只有这张精选碟上享受郎朗的跨界成就。
作为郎朗辉煌的音乐生涯的首张精选唱片,选择什么时机在国内市场推出也颇费思量。在郎朗心目中,2008北京奥运会有着非同一般的意义。作为当今在海外最具知名度的中国人之一,郎朗从来不遗余力地为中国人首次举办的奥运会摇旗呐喊。为了拍摄奥运宣传片 《郎朗的歌——献给2008》,他花了近两年,走遍祖国名山大川,名胜古迹;他还应邀出任德国国家电视台(ZDF)首位文化大使,奥运期间,他将作为嘉宾主播,坐镇北京向欧洲乃至全球的观众介绍北京奥运和中国文化;对于是否在北京奥运会的开幕式上表演,郎 朗更是爽快地表示,将在他繁忙的档期中空出整整一个月待在北京,随时等待祖国的召唤。在北京奥运即将开幕之际推出这张最能代表自己艺术成就的《最爱与珍藏》,也正是郎朗向2008北京奥运会献上的一份厚礼。
2008.1 出任万宝龙文化基金会主席
2008.2 获格莱美奖提名,并在格莱美颁奖仪式上演奏
2008.4 出任索尼品牌代言人
2008.5 推出自传《千里之行》
2008.6 奥运宣传片《郎朗的歌——献给2008》公映
2008.6 阿迪达斯为推出郎朗特别版经典球鞋
2008.6 获得荷兰爱迪生音乐大奖
2008.6 携手梅塔、维也纳爱乐乐团为欧洲足球锦标赛决赛助兴
2008.7 环球唱片推出首张精选专辑《最爱与珍藏》
2008.8 北京奥运会,担任德国国家电视台嘉宾主播
Lang Lang’s appearance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics has made him the world’s most visible pianist at this point of time. This double CD set, well-timed for the Olympic splash, presents highlights – mostly bleeding chunks - from his four previous albums on the German yellow label, and several extras.
There are hits: a hair-raising reading of Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 in Horowitz’s transcription (which just about out-Horowitzes Horowitz), several Chinese melodies pieces including Lu Wenchen’sAutumn Moon on a Calm Lake, Sun Yiqiang’s Spring Dance and Ode to the Yellow River, the second movement of the Yellow River Concerto. These are very idiomatically performed, and one could not desire more from these performances. There are also movements from Beethoven (slow movement from Piano Concerto No.4), Tchaikovsky (finale from Piano Concerto No.1) and Rachmaninov (18th Variationfrom the Paganini Rhapsody). These are at the very least a fair representation of his concerto output.
Among the other solo highlights are popular pieces – Schumann’sTraumerei, Liszt’s Liebestraum No.3 and Chopin’s Nocturne in D flat (Op.17 No.2), the latter two taken from his Carnegie Hall Recital. Someone at DG had the sense of excluding some of Lang Lang’s artistically objectionable moments – the first and third movements of Chopin’s Third Sonata (did he mistake Op.58 to be the Funeral March Sonata?), for example.
The bonus CD of “Rarities” is a mixed bag. The best 6 minutes are reserved for a lovely and vibrant performance of Beethoven’s Sonata in D major (Op.6) for four hands with veteran pianist-turned-conductor Christoph Eschenbach. Pity its only a work in two movements. The previously unreleased Rachmaninov Prelude in G minor (Op.23 No.5) and Liszt Petrarch Sonnet No.104 should have remained so – these needlessly self-indulgent performances display narcissism at its worst. In the former, his exaggerations of his teacher Gary Graffman’s accents (in his CBS / Sony recording) are a parody - simply perverse - while the latter is stretched to an interminable 9 minutes.
There are also several sound bites from soundtracks (The Banquet andThe Painted Veil) and a totally forgettable collaboration with Andrea Bocelli. These will hold little interest to the serious pianophile. This Chinese phenom has certainly more talent than good taste. If only he'd put those genuine talents to better use.