◎Ricky Martin、Wisin & Yandel、Gente D` Zona等明星助唱,撩起正宗牙买加
「夜店天王」Pitbull再度来袭,无法抵挡的热浪直逼各大夜店现场,不让辣妹们尽情扭腰摆臀、舞到香汗淋漓,绝不善罢甘休!在嘻哈与电子领域中注入拉丁气息,魅力十足的掌握音乐时髦脉动,各大巨星指名合作对象、许多新秀排队等候站台加持的Pitbull,具备音乐人、创作者、企业家、配音声优、演员等多重身分,个人生涯至今缔造全球500万张专辑+6000万单曲的销售天量,曾在超过15个国家缔造排行冠军纪录,音乐录影带的总点击率突破70亿门槛,于好莱坞星光大道上拥有属于自己的一颗星,成立旗下厂牌「Mr. 305 Inc」培育新秀,积极扩张事业版图。可以英文和西班牙双语演唱的Pitbull,拿下拉丁葛莱美奖座加冕,2010年发行首张完整西文专辑《Armando》,登上拉丁榜亚军、饶舌榜第6名,获颁拉丁区域金唱片销售肯定,抱回拉丁音乐Lo Nuestro Award的「年度最佳都会专辑」大奖喝采!
相距5年之久,Pitbull二度回归拉丁市场,交出《Dale》新作品,超过10组的製作群,齐力加强热情舞动旋律,突显拉丁嘻哈最狂野的气息!正宗牙买加Dancehall组建的〈Piensas (Dile la Verdad)〉,获得3座拉丁葛莱美的团队Gente D` Zona帮腔,同时将古巴的迷人气息点缀其中;多明尼加饶舌歌手Don Miguelo,一起煽动热带国家的摇摆舞韵;Pitbull旗下「Mr. 305 Inc」力捧才子Fuego感恩回馈〈Mami Mami〉,撩起属于夏日乐章;流行女神Lady Gaga幕后推手RedOne背书力捧的潮男Mohombi+缔造6张告示牌拉丁榜冠军专辑的Wisin & Yandel双人组之Wisin,在〈Baddest Girl In Town〉拉丁雷鬼风格中添入复古美派Funky调调;掀起拉丁风潮的男神Ricky Martin也来热闹一番,主掌〈Haciendo Ruido〉带劲的强烈电舞;Wisin & Yandel双人组的Yandel领唱〈No Puedo Mas〉,透过Synthpop的旋律,取样英伦新浪潮部队The Human League大红歌〈Don’t You Want Me〉,巧妙的结合提供意外惊喜!
“Dale” is the upcoming second Spanish and ninth overall studio album by American rapper and producer Pitbull. It’s scheduled to be released 17 July 2015 via Sony Latin, RCA, Mr. 305 and Polo Grounds.
This album arrives five years after his latest Spanish-language LP “Armando“, released in 2010. It comes preceded by the lead single “Piensas (Dile la verdad)“ with the collaboration of Cubaton group Gente De Zona, and the international viral smash “El taxi” with Sensato and Osmani Garcia.
A new track taken from the album called “El Party” featuring Cuban artist El Micha surfaced online on May 20th.
The next single “Baddest Girl In Town” with the collaboration of Mohombi and Wisin was released on digital retailers on June 8th.