




Leigh Nash
Nettwerk / One Son



或许,Leigh Nash 对你来说是个不熟悉的名字,事实上,她身为葛莱美提名乐团「莲儿与啷噹六便士Sixpence None The Richer」的女主唱莲儿,自1992年于德州成军以来,便一直以有如蓝天白云的姿态,为流行摇滚乐坛带来一股如夏风拂面的清新爽畅。除畅销曲”Kiss Me”外,《当真爱来敲门》的”Need To Be Next To You”、 《槓上富家女》的 ”Charmed Life”等脍炙人口的电影主题曲,都让Leigh Nash的声音深植人心。

2004年啷噹六便士解散后,1976年次的她不但当上了母亲,同时也发表了第一张单飞后的个人专辑《Blue On Blue》。从首曲”Along The Wall”开始,Leigh那甜美清亮依旧的嗓音,便充满抚慰人心的效果,更多了一份成熟的淡淡感伤;作为首支单曲发行的”My Idea of Heaven”是一首洋溢浓情蜜意的美丽情歌,有如一盏透彻灯火,照亮所有恋爱的心。”Ocean Size Love“是本张专辑的第二首单曲,以钢琴开场摆曳出开阔的气势,Leigh转圜自如的嗓音与铿锵旋律,展现出平常少见的坚定力量,更添感情的深度与广度,曲末恢复温柔甜美的感受,则又取得癒疗人心的平衡,是一首充满力道、引人入胜的情歌绝品。

流畅而充满诗意意象的”Nervous in the Light of Dawn”在都会感十足的旋律中,吟唱著对人生的深刻感触与闪耀的希望;接下来,充满流行明亮感的”Never Finish”后,略带神秘的” Between the Lines”展现出另一种冷凝而令人低迴的风味,令人回想起八零年代post-punk的低调风貌;感情真挚的”More of It”与”Angel Tonight”以不折不扣的流行摇滚曲风摇撼耳膜后,充满有趣色彩隐喻的” Blue”充分显示出这个颜色的多变:可以忧鬱如冰,也可以澎湃如海,也充满如水温柔抚慰的和平力量。” Cloud Nine”是一首淘气、疯狂的女孩宣言,也宣告著Leigh Nash永恆不变的青春活力;最后,”Just a Little ”则以极为优美的悠缓吟唱,做出绕樑三日的完美句点。

听著Leigh Nash那甜而不腻、随著岁月飞逝更添一份轻柔感伤的歌声,所有属于世俗的烦恼,彷彿都可以抛到脑后,一份蹴手可及、近在咫尺的心灵清泉,取一杓而饮,畅快无比。


by Jason MacNeil

Blue on Blue, the debut solo album from the former lead singer of Sixpence None the Richer, is basically a natural evolution of her years honing her craft. The result is a very light and melodic record brimming with tight but not overly produced tracks that would fare well alongside Sarah McLachlan and Natalie Merchant, especially on the pretty opener "Along the Wall" that has sweet harmonies. She also manages to steal the spotlight with her soft, steady pipes on the tender midtempo and somewhat melancholic "Nervous in the Light of Dawn" that sounds like she's covering something by Stevie Nicks. A slight orchestral flair accenting the tune doesn't hurt either. Leigh Nash makes the melding of roots and folk with pop quite well judging by the cheerful toe-tapper "My Idea of Heaven" with its quaint melody and reggae-like vibe running underneath the song. The first ballad is the Coldplay-ish "Ocean Size Love" that has her sounding like a cross between Norah Jones and Dolly Parton with better than expected results. The biggest asset the album has is that there are no peaks, mainly because there are no valleys, with "Never Finish" being another surprising nugget of radio-friendly, adult contemporary pop. The first track that is at best adequate is "Between the Lines," which sounds like it has fallen through the cracks somewhat, a rather run-of-the-mill pop tune. A better effort is the cute "Angel Tonight" that brings to mind Michelle Branch or Vanessa Carlton in some respects, while she rocks out a bit with the edgier "Blue." The album concludes with "Just a Little," which has a distinct lullaby quality to it in the vein of the Beatles.
